
Kyle frowned.

'The 9th Curator just had to shoot himself in the foot, didn't he…' the young man groaned in dissatisfaction.

'Isn't it like rule number one in The Curatorverse to never trust those damn Kalis…'

'Still, it's all thanks to all these recent showrunners and their dull, unengaging writing really…'

'That and actors who never seem to realize that they can't be playing the same character since the 5th Curator…'

'What a disappointingly-mid season…' he massaged his temples while staring at the credits for the last episode of the most recent season of [The Curator].

Truth be told, the past few four seasons of Kyle's favorite TV show had always been mid for a while now.

But even with mid-shows, there was still a high to low grade… and the most recent season of the show skipped the grade counter entirely and comfortably settled on less than low; disappointing.