Exposing Dumbledore's Secrets

Xenophilius Lovegood was wearing his reporter head today and wanted verification on most of the allegations contained in the articles, it was one thing to claim a mythical creature existed but another to attack the most powerful wizard alive AND the ministry at the same time. Harry and Hermione had come prepared.

The goblins had provided them with all the documents regarding Dumbledore's illegal activities and pensive memories of fluffy, Quirrell's demise, the chamber and the shrieking shack were all the confirmation he needed.

He refused to accept payment for sending copies to all the students in three of the four houses of Hogwarts, all the professors except two and all departmental heads in the ministry saying, "this story will mean I will sell every copy that I print."

His mood darkened at the memory of his daughter limping along the corridor because some bullies had hidden her shoes but he was laughing while watching them get their comeuppance in the great hall at the hands of these two teens. The vision of Snape not only condoning Malfoy's behaviour but also punishing Harry into the bargain had the now angry editor reaching for a quill to sign the parchment allowing Luna to leave Hogwarts.

Harry and Hermione were exhausted by the time they got home, who knew sitting in meetings all day could be so tiring. Now all they had to do tomorrow was go to Hogwarts, confront Dumbledore, make sure Snape and Malfoy kept their unknown appointment with Poppy Pomfrey and leave for good, taking Luna and Neville with them. What could possibly go wrong?


Neville, Luna and Sirius all got a visit from one of the strangest things any of the purebloods had ever seen, an ecstatic Dobby was dressed in what could loosely be described as camouflage military combat fatigues that had pockets everywhere, including one on his jacket that had his name stencilled across it. Harry had given his little friend a few gold coins to buy stuff to put in his new pockets. The little guy seemed to have everything in there but the kitchen sink, though the fact he may have one hidden away with a shrinking charm on it could not be discounted.

Neville and Luna were both given advanced copies of tomorrows Quibbler and a copy of their 'get out of Hogwarts free' permission slip. Both would be early for breakfast tomorrow and looking forward to the show.

Sirius received another food parcel and a bag of dead ferrets for Buckbeak along with tomorrows Quibbler, reading what Harry had to endure had him in a rage but he knew this was not the time. The marauder in him couldn't help but chuckle at their plan, when this story broke tomorrow all eyes would be diverted away from the hunt for Sirius Black, he was really looking forward to a bath and a bed.


Albus Dumbledore had just had a relaxing bath and was currently sitting up in bed sipping hot chocolate, today's newspapers had no new information and the story, like a fire without fuel, would soon die out.

Since that bloody hippogriff escaped the other night everything had been spiralling out of his control and he needed to understand why. He had re-examined every scrap of information from every angle and was still none the wiser, this was not a situation he was comfortable with.

He needed to get hold of Potter and put an end to this lord and betrothal bullshit, how dare the arrogant little arsehole think he had any say in these matters, after all it wouldn't do to let people think they had a choice. Albus placed his now empty mug on the night stand and turned to attempt a few hours sleep, he would just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.


On Monday morning Albus Dumbledore, dressed in a set of ridiculously expensive, ridiculously colourful robes and matching hat, was whistling to himself as he made his way into the great hall for breakfast.

There the great wizard was greeted by a wave of antagonism that was almost palpable, emanating from three of the four houses as well as the staff table. He just knew this had to do with Potter, especially as they were all reading newspapers.

With as much dignity as possible he grabbed an issue off the nearest table and the screaming headline sent waves of pleasure throughout his old body, it would be his last happy thought for quite some time.


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