
Sylas exchanged for the shield and didn't look back. 

The problem he faced with trying to use Brant's shield was the same reason he couldn't use his telekinesis to fly through the skies. It was a matter of power output. 

The shield was light enough for him to control with his telekinesis, but if he was fighting against someone and they dealt a heavy blow against it, its weight would multiply several times over in that brief instant, causing him to suffer. 

Even if he tried just controlling the shield to parry, the issue would remain the same. He would still need to exert some power to be able to do that. 

But this shield, there was a shockwave. That meant that the attack and the shield didn't need to actually collide with one another. In addition, its effect was double that of , and though weaker than , that was a Skill he could only use when fused with the Basilisk King anyway.