Minister of Magic

Amelia nodded in understanding, she would bet her pension that Harry was involved in the escape and new exactly where his godfather was, she was also sure the man was innocent and would do everything in her power to prove it. "Minister Fudge resigned this morning after an angry mob started pelting him with ripe tomatoes, the ministry is not quite sure how to proceed as it would appear the Chief Warlock will be facing criminal charges as well."

The thought of the minister getting pelted cheered the teens up no end but they needed decisions made, "if Harry offered to drop the charges with the proviso that Dumbledore resigned from the Wizengamot do you think he would take the offer?" Hermione asked.

It was a thoughtful Amelia who answered, "He just may, would you like me to make that offer?"

Harry nodded, "we don't think he's going to end up in Azkaban so resigning might be better than a prolonged court case holding everything up, this way he has no charges against him and we still get what we want."

Amelia became sombre, "Sadly I have some bad news for you, it would appear an angry mob of witches and wizards congregated outside number 4 Privet Drive this morning with the result that the house and automobile have been totally destroyed with your aunt and uncle being transfigured into a ostrich and a walrus. The muggles had turned up before a magical reversal squad could get there, both animals were knocked out using some kind of fired dart and removed from the premises, we reckon that with everything else that's happening it might take weeks to trace them."

Harry and Hermione were almost falling off their seats with laughter, the image of Vernon as a walrus with a tranquiliser dart protruding from his arse completed the journey, they were on the floor with tears running down their faces.

Only years as an auror allowed Amelia to maintain a straight face but it was so very hard, she so wished she could have been there.

"Your aunt and uncle have officially been posted missing in the muggle world with your cousin being collected from school by his aunt Marge. Officially I have no position on this, unofficially one of the reversal squad has offered to let you have the memory of the muggles trying to subdue both animals for a signed Harry Potter poster for his seven year old daughter."

"You can get posters of Harry?" Emma asked, not quire believing it.

"You can get anything with Harry's face on it, I'm told the teenage underwear is a big seller." Amelia wasn't joking so Emma looked towards her daughter and lifted an enquiring eyebrow.

"Mother I have the real thing, why would I need the underwear? That's not to say that half the witches in Hogwarts don't own a pair."

Harry was in too good a mood to let this trouble him in the slightest, "Amelia I would sign it in blood for that memory, and I would quite happily meet the little girl and thank her dad for making my day."

"Ok official business over but on a more serious and personal level if you both have found a way to defeat the torture curse as head of the DMLE I would be eternally grateful if you would share that knowledge."

'Amelia this is not one of those 'knowledge is power' situations, quite the opposite in fact as you need the power to use the knowledge. When a curse is fired at you it is basically someone releasing their magical energy and commanding it to have a certain effect on the victim, if the intended victim is powerful enough they can override that command rendering the magical energy harmless."

Amelia was flummoxed at Harry's explanation so he stood up to demonstrate, "if you fire a stunner at me your commanding magical energy to leave your body and render mine unconscious." She nodded that she understood that much, "if I change the command on that energy to give me a nice warm glow then I've rendered the curse harmless."

Amelia understood the theory; it just didn't seem possible so Harry invited her to cast a stunner. Amelia stood, fired her stunner then had to sit back down in shock as she watched Harry just absorb the curse with no ill effects whatsoever.

"You need an immense amount of magical power before that can be achieved, Hermione is about ninety five percent of the way there but I was able to share some of my power with her due to our betrothal bond."

Amelia looked like someone had snatched the holy grail right out of her hands, both teens knew this was not a selfish thing but the thought of protecting her aurors and her niece, they decided to take a chance.

Hermione asked, "Madam Bones could we have a witches oath that you will not tell anyone the information we're about to give you, I promise none of it breaks any laws."

Amelia needed these two to trust her so gave her oath immediately.

Hermione was smiling as she continued; "when we released that article all we hoped for was to have Fudge and Dumbledore at each other's throats, allowing us to quietly train and carry out tasks we've set ourselves. Harry has defeated Voldemort three times but he keeps coming back, our tasks are to strip away his protection and finish him once and for all. We are hoping to achieve this before Christmas."

Amelia knew she wasn't being lied to or bullshitted, all her years in the force had given her a very good nose for those things. She also knew that this was only part of the information but if they carried out their task she was quite prepared to cut them some slack, shit she would do anything even remotely possible to assist them.

"How can I help?" was her reply but she wasn't ready for Harry's answer.

"By becoming minister of magic!"


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