Chapter 15: Freedom

When the priest deemed it safe to leave, the trio left the secret underground room and cautiously looked around the entire area. Tire marks littered the entire ground, shoeprints scattered about.


It seemed that the men that shot at them had given up on finding them.


The two wanted to bid farewell to the priest but the priest suggested that the three of them travel together, they were going in the same place anyway, and they would be safer with bigger numbers.


The boy gave it a thought for a while, only when the girl decided that the priest could follow them in their journey to 'Heaven' did the boy cast his vote.


The three went together.


"Tell me more stories?"


"Okay little girl. Let's see… There was once a little who had a bright red hood…."


"No, boy, you should skin them like this. The skin of rabbits is very delicate but we can use this to cover our bodies."


"So, you slice it like this?"


"Yes, so to avoid damaging the pelt."


"You want to learn how to cook?"




"Well, okay then."


Slowly, the two children accepted the priest as both a friend and somewhat of a parent. Which the two was lacking off.


Weeks passed and seasons changed. The three were more careful at traveling because they would often see military tanks driving along the roads. The priest would always tell them to take a detour and be safe from the people.


The priest acted both as a guardian, as well as a teacher who the two really relied on.


"Then you stick it through this?"




"How do I do this?"


"Well, you should first poke holes in the meat in order to quickly cook it…"


The priest was wise and mysterious.


He would also often preach to the two children.


The two of them had learned more and more things from the priest.


"Yes, God created our world in just seven days…"


"Well, we never know…"


Today, the boy was staring at the sun, as he felt his coat shiver. Then he turned to look at the girl, lying down on her side, fast asleep.


The boy stared at her for a moment, then to the priest who was preparing breakfast for them.


Then he turned to the white fluffy ground. He reached out and scooped up some white ball. It was cold.


Winter had come, their supplies ran low very quickly because they had to use everything just to walk through this snow. It was fortunate that there would be occasional empty houses which they ransacked for food.

The boy let out a breath as he gently threw the snow back to the ground, mist formed his breath as he walked to the fire.


"Oh, good morning."




The priest stretched his limbs and turned to the little girl sleeping just a few meters away from the fire.


"It seemed that all these traveling is taking a toll on her body."


The priest looked at the girl worriedly.


"We should rest for a moment here." The priest said, shivering from the cold, "We can't let her get sick."


The boy nodded his head and grabbed the bowl that the priest gave him.


The priest looked at the boy, then sat down beside him.


"What seems to be troubling you?"


"…" The boy stayed silent.


The priest left out a small sigh and ruffled his hair, "Don't worry. Cough. I told you already, didn't i? Just trust in the Lord, we'll be safe."


The boy looked at him, then nodded his head.


The priest smiled, he quietly scratched the black marks on his neck and left him alone.


The boy stared at the white snow for a moment, before he clasped his hands together and prayed.


"Oh father…"


When he finished, the boy took a deep breath and stood up. He felt a little free, free from the influence of the world and its danger that could hurt both him and the girl. 


To be honest, he was afraid, afraid that something bad would happen. That this tiny happiness that he had would suddenly be ripped to shreds.


But he didn't let these negative thoughts prosper and pushed it in, suppressing them as the best that he could.


It's different now.


Yes, it's different.


Its going to be different.


It won't be like the past, that won't happen.


For as long as he had trust in the Lord, he would be fine.



Yes, it would be fine.