A Professor's Stand

Albus fired off a noise spell to get the hall's attention, "Enough of this nonsense, get to your classes now!"

A voice boomed of the walls, 'STOP!" so demanding of attention was the command that even the ghosts froze in position. "STUDENTS WHO TOOK AN OATH COME FORWARD, THE REST OF YOU GO TO CLASSES." The amplified voice of Professor Sprout was not something to be disobeyed, though Ginny had to be dragged out the hall. The head of Hufflepuff turned on the beleaguered headmaster and let him have it, both barrels.

"You whiskered wanker, these children are supposed to be in your care yet you gave them an order that directly contravened the magical oath they just took. Are you really that stupid or do you care so little for your students that you were prepared to let them loose their magic!" She turned her ire on Minerva and Filius, "were you just going to sit there and let him walk all over you as usual?"

She lined up her main target again, "Albus I've watched your manipulations and left you alone, protecting my own house, but a young man has claimed that isn't enough – and he's right. My conscience will no longer allow me to work here, so you can take my job and shove it where the sun doesn't shine."

She walked down to the students and was pulled to the side by Harry and Hermione, "Professor what you did just confirmed our opinion of you, we would like to offer you a job!"

Sprout was speechless so Harry continued, "I was intending to hire private tutors for the four of us but it would appear our numbers have swollen, I intend to take care of them and would appreciate your help with the organisation as well as teaching. Unlike some I take my obligations seriously."

Pomona Sprout had intended to help the students anyway she could, four of them were former puffs, "we need to get them out of here so there's no danger of them triggering that oath then we contact their guardians and see where we go from there."

Harry and Hermione had enjoyed their time in Hufflepuff and genuinely admired Pomona, when she asked how you were getting on it was to see if you needed any help, not to report it to Dumbledore. "We have the place and the means professor."

A voice from the back of the hall shouted, "and here's one signature for you."

Amelia Bones had arrived at Hogwarts with a couple of her aurors looking for any sign of Harry Potter, just before entering the hall she heard the voice of her niece's best friend closely followed by Susan take a magical oath. They cast disillusionment charms on themselves and sneaked into the hall to find out what the hell was going on, they could have worn death eater outfits for all the attention anyone was paying.

When Albus gave that order she was just about to tear him a new arsehole when Pomona beat her to it. After Harry said they would face up to their obligations she had to say something, Susan had put herself firmly in the Potter camp and Amelia believed that was the place to be.

"If you have a form there Minerva I'll gladly sign it to get Susan out of a school where the headmaster gives orders that could cost students their magic." Amelia turned to Dumbledore, "looks like you lost a head of house."

"Two actually!" declared one of the school board members.

"Severus has yet to be dismissed from his post." Albus was getting ready to bullshit when the five members of the school board turned as one and glared at him.

"If Severus Snape is not immediately dismissed then you will be out of a job before the end of today. Even without that the only thing that may save you is there are no suitable replacements at the moment." The board member who spoke looked at Minerva and Filius with distain before casting a glance at Pomona.

"Sorry sir, we got there first." Harry said.

"What are your greenhouses like Lord Potter?" Pomona asked.

Hermione whispered in her ear and Pomona must have liked what she heard because her whole face lit up as she said, "I'm in!"

Amelia's professional curiosity was piqued, "just what did Severus do that is actually going to get him fired?"

It was Susan who answered, "He hit Hermione with the Cruciatus Curse."

Hannah chipped in, "but she just smiled at him, then blew his arms right off!"

Amelia and the aurors immediately drew there wands, "where is he?"

"Infirmary!" chimed a dozen people.


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