Potter's Power Display

Severus Snape was having a good day, Potter hadn't shown up for detention last night and he was on his way to the Headmasters office to demand the little shit be expelled. The sight of Potter walking away from Hogwarts with his head down and dragging a trunk had fuelled many of the potion masters less bloody dreams for the past few years.

Harry also featured heavily in the blood filled versions as well but Snape was going to be magnanimous and settle for whatever he could get. Upon entering the office an unusual sight awaited him, Albus had both hands covering his face as if trying to deny the existence of the newspaper currently on his desk. Severus just had to read it.

Bloodbath at Bank

Astonishing events at Gringotts bank yesterday sent shockwaves throughout the wizarding world and the repercussions have yet to be realised.

A pack of heavily armed goblins charged a small group of customers and were not only defeated, they were decimated. A goblin who had a knee and elbow shattered was the least injured casualty, another six all had limbs blown clean off leaving the main floor of Gringotts drenched in goblin blood. The carnage only ended when the leader of the goblins appeared and bowed to the wizard and witch responsible for the devastation, who were the people involved I hear you ask? None other than Lord Harry Potter and his newly betrothed, Hermione Granger.

They had just entered the bank, accompanied by a Hogwarts professor and Miss Granger's muggle parents, when the dastardly deed occurred. According to eyewitness accounts the two teenagers disarmed the first goblin without the use of magic then blasted six goblins to the ground without using their wands. Everyone who witnessed it confirmed this incredible display as an accurate account.

Perhaps even more sinister was an earlier altercation involving the self same teens and their Headmaster again on the main floor of the bank where the boy-who-lived hurled accusations at the old wizard before having his wand inches from Dumbledore's face when he made to grab Lord Potter's betrothed, apparently to return her to school even though she had parental permission and in the company of her lord. The altercation ended when goblins intervened and Dumbledore was escorted from the bank at the point of a sword while Lord Potter's party was invited into the manager's office.

Whispers coming out of Hogwarts are suggesting that Lord Potter is less than happy with the school and the relationship between the boy-who-lived and the self-styled leader of the light must have fractured beyond repair when only goblins stood between them and a fight that would have the whole wizarding world clamouring for tickets.

This reporter was astonished that, when asking as usual, the goblins actually gave a statement for the first time in living memory.

'We think both of today's incidents were linked and a wizard is under investigation for banking irregularities and illegal involvement in goblin affairs'

When asked the identity of this wizard all that was forthcoming was confirmation that Lord Potter was definitely NOT under investigation.

Neither Albus Dumbledore nor Lord Potter were available for comment but this is one story that's not going to fade away, goblin blood has been spilled in Gringotts and their investigation will be painstaking and meticulous.

Snape threw the paper away in disgust, "what the hell is going on? First Black escapes from a locked room and our occlumency can't read the brats at all, then he tells the whole school about Tom Riddle. Now instead of being alone and defeated he's betrothed, has the wolf and mudblood's parents along as well; you know it's only a matter of time before the mutt hooks up with him to. He's supposed to be getting ready for the Weasley bitch to ensnare him so he can be mercilessly dumped when the plan needs him broken. Just what did happen at the bank?"

"Potter would appear to have acquired knowledge that could seriously compromise us." Albus still had his face in his hands.

"US?" Snape said dangerously, "don't you mean compromising to you, I never wanted him here in the first place. He should have been left with the muggles without discovering the magical world and the Dark Lord would have killed him as soon as he returned but no, you always have to enact some clever plan that Potter always survives. We can't kill Tom until he's fulfilled the prophecy and murdered the annoying little shit, after all that's why we told Tom about the prophecy in the first place."

Albus glared at his professor, "Everyone knew when he was due to attend Hogwarts, I had no choice in the matter but thought getting him close to that useless, lazy Weasley would have held him back, we couldn't even kill the mudblood trapping her in a toilet with a mountain troll. Then my own bloody phoenix goes and saves his blasted life from that basilisk, and refuses to take us down there to harvest it. He carries an amazing amount of luck and inspires loyalty in nearly everyone he meets, no wonder Fudge is terrified of the boys popularity."

"He's an arrogant prat that I'm going to enjoy taking down a peg when he turns up, wandless magic my arse, they just don't want to prosecute the boy-who-lived." With that Snape stormed out the office and Albus returned his head to his hands, looking for inspiration.


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