How Complex?

Sylas picked up his brush, but didn't begin to draw immediately. His mind recalled the vigorous strokes of the man, his memory replaying it again and again, but there was an eerie calmness to him that remained even so, as though he was still looking for something he was missing. 

It was just one Foundation, but in a rare showing, it was the only one of all of the Foundations that used all ten Strokes of the Scorpion Warlord Rune Language. The others usually only used three or so, and grasping the essence of this ten-Stroke Rune felt like an enormous jump in difficulty. 

The man knew this. He was actually supposed to start with a simpler Foundation, but he had changed his mind. 

Unlike the eye, this man didn't have to follow the rules of the Inheritance Crystal at all. As he observed Sylas, the glow in his eyes hidden behind the shadows only grew fiercer. 

Sylas, though, remained lost in thought.