Talent: Recovery(Unique)

Additionally, individuals may awaken talents related to Spiritual Power or harbor a strong will attribute, potentially leading to the manifestation of elemental abilities, telekinesis, or even abilities like charm or demonization. The diversity in awakened talents encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from physical prowess to metaphysical capabilities. However, as a spiritual planter, his attributes and bonuses mostly focus on the increase in spirit rather than physique.

[ Skills: 

 Passive skills: - Low-level Plant Affinity 

 Active skills:

 - Plant Enhancement -Lv1(0 /100)

 - Seed Collection -Lv1 (0 /100)

 - Rapid Growth -Lv1 (0 /100)]

[ Plant Affinity -Low Level: This skill represents the Spiritual Planter's natural connection with plants, allowing them to sense their well-being and emotions. With this affinity, they can intuitively understand the needs of different plants, fostering a deeper understanding and empathy for the plant life around them.]

[ Plant Enhancement -Lv1: Spiritual Planters can channel their spiritual power into plants, temporarily enhancing their growth and properties. This skill enables them to boost the vitality and resilience of plants, making plants more robust and vibrant. It's a fundamental ability for a spiritual planter, essential for nurturing plants to their full potential.]

[ Seed Collection -Lv1: This skill grants Spiritual Planters the ability to harvest seeds from various plants without causing harm. They can identify and collect seeds with precision, ensuring the continuation of plant species and expanding their collection for future cultivation. Seed Collection is a crucial skill for sustainable and diverse spiritual planting practices.]

[ Rapid Growth -Lv1: With Rapid Growth, Spiritual Planters can accelerate the maturation of plants under his care. By infusing them with his spiritual power, he can expedite their growth cycles, allowing for quicker harvests or immediate benefits from the plants. This skill showcases Spiritual Planter's efficiency in cultivating and utilizing spiritual plants for various purposes.]

Moreover, there was a separate holographic interface for talents and skills. When he looked at the skill column which was currently skills related to Spiritual Planters, however Ram was shocked, "Fuck! what happened to my Recovery skill that I worked so hard to raise it to level 9?" Recovery was the only skill that accompanied him since his rebirth, helping him even when he was still an ordinary person, his heart began to beat faster, as he didn't understand what happened.

[ Talent: 

 - Recovery(unique): passively recovers 1% of health and Spiritual value every minute.]

Just then, when his attention turned to the talent column, he saw the missing skill as talent: "Recovery." This revelation piqued his interest. "So, the previous 'Recovery' skill evolved with me into my talent, I don't know how powerful it is after its evolution?" 

He doesn't know what's happening but with a determined look, Ram reaches to check the details of the "Recovery" talent by concentrating his mind, and suddenly, information begins to flood his mind. He learned that the "Recovery" talent allowed him to regenerate health and Spiritual Power at a faster rate all the time not only just during periods of rest and the energy seemed to be generated from nowhere. Looking at it again, Ram felt that the skill seemed to be similar to before awakening, except that now the Recovery talent also recovers Spiritual Power with Life Energy. "I don't know what changed after the evolution of Recovery, it should not be as simple as adding Spiritual Power to the list right? I need to check it later." 

Nevertheless, at present, he senses a peculiar energy coursing through his body, aiding in the restoration of his energy and healing his body since he awoke. Previously, he struggled even to move, yet now, within a mere 5 to 10 minutes, he regains the ability to gradually mobilize his body.

Coming to the Skills, all of them are basic skills related to Spiritual Planter, like Plant Affinity, Rapid growth, Plant Enhancement, and Seed Collection. While the number behind them should be the proficiency similar to games he played on earth which can be increased with practice.

The fact that I awakened the Spiritual Planter profession, should be related to the talent Recovery. According to common knowledge among awakeners, the initial profession usually matches or is highly compatible with the awakened talent. But how does Recovery relate to being a Spiritual Planter? Ram pondered this question, unable to find a connection. One thing he was certain of is that his professional ability had nothing to do with the Divine Spirit Tree that other awakeners mentioned after their awakening.

He realized this because, unlike other professionals who condensed a professional seed after awakening, he didn't. All his abilities came from his own attribute panel rather than from the Divine Spirit Tree.

[ Inventory: (Empty)]

Finally, there is an Inventory, a new function just like a space bag but currently, it's empty. The Inventory has a total of five grids, which can accommodate five types of items. The specifications of each type of item cannot exceed 100 liters, 100 kilograms, or 100 units, and cannot accommodate living things and seems to upgrade as his strength increases.

With the attribute panel now revealing a new aspect of his existence - an experience bar that remained at 0% - Ram couldn't help but ponder the question of how to gain experience points in this new world, his previous life as a professional gamer had ingrained in him the significance of experience in leveling up and growing stronger. It was a concept he knew well, but now, it was more than just a game; it was his path to survival and understanding this reality.

Ram ran through various scenarios in his mind. He needed to find a way to gain experience points and improve his abilities. "The "Recovery" talent was undoubtedly a valuable asset, but I need more than just health and spiritual power to confront the Shadow Society and rid himself of the Mind Shadow Parasite."

The first thing he ruled out was the cultivation methods employed by the awakeners. Despite previous attempts, he found himself unable to absorb and store reiki in his body, only receptive to the spiritual power and vitality generated by the "Recovery" talent. 

With that consideration aside, another possibility that crossed his mind was the notion of completing missions or tasks. If this world functioned similarly to the virtual game he had once played, then there might be objectives or challenges he could undertake. These missions could potentially provide experience points while unraveling the mysteries of this realm. "But the Attribute panel seemed not intelligent, do I need to find it myself?"

"As a Spiritual Planter, I should be able to gain experience by cultivating plants, I should check it as soon as possible," he formulated his plan and realized that understanding the Shadow Society, their dark intentions, and their connection to the Mind Shadow Parasite would be critical. Gaining experience meant not only strengthening himself but also uncovering the truth that had brought him to this world.