Love's Mirror

Fudge left the infirmary at a run as Harry tried to contain his laughter.

It was a bemused Ron who asked, "What the hell was that all about?"

"Just winding up the Minister of Magic, Ron," Harry's glance at Hermione said all that was needed. Ron couldn't be told anything, they now knew he couldn't be trusted. This, along with their new relationship, was going to put an instant strain on their so-called friendship. Both Harry and Hermione knew that their Hogwarts days were over, it was only a matter of choosing the right time and method to reveal their plans. Plans in which the Weasley family played no part.

Harry and Hermione knew what would happen when they fell asleep and neither was looking forward to it, unfortunately the rings were forcing them to relax and sleep was fast approaching.


Harry opened his eyes and found himself in a place unlike anything he'd seen before, there were no walls or ceiling that could be seen, just two sofa's, a table and countless library shelves filled with books. He was trying to figure out where he was when something Love Across Timemoving at speed registered at the edge of his vision, Harry quickly spun round but nothing could save him from the ferocious attack.

A brown-eyed, bushy-haired bombshell exploded right on top of him as Hermione threw herself at the man she loved, her arms were round his neck while her legs encircled his waist as she proceeded to snog him for all she was worth. Harry wasn't sure where they were but at this precise moment he didn't care because this was heaven, they were interrupted when someone spoke, "Well there's something you don't see every day!"

A second later Harry and Hermione had their wands pointing at James and Lily Potter.

"Oh so that's the way it is, greet each other with hugs and kisses but we get wands pointed at us! He must take that from your side of the family, Lily," said James.

Harry's legs buckled and, as Hermione was still wrapped around him, they hit the floor in a heap thought their wands still covered the two newcomers.

Lily smacked James on the back of the head, "That's a fine first impression to make on our son and his girlfriend, and just how was he supposed to pick up pointing a wand at someone from my family? Honestly James!" said Lily as she moved forward and helped Hermione regain her feet. She then pulled Harry up and squeezed him so tight he thought a rib would break.

"Oh Harry, you couldn't have picked a better girl to spend the rest of your life with," said Lily, "even now she's standing there, with her wand in her hand, ready to fight for the man she loves." Lily opened her arms and invited Hermione into the hug, she was reluctant but as soon as she got there it just felt so right that the tears started to flow. Harry had started crying the moment his mother had hugged him, but now with the two women he loved holding him, the dam broke and all those years of holding his emotions in check were washed away.

James joined wrapping his arms round the two teens as they stood as a family, trying for a fleeting moment to fill a void that existed in each of them. They eventually had to sit down, Harry ended up in the middle of both women who showed no signs of letting him go ever again. His dad chuckled and sat on the other couch as Harry asked the all important question, "Are we dead?"

"That's a question that we can answer later," said James, "there are some things we need to tell you then a decision will have to be made. This situation is a junction in time, there are two paths that can be taken with the consequences affecting everyone in the world – so no pressure you two!"

"James, if you can't be serious and do this properly then we could end up losing this chance. Behave!"

Properly chastised, he continued, "When you let your magic go in the ministry it destroyed Voldemort's body but it also caused massive damage to the magical world. When the death eaters started throwing dark curses at you it set off alarms, and most of the senior members of the ministry, as well as all the Aurors and Dumbledore, had entered the building when it came down. The reason that this is a catastrophe is Voldemort isn't dead,"

Both teens' shot up, "What!" Harry couldn't believe it, "How could he possibly survive that?"

It was Lily that replied, "The same way he survived that Halloween, you killing him in first and second year as well as again today. He split his soul and placed it in objects, creating horcruxes, and he cannot die until these are destroyed."

Hermione was crying again, "All those plans; all that work, for nothing. We couldn't even take him with us!"

Lily was hugging the crying witch as Harry just sat stunned; he'd given it his best shot and came up short.

James continued, "Umbridge will become minister for magic and start passing laws that will further fragment the wizarding world, anyone not pureblood will probably leave the country, and by the time Voldemort returns all that will be required is for him to make an appearance and the ministry will fold like a deck of cards."

Harry felt as if he was going to be sick, his mother pulled him closer before speaking, "That was the bad news but there is another alternative. You can be sent back to a time when you can do most good."

"Time travel?" asked Hermione

"Yes" James replied "but this time you will be better prepared. It's said 'Knowledge is Power' and we intend to prove that right. The night Voldemort hit you with that curse he unintentionally created a horcrux, you!"

Hermione caught on immediately, "The scar."