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His gaze moved toward the town. It was hard to see as the portal became larger and larger, but whatever was on the other side couldn't have been good.

'They shouldn't be hopeless… the strength of these beasts isn't enough to act with impunity. Thirty to forty Strength isn't even enough to knock down a barricade door, and most guns don't need technology to work.'

Morality wasn't something that Sylas often concerned himself with. Well, more accurately, he didn't concern himself with the same arbitrary lines of morality drawn by everyone else. He hadn't even hesitated to kill humans in the Trial.

However, he had his own bottom line about certain things. If Lucius wanted to use the sacrifice of the town to establish some sort of dominance or prestige over them, which was likely where this was going, Sylas himself wouldn't feel too chipper about that.