Profession: Tier -1 Spiritual Planter (Black Iron)

As the doctor left, Ram experienced a surge of relief. He focused on the energies coursing within his body, originating seemingly out of nowhere, rendering him unable to discern their nature, it felt similar to how the Recovery skill worked before but slightly different, this time there was something more than just Life Energy inside his body. 

Curious, with no one around to disturb him this time he was finally able to check his attribute panel. 

[ Name: Ram, Age: 22/ 73]

[ Profession: Spiritual Planter Tier -1 (Black Iron)] 

[ Health: 27/100 (Current Health/Max Health)]

[ Spiritual Power: 10/100 (Current Spiritual Power/Max Spiritual Power)]

[ Physique 2.07]

[ Spirit 3.08]

"Does this have anything to do with the Mind Shadow Parasite?" His stats look similar to before, but there were some big changes. His max lifespan dropped by 20 years, from 93 to 73. Must be because he used his own lifespan in exchange for an opportunity to awaken. 

"I think it was worth sacrificing 20 years of my life to awaken but losing twenty years is a big deal." Ram sighed, but when he saw that his Level had changed from Un-awakened to Tier -1 with a profession called Spiritual Planter, he couldn't contain his joy. "Finally, after all the hard work and time, I've reached the Black Iron level of awakening."

In accordance with diverse statistics, following the reiki recovery, most individual holds the potential to unlock various talents. Nonetheless, two crucial prerequisites must be met for this awakening. Firstly, a person must possess adequate physical strength, encompassing strength, speed, and endurance. Secondly, increase the gene optimization, when genetic optimization of the human body reaches a certain level, it will be like breaking through a shackle, the strength will be greatly improved, and there will even be a small probability that some special abilities will appear which are called talents. 

Both the first and second prerequisites relate to each other, increasing the body strength will slowly increase the gene optimization. Humans can also use different genetic medicines to increase the gene optimization level quickly which in turn boosts physical strength. However, it's not easy for common people to use genetic medicine due to its high cost and rarity. 

Here the Mind Shadow Parasite can do both, giving its host a higher chance of awakening with stronger talents. Despite the associated cost of a diminished lifespan, many individuals, will not hesitate to have this chance, including him. His rationale for considering this path stems from a disheartening past. Despite being hailed as a prodigy and receiving praise since childhood, everything took a downturn upon reaching the age of awakening. The reason is his inability to absorb and store the reiki around him, coupled with an incapacity to increase genetic optimization through either genetic medicine or exercise.

However, now that he had finally become a Professional, Ram felt a mix of emotions swirling within him. On one hand, there was the exhilaration of achieving a milestone he had long pursued. Yet, on the other hand, there was a faint twinge of apprehension about the cost he had paid for this newfound power. Nevertheless, his heart was filled with determination, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him in his life.

Ram's next big surprise came when he discovered his newly awakened profession: Spiritual Planter. It wasn't what he thought he'd get, but it sparked his curiosity. Compared to the rare profession of Beast Master his sister awakened, Spiritual Planter is an ordinary Profession. Not only that, but the bonuses he received with each level up were also lower than what his sister got with her rare profession. He realized that while Beast Master was focused on combat, Spiritual Planter was all about providing support and control. 

During the early stages of reiki revival, the reiki index across the entire Blue Star remains very low for the first 20 to 30 years. In fact, plants are the ones that mutate first compared to animals and humans after the reiki revival. Similar to humans and monsters, plants also had the potential to become spiritual plants through the absorption of Reiki. 

At that time, plants are the sole entities capable of absorbing the sparse reiki in the atmosphere and transforming into Spiritual Plants. The fruits produced by these Spiritual Plants contain high concentrations of pure reiki, making them incredibly valuable. They are used as awakening materials or to create Gene Potions that can boost Genetic Levels.

With the rising value of Spiritual Plants, a new profession emerged called Spiritual Planter, as more people became involved in cultivating them. Spiritual Planters are dedicated to the cultivation of Spiritual Plants. However, as the reiki index increased over the centuries, it became simpler to cultivate Spiritual Plants using Growth Potions. Now, even ordinary people can cultivate low-level Spiritual Plants with some study and practice.

Nonetheless, Professional Spiritual Planters remained renowned. They had the unique ability to accelerate plant growth using their own spiritual power, without relying on external potions. There are numerous advanced paths for Spiritual Planters to follow in the future, ranging from ordinary quality to top Lord quality. However, in the early stages, lacking combat abilities makes it challenging for Spiritual Planters to reach high levels.

Next is Health, the maximum amount unchanged is still 100 points or 100% of his health, however, this 100% is different from the previous 100%, as he became an awakener his life essence also evolved from ordinary to Black Iron level which is five to six times of original value when he was still an ordinary person. 

Observing the red bar indicating a mere 27% of his total health remaining and the blue bar signaling a critical 10% of spiritual power left, he understood the severity of his current condition. "My health is in the red zone, which might be the side effect of extracting a large amount of life span in a very short time, I need to recover as soon as possible." Ram thought to himself when he looked at his depleted health, while his eyes were attracted to the additional attribute of Spiritual Power, "Spiritual Power, should be the energy cultivated by absorbing the Reiki by professionals to use spiritual skill, I don't know how strong my spiritual talent is?"

This attribute should be crucial for Spiritual Planters as they advance in their profession. Spiritual Power determines their ability to manipulate and enhance the growth of Spiritual Plants, as well as their proficiency in utilizing spiritual energy for various tasks. As Spiritual Planters delve deeper into their profession, mastering Spiritual Power becomes essential for achieving greater success and unlocking new levels of cultivation prowess.

This attribute becomes crucial for Spiritual Planters as they advance in their profession. Spiritual Power determines their ability to manipulate and enhance the growth of Spiritual Plants, as well as their proficiency in utilizing spiritual energy for various tasks. As Spiritual Planters delve deeper into their profession, mastering Spiritual Power becomes essential for achieving greater success and unlocking new levels of cultivation prowess.

Just like having strong Qi and blood is beneficial to Martial Artists or Physical professionals who are proficient is cultivating their Physique, having strong talent in Spiritual Power is required to become a good Spiritual Professional who majors in cultivating their Spirit. The stronger the spirit the stronger the mental power and soul will be, having a strong spirit is very important in future evolutions of awakeners to reach higher levels.

"My current physical strength should be more than twice that of before," later, his gaze shifted towards the Physique and Spirit attributes, which increased to varying degrees with his successful Awakening, he slightly clenched his fists and felt that his strength, defense, and reflexes double directly after breaking through the bottleneck of 0.99 and became 2.07. While the Spirit also increased, he didn't feel much, just a slight increase in thinking speed and perception as his Spirit was already very high even before his awakening.

In comparison, ordinary people typically exhibit strength ranging from 40 to 90 kilograms and can move at speeds of up to 10 meters per second. In contrast, those at peak Tier-1 or Black Iron level showcase a strength range of 250 to 500 kilograms, along with speeds reaching up to 15 to 20 meters per second, showcasing notable feats of enhanced agility and physical capabilities. 

In this heightened state, Ram imagined that if a strength testing machine were before him, he could envision his bench press reaching an impressive 170 to 210 kilograms corresponding to his Physique of 2.07. Each punch he delivered would unleash power compared to ordinary humans.

Strength levels vary significantly among individuals, influenced by the awakening of distinct physical talents. Some may exhibit enhanced strength, while others, possessing talents in speed or defense, might specialize in their respective fields, compensating for relatively lower strength.