Exposing Hogwarts' Dark Secrets

Harry and Hermione had spent most of the day working on the articles they hoped to get printed on Monday. One attacked Dumbledore, his illegal actions concerning Harry and the safety of Hogwarts, trolls, three-headed dogs and basilisks.

It also highlighted employing a defence teacher possessed by Voldemort while hiding a magical object the Dark Lord was known to be hunting in a school full of children. They also hammered home the point that his first two defence teachers had tried to kill Harry and Dumbledore had appointed both.

Dumbledore thought he was being clever by transferring money out of Harry's vault into a muggle bank but three days later the same muggle bank account transferred the exact same amount into a Gringotts account under his control, until the goblins froze it that is.

When this was combined with blocking the Potter will and his illegal placement with the Dursleys it should do considerable damage to the leader of the light. While not expecting him to do time in Azkaban, he was too slippery for that, they were hoping to strip him of as much of his power base as possible.

Snape was also exposed as a death eater who was instrumental in having Harry's parents murdered, they had discussed mentioning the prophecy instead just reporting eavesdropping on a private conversation while spying for his master.

The other article attacked the ministry and was a calculated gamble, fighting on so many fronts would be foolish but their plan was to toss in these articles like hand grenades then retreat back to Italy and hope the in-fighting would do them some good.

They intended to keep their heads down and train; Voldemort was their main target.

Harry and Hermione were walking around outside, trying to get the lay of the land when Dobby appeared beside them with a package from Ragnok.

Harry knelt down in front of his little friend, "Dobby, you're amazing!" they had just discovered elves could blush, "can we get you something to replace that tea towel? This would not be clothes but a uniform for you to wear."

It was a nervous elf who replied, "Dobby would like a uniform but could it please have at least one pocket, Dobby has never had a pocket and always wanted one."

Hermione knelt as well, "of course, we'll get you pockets, would you like any special colour?"

The little elf had a glazed look in his eyes before replying, "lots" and popping away.


Remus was back in time for dinner reporting success in all ventures before heading off to bed directly after eating, leaving the four once again at the table.

Hermione spoke, "I know you want to experience the same as us but the best that we can find is a pair of bangles that will let you feel the others emotions, because you're not magical it's so much more difficult to accomplish what you want. Harry and I had an idea of pushing our magic into them which we hope would power the bracelets long enough to do what you require before they revert back to normal."

Harry cautioned, "this has never been tried before so there are no guarantees but we wouldn't even suggest it if we didn't think it was safe. They final choice has to be yours though."

Dan and Emma had discussed many things today, Hermione and Harry, closing their practice, Hermione and Harry, securing the family home and Hermione and Harry, they had both avoided this subject since breakfast but it couldn't be deferred any longer.

"Do it!" said Dan, looking lovingly into his wife's eyes.

Harry held a bracelet in his clasped hands, letting his magic flow into the object. He then gave it to Dan to place on his wife's wrist while Hermione charged the other, giving it to her mum for placing on Dan. A magical pulse jumped between the bracelets and both muggles jolted upright, eyes wide open as the connection established.

Emma was very frightened as she felt the other presence in her head, once she realised it was her husband she relaxed and was overcome with the bliss of sharing something so intimate, so pure – she knew immediately her fears were unfounded – this man loved her with everything that he was.

Dan was looking at the teens with tears in his eyes, "this is what you have? This is what you share?" their nods of confirmation just increased the rate of his tears, "this is worth more than cars, houses, all the gold in that bank of yours, this is priceless!"

His daughter smiled and held both her parents hands, "we know, do you understand now why we couldn't be parted, it would be cruelty beyond measure."

Both Grangers had no words available and just nodded, Harry and Hermione had to help them to their bedroom, as both were unsteady on their feet.

Harry's awakening was a carbon copy of the day before, except that Emma sat on the edge of the bed after kissing them.

"Are we to assume that it worked then?" asked a smiling Hermione.

"We recounted and relived everything from our first meeting until the bank yesterday, and now your father may be the only man in the world to have truly experienced pregnancy and childbirth. It was eye opening to see how stupid we both were and there really was no hiding place thanks to these bangles. We can still feel each other's emotions and it's like carrying around a piece of the person you love, words just can't describe how wonderful it feels. We now understand and totally support your marriage in July, just please no grandchildren for a few years yet." Emma again kissed the now blushing teens and left them both wondering if it was all a dream.


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