A Second Chance

"Yes, he's not immortal, he just wants to be." Hermione answered "why are you so interested in the rings mum?"

Well here goes nothing thought Emma, "I would like something similar for your father and I."

Dan almost choked on his food and it took a minute for silence to descend on the breakfast table before Emma could continue.

"Harry your going to be family so this effects you as well, for more years than I care to remember your father and I have danced around each other, both afraid of saying the wrong thing so nothing of consequence got said. We became polite strangers in our own home and I can now see how our behaviour was harming our daughter as well, I have never seen Hermione happier and it's all down to what she shares with Harry."

"I want that with the man I've been in love with all these years but lacked the courage to tell him, we've spent so many years behind barriers of our own creation that I've almost forgotten who I really am. There were so many opportunities where the right words or a gentle touch could have changed everything but we let them all pass, too afraid it could all go wrong."

"The ability to know when the other needs a comforting word, a hug or just dragged off to bed is intoxicating and terrifying but I'm ready to face my fears. I realise that the flip side could end in divorce if we can't stand one another but Dan Granger is the most honest, decent human being I have ever met and I'm prepared to take that chance, a second chance at life."

Dan Granger looked at the shy, beautiful woman who had made him so happy when she said yes all those years ago. Dan had never even dated another woman as he was painfully shy himself, being partnered with Emma for a lab project at university had ignited the first spark between the couple and had grown until they were married straight out of dental school with Hermione following on just over a year later.

The pregnancy and birth had been very difficult with Emma experiencing a lot of pain and afterwards their shy personalities began to emerge, with the old rule 'if you don't give affection you can't be hurt' making a re-appearance in their lives.

Dan was now ashamed to say this had also applied in some degree to his relationship with Hermione as well. The last 24 hours had been the weirdest, scariest but most exhilarating of his life and released emotions he didn't know he possessed. He silently nodded to his wife, agreeing with everything she said, they couldn't go back to the way they were and if she was willing to take a chance on him, he could do no less for the only woman he had ever loved.

Hermione was ecstatic, the thought of mum and dad experiencing what she shared with Harry would make them a lot happier, they would also realise why they couldn't bear to be apart. "We will contact Ragnok to see if this is even possible but if it is we'll get whatever it takes."

Hermione immediately began writing a note for Dobby to deliver while Harry was left to proceed with the business in hand, he handed both parents thick envelopes and let them be opened before offering an explanation, both were amazed when false British passports, drivers licences, credit cards and thousands of Euros were found inside.

"We realised that through no fault of your own the Grangers have basically become fugitives, these documents are our attempt at giving you back the freedom we all crave so much. This will allow you to travel anywhere in the world you wish for whatever reason, we hope you'll stay with us but this gives you the means to have a weekend shopping trip to New York or a romantic few days in Paris."

"There's even the option to tour the world and return when this is all over, just please avoid Britain until it is. We know how much we're asking you to give up and this is our attempt to readdress the balance. Anything you need from home can be brought here and we are only to glad to help in any way we can."

Dan looked at the documents to see Daniel Gardiner staring back at him, he was frightened to ask what the limit was on the credit card, somehow he thought their wouldn't be one. He could see both teens watching for their reaction, probably worried that he would think they were being 'bought off' so Dan decided he better say something, "Can we hire a car? I've never been to this part of Italy before and would like to do some sightseeing."

"Remus and I spotted a garage last night, why don't you take a look in there first. Please help yourself to anything you see there, treat this house and everything in it as you would your own, we are going to be family after all, " a grinning Harry answered.


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