Recovery Level- 9

Despite the remarkable abilities of his family members, Ram was the only one in the family who had not yet awakened his own profession, a fact that often weighed on his mind. If it weren't for the knowledge that he possessed a Golden Finger, he might have succumbed to long bouts of depression due to his inability to awaken his profession.

As he sat there waiting for the food to arrive, Ram observed Liam and Lisa bickering with each other, a familiar sight. Meanwhile, he found himself lost in thought, recalling the attribute panel and examining the values of his Physique and Spirit: 

[Physique: 0.99]

[Spirit: 2.44]

"The Spirit is increasing slowly, but physique is still struck at 0.99, or should I accept the offer of Shadow Society to try their new awakening method?" Ram pondered to himself as he glanced at the attribute panel. His Spirit had steadily increased, surpassing the limits of normal humans, thanks to his high soul strength gained from his rebirth. However, his Physique remained stuck at 0.99, a bottleneck that ordinary humans faced. 

Ram pondered over his options, weighing his past efforts against the stagnant state of his Physique. "I've already tried most known awakening methods," he thought to himself. "Is the Shadow Society my only remaining option?" He contemplated whether to accept the offer from the Shadow Society to try their new awakening method, hoping it might offer a solution to his stagnant Physique. He had a strong hunch that once his physic breakthrough the bottleneck he should be able to awaken and use his Golden Finger. 

With his sister's successful awakening leaving him as the only one in the family who hadn't awakened, Ram finally made the decision to reach out to the Shadow Society.

 As Ram pondered whether to contact the Shadow Society, the waitress arrived with their meal. The spread included Roasted Fire Chicken Thighs and Wings, as well as Pork Ribs of Black Pig accompanied by special Fried Rice. 

Both Fire Chicken and Black Pig were Black Iron or Tier-1 monsters renowned for their meat, having evolved from common chicken and pig species due to exposure to Reiki. Their flavorful and tender meat made them sought-after delicacies in the world of awakened beings. The aroma of the dishes filled the air, enticing them with its savory fragrance.

While they enjoyed their lunch, Liam shared some of his experiences as a professional, offering guidance to Lisa as she adjusted to her awakening powers and discussed university life. Ram, on the other hand, listened attentively. As a non-awakener, he couldn't contribute much to the conversation about professionals, nor could he attend university like awakeners do, as only they had the privilege of completing their education at such institutions.

After lunch, Ram went to pay at the register, there was a middle-aged woman at the counter, and even before he arrived near the counter, the boss lady readied their bill and greeted him politely. The total food cost him around 27.3 points Life Energy, Life Energy Crystals, and Spiritual Power Crystals are common currency used all over the Federation, Life Energy crystals is a special energy crystals condensed after killing monsters which can be used by awakeners to cultivate, recover physical strength and many other uses. Any Life Energy Crystal obtained from killing a Tier-1 (Black Iron) monster contains about 1 to 10 points of Life Energy. For 27.3 LEP you need to kill at least more than 5 to 6 monsters if you're lucky. 

One point of Life Energy can be roughly estimated as one Megajoule and a typical strong ordinary human produces around 8 points of Life energy every day. It's a huge amount for ordinary people or even low-level awakeners, however for him it's not much. He was born into a good family who cares about him very much. But he also has a special way of making Life Energy using the only skill of his Golden Finger 'Recovery Lev -9'. 

[ Skill: 

 1. Recovery Lev -9: Restores 1% of total health every minute. ]

This skill gives him the ability to recover 1% of his total health and energy every minute. Every night he uses empty Life Energy Crystals to inject 5 - 6 points of his own Life Energy to fill them and restore the lost energy through the Recovery Skill, it was not like this before but when the skill reached Level -9, he found that he was already proficient to manipulate and extract his own Life Energy. He simply paid three Life Energy Crystals with 10 points each and left the restaurant looking back at the happy face of the middle-aged boss lady for the extra tip of 2.7 LEP. Later he dropped Lisa at his house and Liam at his and went on his own towards the outskirts of the city to meet with his contact, who can help him reach members of the Shadow Society. 

After driving for about 15 minutes in his car, he soon arrived at an old store that repairs motorcycles and other medium size vehicles, there was an old man working outside the store. This old man was his contact point with the Shadow Society. As far as his knowledge went, the Shadow Society is one of the forbidden factions outlawed all over the Federation. There are rumors of Shadow Society engagement in nefarious activities—kidnapping, drug trafficking, weapon smuggling, and conducting forbidden arts. Whispers even hinted at their involvement in eerie and unnatural experiments, defying the laws of nature by enslaving humans through illegal awakenings. 

He thinks the rumors are too exaggerated, but even if he knows that the rumors are true, he can only follow the methods of the Shadow Society to become an awakener. He got out of his car walked near the old man and spoke casually, "Hey, Old man Smith how are you doing?" 

The old man, aged around 70 to 80, is toiling away in the broken mechanic shed. His cloths hangs in tatters, worn down by years of labor. Black grease marks are all around his hands and arms, evidence of his dedication to his craft. Yet, if one were to gaze into his eyes, they would find them remarkably bright, unlike the weariness that might be expected at his age.

[ Name: Smith Bertrand, Age: 78/132]

[ Race: ???/Human]

[ Profession: Tier -?? Mechanic]

[ Physique ???]

[ Spirit ???]

[ Talent: ????]