The Potter Betrothal

When they reached the appropriate corridor, Hermione pulled Harry into a nearby broom closet. "As much as I would like to love, we really don't have the time." Harry didn't say any more as Hermione's lips were now on his.

As Hermione ended the kiss, she explained why they were in the broom closet. "We need to wait for Dumbledore to leave the infirmary and lock us in. When we hear the scream, it should be time to move."

Harry whispered for Dobby and the little elf instantly appeared, he presented Harry with a green velvet box. Harry opened it and two platinum rings were inside, they had a knot design with the Potter crest in the centre of the knot. Harry glanced at the girl he loved.

"Are you sure about this, Hermione? My life hasn't exactly been a bed of roses and you will be forced to see ALL of it, these can't be removed for at least ten days. Remember, my dad said the last couple to wear these ended up hating one another."

"Harry, I love you and nothing I see is going to change that, my only worry is I might murder some of the people who deliberately hurt you. I'm actually more nervous that you are going to see everything about me. What if you change your mind?"

It was Harry's turn to kiss her into silence. "Hermione, I won't be changing my mind, you are the most important person in the world to me. When I thought I had lost you, I just didn't care whether I lived or died. Without you, I had nothing to live for. This is the first step toward the rest of our lives together." He placed one of the rings on her finger and tenderly kissed her lips.

Hermione was much more confident now. "Harry, I have loved you since our meeting in the girls' toilet back in first year. That is still the bravest thing I have ever seen. I want to spend the rest of my life with you raising our family. I know you would have wanted to do this in a more romantic setting, but we need the protection these rings give us before Dumbledore and Snape try and read our minds." She placed the other ring on Harry's finger, as a blue beam of light passed between the rings both felt the connection start.

When they kissed it was a strange but wonderful feeling when they experienced not only their own emotions but the others as well. Hermione was preparing to enter full experimental mode when they heard screams reverberate round the castle, they were sure at least one of them was Snape's scream of frustration.

It was time to go. With Dobby's help they passed right through the door, leaving the old buzzard's wards still intact, and were just in time to see themselves vanishing from view. Ron was lying on a bed sleeping off his injuries and had missed everything. Harry gave Hermione a quick kiss, "I think we had better get to bed."

Hermione feigned horror. "Just because you gave me a ring doesn't mean I'm going to jump into bed with you, Potter."

Both laughed and headed quickly to lie down, trying to wipe the smiles off their faces before their visitors arrived.

The door flew open with such force it woke Ron and alerted Madam Pomfrey who tried to head off the three angry men storming into her domain. "What's the meaning of this intrusion? I have sick children here."

"We shall be but a moment, Poppy," Dumbledore answered as he headed straight for Hermione's bed. Harry got the pleasure of the greasy git and an enraged minister.

"I know it was you, Potter, and I'll prove it."

Harry could actually feel the pressure in his head from the legilimency probe that Snape was illegally performing on him, in front of the minister no less. Had they not been wearing the rings that opened the communications between each other, but denied access to everyone else, Snape would have a clear view of not only everything that had transpired tonight but the other years too.

When he could gleam no information whatsoever, Snape lost it and drew his wand. It was only Dumbledore rushing over and forcing the potion master's hand down that saved Harry being hexed and at least one life.

Dumbledore had met the exact same resistance from Hermione and had turned around just in time to stop Snape making a complete arse of himself. For the old man, saving Harry was just a by-product of that event. The old goat practically dragged his tame death eater out the room.

"Excuse me, Minister Fudge." Harry calmly asked. "Can you tell me what's happening? Why was I nearly hexed in my bed by a Hogwarts Professor?"

"Don't be silly boy, why would he do that?"

"Probably because his illegal legilimency attack failed to tell him what he was looking for. You didn't know that he and Dumbledore practice it all the time on students?" Fudge's face was a picture of confusion. "Oh, and don't take any of those lemon drops he offers everyone. Snape makes them especially for him, if you know what I mean."

Fudge now looked like he was suffering a severe bout of constipation.

"Don't let it worry you, Minister, I'm sure Dumbledore will obliviate any memories he doesn't want you to have. At least that's what he usually does."

Fudge left the infirmary at a run as Harry tried to contain his laughter.