Unexpected Reunion

As they waited, both suddenly looked as if they had been petrified before falling into each other's arms. "Where are we? When are we, Hermione?" asked Harry.

"Oh Harry, your scar is fainter and my teeth are enormous again!" she looked around and saw Buckbeak, "This is the night Sirius was kissed."


A thirteen-year-old Lord Harry James Potter awoke in the infirmary holding his fourteen-year-old betrothed's hand, Sirius was saved, Remus wouldn't leave the magical world, he was never going back to the Dursleys and extremely angry Albus Dumbledore was standing at the bottom of his bed.

Harry ignored the irate ingrate and looked into Hermione's eyes, he was really worried that now she had seen all his memories she wouldn't want to be with him anymore. "Are you ok love?" he nervously asked.

Hermione's beaming smile was worth more than any words but her "Wonderful!" made his heart soar.

Dumbledore was not used to being ignored, far less his mental probes being rebuffed, and he was not a happy wizard. "Lord Potter, I demand an explanation."

Harry and Hermione had the exact same thought, someone had talked.


Harry decided to see just how far he could push Dumbledore, "I'm sorry sir, I think I must have done accidental magic. I was having a nightmare after hearing my innocent godfather was kissed by a Dementor and just woke up next to Hermione. I have to say though, given a choice, I'd rather wake up holding Hermione's hand than Ron's."

"You know perfectly well that Sirius escaped and that…"

Dumbledore was intentionally interrupted by Harry, "What? He escaped? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Why do you think we were here last night?" Dumbledore was almost shouting now.

"I've no idea sir, you came crashing through the door then, after making my head hurt, a Hogwarts professor tried to curse me before you dragged him out. In front of the Minister of Magic, too; he didn't seem too happy when he left here last night."

"You know what I'm asking, Lord Potter." Yes, he was definitely shouting now.

"I'm sorry, sir; I have no idea. I'm not really a morning person though, if Hermione here didn't remind me every morning what books we needed I'm sure I wouldn't be doing half as well in my classes. I haven't even had my morning cup of tea yet, what time is it anyway, Hermione?"

A purple-faced Dumbledore screamed, "How did you find out about Lord Potter?"

"Oh that," said Harry dismissively before continuing to lie. "Hermione found it when we were researching ways to help Buckbeak with his trial, quite a simple procedure really. Did you know I could have done it since my eleventh Birthday? Anyway, we couldn't think of a way to use it to save Buckbeak, I don't suppose he managed to escape as well?"

"Yes. The blasted Hippogriff escaped, why did you claim your lordship? Do you have any idea the extra work you have caused me to try and clean up this mess?" roared Dumbledore; his veins were now protruding in a reasonable impression of uncle Vernon.

"I fail to see that me claiming my rightful inheritance is any of your business, Headmaster." The last word was said with emphasis.

Dumbledore was now in full retreat, "You just don't understand, Harry, and some things are better left for me to handle for you."

"I'm sorry, Headmaster, but I fully intend to take up the mantle of Head of House Potter. Now, according to the books we read on the subject, that means only people of equal or higher status can call me by my first name. You're not a lord, are you sir?" Harry asked in his most non-threatening voice.

"No Harry, I'm not but…"

"Then kindly follow the proper procedure, sir. You, of all people, should appreciate the necessity of protocol in our society," stated Harry

Hermione's overbite was making an impression in her bottom lip as she tried her hardest not to burst out laughing at Dumbledore's antics. She decided to stir the cauldron some more. "Oh Harry, that means you won't have to go to those disgusting relatives anymore. I'll be able to tell my dad that he doesn't need to see our lawyer about contacting the authorities with details of your mistreatment. As a Lord, you will be able to do it yourself in front of the Wizengamot; you might even be able to get a trial for Sirius."

Dumbledore's colour had paled considerably; he was almost grey now. "There's no need to be hasty, I'm sure we can work something out, Harry."

"I'm sorry, sir, but that's Lord Potter and my arrangements out of Hogwarts, again fall under the heading, "none of your business," so please don't concern yourself with it. I'm sure you have enough on your plate with an escaped convict and dangerous creature both disappearing from Hogwarts." The headmaster almost appeared ready to reach for his wand before an angry Poppy pushed him out the way to check both her patients.

"You said two minutes, headmaster, and you've had a lot longer than that." The dismissal in Poppy's voice left Albus with nowhere to go but out the door.

"Where's Ron?" Hermione asked the healer.

"Oh, he was released for breakfast, you two seem fine so you can go and get cleaned up, it will be lunchtime shortly," she replied.

Both left and were heading to the dorms to change when they noticed a blonde Ravenclaw limping along the corridor, as they got closer they could see it was Luna and the reason for her limping had Hermione in tears while Harry struggled to control his anger.


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