Harry's Bold Move at Gringotts

When they entered the room Harry's demeanour changed noticeably, "Forgive this intrusion, Director, but I have been put in the position of not knowing whom I can trust at Gringotts, but if I can't trust you then there is no hope for this country."

"You are most welcome, Lord Potter; trust is a sacred thing at Gringotts and the thought of anyone breaking a trust distresses me greatly. Can you give me the details of this alleged transgression?"

Harry explained about demanding details of his claiming the head of house Potter be kept secret yet Dumbledore woke them with the news this morning, how is that possible?

Ragnok looked pensive for a moment before asking, "Are you aware that the headmaster is a master legitimist?" Harry and Hermione held up their hands wearing the betrothal rings, which surprised the goblin though he clearly knew what they were. "My congratulations my Lord and Lady, wearing those rings and still being together means you were meant to be. It also means that your thoughts would have been unreadable. Very few goblins knew of your change in status so rest assured we will find them, and quickly."

Harry nodded in agreement before continuing, "As you can imagine, I do not want to conduct any family business until this problem has been resolved, but there is another matter of which I will deal only with you." Ragnok nodded and the other two goblins left the room before he placed privacy charms around them.

"I would like the contents that were placed in vault 97 with the codename 'pureblood supremacy' brought to your office." Ragnok nearly fell off his chair in shock before reaching for a piece of parchment and writing instructions on it. Five minutes later there were twelve ornate chests, about the size of a small loaf of bread, sitting on Ragnok's very large desk.

Remus noted the coats of arms on the chests and recognised some of them, Malfoy, McNair, Lestrange and others. All were wealthy supporters of Lord Voldemort.

Harry stood and approached the first chest gave the password in parseltongue; the chest opened revealing a Gringotts vault key. Harry took the key and placed it on the desk, in front of the appropriate chest, before proceeding to the next one. In short order, there were twelve keys aligned along the desk.

"I have complied with all the security arrangements requested by these accounts therefore I have unlimited access to them as per the agreement, is that correct?" asked Harry

Ragnok couldn't speak, with the keys on the desk and the Potter account, this young man now held sway over more than half the gold in Gringotts, and some goblin had upset him! Finding the traitor was the number one priority of Gringotts bank; otherwise there might not be a bank. Noticing that Lord Potter was waiting for an answer, he could only nod in agreement that security had been followed to the letter.

I want everything removed from these vaults except one Knut; it has to sit in the centre of the vault along with a piece of parchment I will give you." Hermione immediately began writing twelve messages on pieces of parchment Ragnok supplied. "I want everything placed in the biggest vault you have and whether it, and the Potter account, stay here will depend on the secrecy surrounding these transactions. The first time these account holders find out about this is when they access their vaults and under no circumstances is anyone to find out who or how it was done."

A relieved Ragnok could see a glaring hole in his plan. "Lord Potter, forgive me if I overstep the mark but it will be front page in tomorrow's Prophet that you were here today and the smarter ones will draw their own conclusions. I would not wish the bank to be punished for this."

Harry and Hermione just smiled. "By removing their wealth it means they will have to come after us themselves, we will take care of the rest. We are going to have a meal; can I assume that I will be able to discuss my family accounts without fear of it becoming public knowledge when we return?"

"An investigation has already begun and I will be handling all of your accounts personally from now on," Ragnok replied, as this customer was effectively the richest wizard in the world.

Harry gave a slight bow before they were graciously escorted from the bank, anyone who had seen Dumbledore's rather abrupt exit at the point of a goblin sword couldn't fail to notice the difference in the goblin treatment of the boy-who-lived.

Remus was worried that Albus would be hanging about outside waiting on them but there was no sign of the old meddler, apparently he'd had his fill of public humiliation for now and would be awaiting a more discreet opportunity. Remus couldn't wait any longer and had to ask, "Just what in Merlin's name was that all about?"

Hermione jumped in, for all her changes she still loved explaining things. "All those purebloods gave Voldemort a key to their vaults, he set-up what he thought was unbreakable security, password to the vault then individual passwords on each chest in parseltongue. It was foolproof except Harry has the knowledge and the ability to speak parseltongue. We have dealt a massive blow to his finances and his supporters today." She looked so cute sharing knowledge that Harry just had to kiss her.

Harry was sitting in the most expensive restaurant in Diagon Alley and he was a lot more nervous about this confrontation than any of the others he had faced today, his whole future depended on this. Remus entered smiling, followed by Hermione and a woman who couldn't be anyone else but her mother. Emma was supposedly whispering to Hermione but they could all clearly hear her. "Hermione, when you phoned and said there was someone that it was imperative we meet, I should have known it would be one of your professors."

Hermione had a beaming smile as Harry stood up to greet them. "Mum, Dad, I would like to introduce you to my betrothed and future husband, Lord Harry James Potter."


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