Power Play

Just over an hour later and it was three different people who walked up the steps of Gringotts, they had travelled by floo from the Three Broomsticks to the Leaky Cauldron, stepped into muggle London to use a payphone followed by a quick trip to Madam Malkin's and were now attired in very expensive robes.

Remus and Hermione had strenuously protested their purchase but Harry pointed out that today was all about making an impression so the robes were an investment; both his and Hermione's robes had the Potter family crest on them. The Potter family ring pressed into the receipt was an accepted and preferred payment method anywhere in the magical world.

They had just entered Gringotts when the one person they didn't want to see came racing over towards them.

"What are you doing here? You must return to school immediately!" Dumbledore was trying to shepherd them out the bank but all three of them stood firm. The old wizard was getting angry and drawing attention to the escalating confrontation. "I demand that you return to Hogwarts, you have no business being here. If you don't return immediately then you will face expulsion."

Harry let some of his power show, as his magical aura was visible for everyone to see. "I am Lord Harry James Potter and who are you, old man, to tell me I have no business here at Gringotts bank. Are you afraid I'll discover just how deep your manipulations run? Who told you my status at the bank had changed when I gave strict instructions that was not to happen?

With what authority did you disregard my parent's will? Who gave you the right to remove me from my innocent godfather and place me with muggles that the will clearly stated was never to happen? As you can see, old man, we have plenty business to discuss here and the answers will determine our next course of action."

They had now drawn quite a crowd and the boy-who-lived having a very public argument with the leader of the light would be in the Prophet before long. The mention of banking improprieties had goblins running for their supervisors and there was now a group of senior goblin officials heading in their direction.

The situation was spiralling out of Albus' control; the questions Harry was asking were ones that he definitely didn't want the answers to be known. He had to do something quickly. "Miss Granger you have no authority to be here and will return with me immediately."

He made a move towards the young witch when Harry stepped in front of her, "Miss Granger is here under my protection and with the knowledge and blessing of her parents. Any attempt to remove her will be regarded as an attack on the House of Potter and I will react accordingly." Harry had his wand pointed at the headmaster's crooked nose as gasps came from the now considerable number of onlookers.

"Lord Potter," said one of the goblins, "Could you please lower your wand, you and your betrothed will come to no harm while in Gringotts"

Harry's wand never wavered nor his eyes leave the wizard who it was pointed at, he couldn't help notice the look of absolute terror at the goblin's use of betrothed concerning Hermione. "Sir, can I ask your name?"

"I am called Master Zutekin, Lord Potter."

"Well here's the deal, Master Zutekin, I lower my wand and any harm comes to any of us while in Gringotts and I will hold you personally responsible." Harry left no doubt in anyone's mind what he meant by 'personally responsible'.

The goblin gave a slight bow before speaking. "That would be acceptable, Lord Potter."

Harry lowered his wand and before anyone had time to react Albus found himself with a sword poking him in the back as he was 'politely asked' to vacate the premises.

Harry, Hermione and a totally bewildered Remus followed Master Zutekin into a plush office where another goblin introduced themselves, "I am Sickyle and in charge of the Potter accounts…," Harry interrupted him immediately.

"That is still to be decided, I want to see the manager and I want to see him now!"

An extremely nervous Sickyle tried to placate Harry but he was well beyond that stage, "If I don't see the manager I will empty the Potter vaults and give an interview to the Prophet explaining why I have no confidence in Gringotts bank, now do I get to see the manager?"

Much to the displeasure of Sickyle, Master Zutekin intervened and had the group follow him to an even plusher office, which turned out to be no more than the waiting room for admittance to see Director Ragnok, Manager of Gringotts and Leader of the British Goblins.


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