
Sirius Black had made it to Potter Manor without the slightest hint of trouble; Harry's revelations must have the wizarding world otherwise occupied he thought. The wards had been set to allow him access and a house elf had just made him lunch, he was starting to worry about the non-appearance of his godson when Moony portkeyed in.

A brotherly hug later and Sirius was demanding information.

Remus was laughing, "I wouldn't even know where to begin far less believe that I know everything that's going on, apparently Lord Potter and his betrothed are going to sit down tonight and reveal all. That should class as a three bottle of Brandy conversation."

Remus was laughing as he watched his friend trying to come to terms with the lord Potter and betrothed part; just wait till tonight he thought.

Remus held out the portkey and both marauders headed south.


Hannah Abbot had always liked Harry, truth be told she had a bit of a crush but then so did half the witches in Hogwarts. Reading about his life had left her feeling sick that someone the same age as her had to endure so much. Hannah also felt ashamed, first she had been convinced he was the Heir of Slytherin last year and then again a few days ago when he had summed up Hufflepuffs so accurately it hurt.

Loyalty was prized by puffs but it was rather easy to be loyal to people walking around wearing the same coloured robes as you who's loyalty could be depended on.

The first time she was required to be loyal to someone other than a puff she had easily let herself be convinced that Harry was setting a monster on muggle borns in the castle, despite the glaring evidence that his mother and best friend, now his betrothed was muggle born. She had failed him, and herself badly that could not be allowed to happen again.

Hannah stood up and took out her wand, "I, Hannah Abbot, swear on my magic that I will never be a student at Hogwarts again."

Every eye in he great hall was now on the little blond Hufflepuff but she stood proudly, blushing profusely but declaring her belief in Harry Potter and refusing to be part of the system that had abused the boy for so long.

Ernie Macmillan knew he'd made an arse of himself over the whole Heir of Slytherin debacle and had apologised to Harry afterwards. Reading what Harry had been going through at the time just made him feel worse.

Harry's comments about puffs and loyalty the other day had caused quite a bit of discussion in the common room and most were surprised at how insightful they were, it was almost as if he had inside knowledge of their house. When his friend Hannah stood up and took her oath Ernie knew instinctively it was the right thing to do, and was on his feet seconds later taking his own oath.

Susan Bones and Justin Finch Fletchely were both up and also took a magical oath, effectively leaving Hogwarts with a year group without puffs.

At the Gryffindor table Colin Creevey was up like a flash to say his magical oath and support his idol, Ginny Weasley stood up and had her wand out before Head Boy Percy snatched it out her hand, he then proceeded to take Ron's and the twin's wands as well.

Harry and Hermione couldn't help but think that Percival would be in for the bollocking of his life when Molly got wind of this.

Dean Thomas had spent the year wishfully gazing at the cute little redhead that gave him butterflies in his stomach, he knew that Ginny had her heart set on Harry but now that he was well and truly claimed Dean though he stood a chance with the pocket sized vision of freckled loveliness.

When her brother took Ginny's wand and she sat back down Dean thought this was his chance to console the gorgeous girl who had been such a feature of his dreams lately, one look at her face and those dreams turned to nightmares.

Clearly etched on Ginny's face was not the disappointment with a touch of anger he expected but hatred, envy and utter loathing, giving muggle born Dean the classic impression of the wicked witch of his childhood. He tried to imagine coming home to that after a few drinks down the pub with his mates; the resulting mental images had him on his feet and swearing a magical oath to leave the terrifying sight behind.

Seamus Finnigan hadn't a clue what just came over his best mate but he wasn't about to be left behind so he took the oath as well.

Lavender Brown watched as all the Gryffindor guys in her year aligned themselves with Harry, the thought of Ron 'what are table manners?' Weasley being the only one left had her on her feet.

Parvati was left in a quandary, she looked towards her twin who nodded and both stood, taking their magical oath together. The first claw had joined the exodus, but due to Harry and Hermione's confrontation with Luna's bullies; Padma was the only claw other than Luna to leave the castle.

Daphne Greengrass belonged to a family that had managed to stay neutral during the war but here was a chance to align herself with the light side, Daphne was of the opinion that the only thing sitting on the fence got you was a splinter in your arse. She nodded to her best friend Tracy Davies and the hall got its latest shock of the day as two Slytherins supported Harry Potter.

Albus fired off a noise spell to get the hall's attention, "Enough of this nonsense, get to your classes now!"


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