Toppled [Bonus]

Sylas no longer found the pressure to be an issue. The closer they got, the more refined his fusion of Will and Aether became until they meshed as though they were just a single existence. He had a feeling that the previous limits on his telekinesis, though still there in part, would most definitely be lessened by a good margin. 

A part of him even wanted to see what sort of effect it might have if he used the Gluttony Seed right this moment. However, he chose not to bring it out. 

He was already forced to slow his speed down in order to remain behind Lauren and her group, and he also didn't know how much someone at Lauren's level could sense from him. If it wasn't necessary, he would keep his Gluttony Seed hidden for now. 

If he was correct, Lauren was a person who had also had her fair share of experiences off of Earth. In that case, her eyes were much sharper than those that Sylas had come across until now.