Standing Against Authority

At a nod from Amelia both aurors left at once, "Chief Warlock, were you intending to report this? Were there any witnesses I need to protect in case they suddenly lose their memory?"

Harry laughed, he'd just decided he liked this woman, "Madam Bones not even Dumbledore is capable of obliviating the entire student and staff population as well as five members of the school board and seven goblins."

Amelia looked as if Christmas had come early, "and what did the Chief Warlock do about this attack?"

Susan couldn't help but volunteer the information, "he told Harry to behave himself, and then Hermione blasted Snape."

The school board member was not for letting Albus off the hook, "he performed an unforgivable curse on a student without even a hint of provocation and is now in the infirmary minus hands, I would just like to hear headmaster what possible grounds you would have for not dismissing him immediately."

With as much dignity as he could muster Albus proceeded to put his foot right in it, "everyone is entitled to a trial, innocent until proven guilty."

Harry was on him in a flash, his whole body tense with anger, "so Severus deserves a trial but Sirius doesn't? Just how do you come up with this Chief Warlock – you are not the law."

Albus was on his feet, his anger rising at just how shitty his day was turning, "neither are you Lord Potter!" Harry's title was pronounced with as much sarcasm as the old man could manufacture.

Harry's smile was cold enough to freeze whiskers, "in this case I am, he attacked my betrothed allowing me to walk from here to the infirmary and legally kill him. That is my right as head of a noble and ancient house and anyone interfering with that right would be breaking the law."

"You would kill a man in cold blood, that's pretty dark Harry even for you." Albus was trying to keep the delight out of his voice at trapping the young shit so easy.

Harry's voice was quiet when he answered but everyone in the hall could still hear every word, some wished they couldn't. "Did he ever tell you how he got his mark Chief Warlock?" Harry was seriously messing with the old fart's head, "apparently when performing that curse it lowers your mental shields and he was thinking of the first time he used it. She was a muggle child who appeared to be about seven years old, Snape was really delighted that he managed to draw out her suffering enough to please his new master. After the child was foaming at the mouth and no longer responding to the curse he cast Avada Kedavra then knelt before Voldemort to receive his reward, the dark mark."

Hermione had joined Luna with her arms round Neville, both witches were hugging the sobbing boy.

"Snape still thinks of that as one of the best nights of his life, now ask me again old man if you think I could kill him in cold blood. This is the type of person you have chosen to be in charge of children and time and time again defend against being dark despite all evidence to the contrary. You are dead to me old man and the only time I want to see you is at your trial for the crimes you've committed. Out of your own mouth came the words 'no one is above the law' and I agree, not even you Albus Dumbledore."

Harry turned his back on Dumbledore and approached his friend, putting one hand on each shoulder, "did you know your mother is my godmother?" this got Neville's attention and stopped the tears. "Voldemort was going after two children Nev, me and you. Our parents knew this and made a promise that if anything happened to one pair then the other couple would raise both boys, we should have grown up as brothers Nev but that manipulative old bastard up there had his own agenda."

"How could you know that? I demand you tell me now!" Albus had seriously lost it, spittle was flying from his mouth as he screamed at Harry and his wand was pointed at the former Hogwarts students back.

Harry turned round slowly, "in the back old man, even Snape had the decency to look Hermione in the eye as he cursed her. You can demand all you want old man, the only lesson you've taught me is that knowledge is power, so why should I give it to you?" Hermione had appeared at his side, closely followed by Neville and Luna, soon everyone who was leaving was standing beside Harry with their wands pointed at Dumbledore.

The sight of fifteen students all, with the exception of Harry and Hermione, pointing their wands at Albus finally shamed McGonagall into doing something she should have done years ago. "Albus lower that wand this instant, do you realise the penalties for firing a curse at the head of an ancient and noble house?" her glare forced his wand down, the students lowered theirs but not one of them put it away. Eight of her former Gryffindors had shown more courage this morning than Minerva McGonagall had in years, that was a situation she could not allow to continue.

"Lord Potter, if you find yourself in need of a transfiguration teacher I would be honoured to be considered, I find myself unable to continue working here any longer."

Harry knew that whatever her faults she was a superb teacher, and where McGonagall went Flitwick was sure to follow. "Professor I have cast aspersions over your blind loyalty to your former head teacher, but I never thought anything other than you were a brilliant teacher who is passionate about her subject. My only reservation would be whether you could be trusted not to tell tales out of class."

Minerva knew exactly what she was being asked, "I'm quite prepared to swear a loyalty oath my Lord and understand the need for one."

"I think there has been more than enough oaths sworn here today, lets get to that later," answered Harry who was pleased his prediction came true as Filius asked for a job as well.


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