Molly's Fury

Ginny's insides turned to lead as she dreaded the answer to the question she had to ask, "Who did you sell me to?"

From behind her a very familiar voice answered, "That would be me!"

She turned and the one person in the whole world that she wanted to see was standing there, large as life, but Ginny was now totally confused. She couldn't understand how this was even possible so decided just to keep her mouth shut and trust he knew what he was doing.

Arthur was ecstatic! Molly was going to be so pleased with him as this was beyond his wildest dreams, a new house and a betrothal that would make his daughter happy. Arthur was going to be standing up to his wife more often as 'going with the flow' had resulted in the Weasleys being homeless and penniless, getting off his arse and asserting his authority had solved all their problems almost overnight. He was going to be fulfilling his role as head of the family with a lot more frequency.

He was jolted out of his self-congratulatory musings when the wizard spoke, "let's get out of here Ginny, the stench of pureblood greed is turning my stomach."

Both portkeyed away before anybody got a chance to say a word and without even taking Ginny's trunk with them.

Arthur was a bit miffed at this breach of etiquette but chose to ignore it as the trunks were shrunk and the remaining Weasleys headed for St Mungo's to take Molly to her new home.


Molly was starting to get more than miffed at her husband's attitude, as he wouldn't tell her what the hell was going on, Ginny and Ron weren't there and Arthur had an exceedingly smug expression on his face that she was getting close to hexing off.

She was having to wear a hat due to her baldness from her rather hasty apparition, normally it could just be reattached but as it was in the house, which had burned to the ground, that option was no longer available. As if this wasn't bad enough Molly had to wear the clothes she was admitted in as all their possessions were also destroyed thanks to her titanic temper tantrum.

If Arthur gave her one more smug smile when she asked him a question, her wand was going to be sticking in his ear and a scourgify spell should cure him of that affliction.

They all portkeyed to a beautiful house that Arthur said was the new Weasley family residence, Molly rushed through the front door, let out an ear splitting scream before drawing her wand and blasting the floor.

Arthur grabbed the wand of mental Molly shouting, "you've already destroyed one home, isn't that enough for you?"

Molly slapped his face, grabbed him by the little hair he had left and none to gently directed his gaze to the partially destroyed coat of arms embedded in the floor. Even from the part remaining Arthur could clearly discern the Lestrange family emblem, since the Persian rug covering it for this morning's visit had been removed back to the Potter vaults as soon as Arthur left the property.

"Do you honestly expect me to sleep in Bellatrix Lestrange's bed?" Molly didn't wait for an answer as she dragged her husband into their new dining room and plonked him down on a chair.

"You will tell me exactly what you have done, missing out no details, so I can try and work out just how big a mess you've got us into." Molly's wand was now pointing directly between her husband's eyes, his brief sojourn as head of family over. In any pissing contest between these two there would only ever be one winner.

Arthur carefully recounted his brainwave and the steps he'd taken to secure their family's future, when the identity of the wizard in the station was revealed Molly's complexion changed dramatically from the puce she had gradually graduated towards with the telling of the tale to grey as she realised this was an impossibility.

"Where is your copy of the document you signed?" she demanded.

Arthur was dreading admitting that he hadn't even read it never mind asked for a copy when a scroll suddenly appeared on the table in front of him, Molly grabbed it before finding she had to sit down. She looked over the document before staring at Arthur, "you have no idea what you did this morning!"

Her voice held so much anger that Arthur hoped they wouldn't be spending tonight in that bloody tent.


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