The New Owner Revealed

Arthur Weasley was lying alone in the borrowed magical tent contemplating his life in relation to his decision to place his only daughter on the betrothal market.

His mind drifted back to what he considered the pivotal moment of his life, meeting Molly Prewett, the red head that changed his world. She came with a reputation but shy Arthur was just glad she came; his total experience up until that time had been a few kisses and a fumble in a broom closet as a dare. She seemed to see something in him that no one had before, or since if he was being truthful. They married as soon as he got a job in the ministry; she kept him well-fed and warm at night with Bill making an appearance less than a year later.

While his pure blood status almost guaranteed him a job at the ministry the lack of money and family prestige placed him on the lowest rung of the promotional ladder. Arthur believed that as a pureblood wizard he actually was better than the rest but being a poor junior clerk in the department dealing with muggles meant he had nothing to offer the death eaters, and when the great Albus Dumbledore asked him to join the light side Arthur was so flattered he said yes.

He was regretting his decision up until little Harry Potter finished of the dark lord; Arthur thought he would be rewarded for joining the right side only to have his earlier fears confirmed and his dreams of prosperity dashed. Gold and a family name could apparently get you out of anything and the death eaters were all still lording it over the perpetually penniless and now blood traitorous Weasleys.

His career had crawled along at a snails pace but then he wasn't actually working his arse off, Arthur had found his niche and in this night of honesty probably his level as a wizard as well – dealing with biting tea cups was quite enough for him.

Of all his children Ronald was probably the closest to Arthur in ability and personality in that he expected maximum returns for minimal talent and effort in whatever field he chose. The owl requesting he spend the summer with his new girlfriend confirmed his opinion that the boy did most of his thinking using a part of his anatomy that was not his brain.

Molly and Albus had been cooking up some scheme for years to get Ginny into the Potter family and solve all their monetary problems at one fell swoop, Arthur had been quite happy to go along with that but it would appear to have blown up in their faces. A bit like the burrow since they had now determined the spell signatures that destroyed their home all belonged to Molly, leaving Arthur with the choice of the family living in a tent while they saved for years to try and rebuild their house and replace lost belongings or offer Ginny for betrothal and rebuild now.

Arthur considered this a 'greater good' decision and eased his conscience with that thought, the needs of the many out weighed the needs of the one. He would try and choose someone who wasn't too terrible for Ginny but at least she would have money wherever she finally ended up.

It was the cold light of day before Arthur had convinced himself that, as head of a pureblood family this was the only choice available to him. He had just roused himself out of the borrowed bed when his name was called from outside the tent, reaching for his wand Arthur found three goblins standing waiting on him.

The goblin in charge gave a look of distaste at the interior of the tent before speaking, "a client I represent has heard of your situation regarding the youngest female Weasley and would like to make you an offer." He pulled out a folder and handed it to Arthur.

He opened the folder and gazed upon the prettiest manor house he had ever seen, glancing at the details it was in Cornwall, had ten bedrooms with six bathrooms, reception rooms and a kitchen Molly would kill for. It also had extensive grounds and came fully furnished.

"My client would like to do a straight swap, the deeds to this house in exchange for your daughter. This is a one time only offer and the papers must be signed this morning or the deal is off, we can of course portkey to the property and allow a viewing."

Arthur was so eager he forgot that he hadn't dressed yet and was stood in just a shirt, pyjamas burn just as well as houses.

It took less than five minutes for the head of the Weasley family to make up his mind, as soon as he entered the house his decision was made and the documents were signed on his new dining room table without even asking who their client was.


The Hogwarts express was pulling into Kings Cross and Ginny Weasley was a nervous wreck, the second Harry had left Hogwarts her mind started throwing 'what ifs' at her. What if Hermione changes her mind, what if they want too much gold, what if she was already sold, the list was endless getting more and more unlikely but no less terrifying as time slowly passed.

Ginny retrieved her battered old trunk and trundled towards her beaming father, this could be very bad.

When all the Weasleys had gathered round Arthur made his announcement, "the Weasley family has a new home!"

Ginny's insides turned to lead as she dreaded the answer to the question she had to ask, "Who did you sell me to?"

From behind her a very familiar voice answered, "That would be me!"


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