Choosing Paths

Hermione caught on immediately, "The scar."

"Right again," answered James, "but should you go back, the horcrux would be gone but all the knowledge Voldemort had in his head is stored in these books here, a residue of the horcrux. They are not really books, it's just the way your mind has organised all the information as you will, in effect, have access to everything he knew."

Harry sat quietly thinking through his options; in the end, it was his father who couldn't wait any longer, "Well?"

"I'm trying to think of a reason for going back but can't think of one, so people's lives will take a down turn – my life has been shit ever since the night you were murdered and I haven't seen anyone making sacrifices to try and change it. Everyone I've ever loved, everything I've dreamed about is here with me now. Why would I want to give this up and go back where everyone tries to control my life? If my options are this or the Dursleys then my choice is not difficult."

His parents were speechless; they were so sure their Gryffindor son would charge forward that they had never even considered this a possibility. While they were sharing bemused expressions with each other, Hermione took Harry's face in both hands and tenderly kissed him before speaking.

"Harry, I would like to give you a reason to go back, in fact I would like to give you many reasons to go back – our unborn children. My greatest wish is to have our children and watch them growing up, showering them with love. If we stay here we would be happy, I'll be happy anywhere as long as we're together, but something will always be missing, taking your son on his first broom ride or the daughter who will have her daddy wrapped round her little finger before she can even speak. I want this for you so badly I would face Voldemort myself if I had to, but it's your decision to make."

Harry took his wonderful girl's face in his hands and kissed her, pouring all his emotions into that one gesture and leaving his parents misty-eyed. "Hermione, you just described my deepest dreams and desires, and in those dreams you are always by my side just as you are in life. Would you do me the honour of being my wife?"

"Any time, any place, I'll be there – just so there are no doubts here; that's a definite YES!"

Their resulting embrace/snog was only broken by the sound of his crying father blowing his nose, this was the opening Lily required to hug the couple and welcome Hermione to the family, immediately followed by James.

Once everyone had somewhat settled down, Hermione asked a question. "If the information is in Harry's head, is there any way I can access it?"

Harry's father wore a frown. "There is, but I'm not sure I would recommend it."

The looks both teens were giving him forced James to continue.

"In the Potter family vaults there's a special set of betrothal rings that haven't been used for centuries. They were made for an ancestor who was unsure if the woman he loved wanted him or the title of Lady Potter. The rings will basically give all of your memories to whoever wears the other ring, you will also be able to speak to each other without talking and Harry can grant you access to any part of his mind. Be warned though, the rings can't be removed before ten days and our ancestor ended up hating the woman. While you wear the rings, no one else will be able to access your minds and your secrets will be safe from everyone but each other."

"What are the Potter family vaults?" asked Harry

"That bastard Dumbledore!"

Harry and Hermione were shocked, not at the sentiments that they both agreed with but at the venom and language coming from Lily Potter.

"I know you both dislike the old goat, but when you hear what he's done, you might want to go back and kill him again. He's done so much it's hard to know where to begin so we'll go right back to the start of all our troubles – that prophesy."

James took up the story, "Snape heard part of the prophecy and told his master, Voldemort. There were two children that fitted the profile, you and Neville, but he chose you and marked you with that scar. After he was banished, Sirius tried to take you with him but Dumbledore had decided you were going to the Dursleys and used Hagrid to fetch you there, leaving you on the doorstep like a newspaper. Our will clearly stated you were NOT to go there under any circumstances and contained a list of people willing to take you."

"He sealed the unread will and declared himself your magical guardian illegally, and with Sirius somehow being denied a trial, there was only Remus who knew we had a will. Dumbledore played the werewolf card and denied him the right to any contact with you at all; Remus was as much a prisoner as Sirius and his whole world crumbled that night."

"By law, Dumbledore should have told you about your inheritance when you reached eleven, but if you knew that you were the richest person in Britain with many houses and the ability to claim emancipation, you would have been out of Privet Drive and out of his control faster than he could list his titles. We also suspect he has someone working with him in Gringotts to help him pull this off."

His mother was doing her best to convince him to return, "If you go back, you will be Lord Potter and emancipated, Hermione would come under the protection of the House of Potter as your betrothed, your rings will be invisible unless you specifically tell the person."

"You never need to go anywhere near Privet Drive again, unless you want to kick some Dursley arse, and you will be able to live anywhere in the world and hire magical tutors, keeping you away from Dumbledore's manipulations. You will keep all your memories and magical power; you know the prophecy and how to defeat him. All the knowledge of the horcruxes is here, stored in your mind, and though we don't know when you will go back to, we know it will be a time that you can do the most good."

They chatted for a while before James and Lily seemed to receive a message, "We're sorry, but you have to answer now."

Harry and Hermione held each other tight before answering, "We're going back."


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