The Potter Institute of Sorcery and Spells

Dumbledore's rage was matched by the members of the board; Hogwarts had just lost all four heads of house and any chance of sacking Albus. They could place him on probation but with what was happening next term they couldn't afford to lose him from the castle as well. They would have to draft in emergency teachers for the rest of the week to save Hogwarts from having to close early.

"Lord Potter I really must speak with you about a matter of some urgency," Amelia said.

"Madam Bones please call me Harry, if you want a job I will gladly hire you but then who would I trust in the ministry? I think we need to take any discussion out of this castle, you are welcome to come with us, see where Susan will be staying and join us for lunch after we get our business done."

Harry had been communicating with Hermione using the rings and she was already speaking to Zutekin about contacting parents and informing them of what happened today.

Harry spoke to everyone who had cast their oath today, "I would like to thank Hannah and every one else who gave such a public display of faith this morning and hope I can live up to it. Gringotts will contact your guardians and explain what occurred, it will then be their decision what happens next – those of muggle decent will be able to phone home from where we're going. Dobby!"

Dobby appeared and drew stares for his dress code, "their trunks are all packed and rooms are being made ready as we speak, we have called some elves from other Potter properties to assist but four elves have asked the castle for permission to join our house and Hogwarts said yes, the final decision is yours Harry Potter sir."

Harry held a brief mental debate with Hermione before making a decision, "tell them they would be most welcome Dobby."

Hermione came over and gave Harry the information gleamed from Zutekin on the portkey, which allowed it to be expanded so everyone could take hold,

"Don't we need to be outside the Hogwarts wards?" Minerva asked.

"This portkey will take us home from where ever we are," Harry gave a bow to the now departing goblins before portkeying out of Hogwarts where a headmaster sat alone at the staff table while the board members were in an impromptu huddle trying to figure out what to do next.


It was an astonished Dan, Emma and Remus who watched the cavalcade enter the château; Harry and Hermione were like pied pipers as they led their guests into the room that had become the family lounge.

The three adults were not helped by Harry's announcement to the company, "welcome everyone to the Potter Institute of Sorcery and Spells."

"When did that happen?" Remus asked.

Hermione was trying not to laugh, "you know Harry, and he just makes it up as we go along but I love him for it." Her betrothed was given a demonstration with a searing kiss.

Harry held her close and forgot about everyone else, "are you sure you're ok?"

"Why, what happened?" demanded Dan.

Susan again filled in the blanks, "Snape used the cruciatus curse on her."

Dan and Emma were angry but Remus was enraged, he was holding Hermione at arms length looking into her eyes to asses the damage before anyone realised he'd even moved.

"I'm fine Remus but thanks," she embarrassed the werewolf by pulling him into a hug but her dad wasn't buying it.

"I thought you could protect her Harry?" he asked accusingly.

Hermione just sighed, "Dad, I don't have a scratch on me while that bastard is in the infirmary rendered harmless."

Susan just couldn't resist it, "and handless!"

That broke the ice and everyone who was there laughed off all the tension that had accumulated throughout a pretty stressful morning.

Dan and Emma wanted to hear what happened this morning so Remus took everyone else to get them settled in their new rooms that the elves had arranged, Harry and Hermione sat down with the Grangers and Amelia to find out why she was looking for him in the first place.

After the introductions and confirmation that she could talk freely in front of the Grangers, Amelia started bringing them up to date on what happened at the ministry.

"Lord Potter, as of this morning the manhunt for Sirius Black has been called off, if any one has a method of contacting him could they please pass on the message that he has been released into the custody of Lord Potter until a trial date can be arranged. Does these arrangements meet with your satisfaction my Lord?"

Harry couldn't contain the smile that had broken out all over his face, "that's brilliant Madam Bones, if I see him I will be sure to pass on the message."


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