
The rapid beating of City Lord Guiz's heart thrummed in his ears like thunder. For a moment, his thoughts went blank and he didn't know how to respond. 

He was still dealing with the backlash of overstepping his bounds. He could feel that his connection with the city had been weakened considerably and his City Lord Title was no longer as effective. 

But as an extension of that, he was also very close to being sensed by the system. Without the shroud of his City Lord Position, he would end up not much different from the Dogon. 

The panic of watching everything crumble before his eyes was hitting him like a continuous sledgehammer to the chest. No matter how deeply he breathed, it didn't seem to be enough. 

Then came the hatred. He had lost his family, and now he was he was on the verge of losing everything he had sacrificed just to stand here today. 

All because of this damned Human ant.