Chapter 16: Moving Forward

The girl shivered as she rubbed her arms with her two hands. She wore a thick coat yet she couldn't help but feel cold.


It was snowing lightly today.


The three of them stared at the rising sun as the snow fell from the skies above.


Another week had passed since. The three of them suddenly found themselves at the end of the road.


Beyond the road was endless white forests, it looked quite enchanting and beautiful as if an artist had painted it. Infront of the end of the road was as sign saying "Road Under Construction" even though there were no signs of constructions beyond the road.


The three of them stared at the sign.


The boy felt unease.


"Well, we are at the end of the road."


"…" The boy went silent as the priest scratched his neck.


The girl stared at the road, then to the sign before looking back. Countless memories of their journey played in her mind, as she was reminiscing, she saw the boy's arms shaking.


"…" She looked at his face and saw his worries and unease.


She couldn't help but chuckle.


Back then, the boy was cold, like a corpse. He didn't let a single emotion out of his heart and kept it locked deep inside. His face was unchanging and he didn't like talking that much.


Now, it feels as if the boy changed a lot. He was noticeably brighter than before, probably due to her efforts.

The girl smiled and trotted to him.


Then she grabbed his hand and pulled it.


The boy turned his head to stare at her.


"Don't worry, it's going to be okay." She gripped his hand tightly, encouraging him silently.


The priest looked at them from the back and couldn't help but smile, then he coughed.


He scratched his neck and continued to stay silent, giving space for the two children to talk.


The boy still felt uneasy but he didn't let it show on his face.


"We are at the end of the road." He muttered.


The girl looked at the road, then the sign, before turning to him and smiled, "Didn't I say already?"




"Even if the road ends, we will continue forward." She proclaimed, her voice sounding sweet yet filled with conviction.


"These obstacles do not matter, if the road ends with a forest, then we will go through these forests, if it ends with the sea, then we swim through the sea." She grabbed both of his hands and pulled him along.


"It doesn't matter. As long as we are together, nothing can stop us!"


Light filled the air, the sun behind her, everything was so perfectly timed, the atmosphere, everything. It was perfect.


The girl let out the brightest smile that she had given him. Added with the sunlight shining from beyond her, she looked like an angel that came down from the heavens to spread happiness.


The boy stared at her for a moment, then a smile formed on his lips. "Yeah, nothing can stop us, as long as the two of us are together."


The girl grinned and yells, "Hey! Don't forget uncle priest too!"


"Ah yeah, I forgot." The boy rubbed his neck in embarrassment.


"You too uncle. As long as the three of us are together, we're unstoppable."


The priest stared at them, then let out a smile.


"You cheeky little brats." He gave them a big hug; they leaned their faces on his shoulder and hugged him too.


The two enjoyed the warmth of a hug.


While the priest's smile became distorted, he bit his lips as his body shook. Suppressing the tears that threatened to fall on his face.


He held the two tightly.


Soon, the three separated and they prepared to enter the forest.