Strong Impressions

Looking around the first floor, a few celebrities playing a game of darts in the corner of the makeshift bar situated there, Kyle's eyes soon settled on a something else that caught his interest.

'Ooh! Fruit punch!'

Casually making his way towards the large table where the tasty drink was, his eyes landed on a very popular celebrity everyone his age would have either heard of at least once in their lives or seen in a popular movie or a TV show.

She was even the main lead of the immensely popular fantasy series, [Evermore Chronicles], one which had just rounded up its final season.

"Jasmine Faye." Kyle muttered, slightly in awe of the olive-skinned lady who was currently laughing with her friends.

She was wearing a sexy, sequined-green dress that accentuated her beautiful hourglass figure and ample bust, and, her long, wavy, coal-black hair was styled in voluminous layers.