A Future with Poppy

The group waiting in the private room in Gringotts had their numbers increased by two as the young witch and wizard appeared courtesy of the portkey created by the goblins. The little red haired witch couldn't hold her silence any longer, "Harry how can you be my betrothed when you're already betrothed to Hermione? Don't you have to marry her first before you can make another betrothal?"

"You are correct Ginny but I'm not your betrothed, please sit down while we explain the situation to you but we must hurry before the Weasleys discover what we're attempting and try to stop us."

Harry's words left Ginny needing a seat anyway, she did not want to go back but couldn't see another option until Mrs Granger spoke.

"The papers that your father signed this morning were not betrothal papers but adoption documents, he has signed away his rights to you but we must get you a new guardian and get these documents completed and on file with the ministry before he discovers this deception. We felt that not giving you a say in this would make us as bad as the people we're trying to rescue you from so there are three options available to you but the choice will have to be made quickly. Dan and I would like to adopt you with Lord Potter as your magical guardian and future brother-in-law with Hermione as your sister. This is one option available to you."

Minerva McGonagall spoke next, "I am also willing to adopt you Ginny, we know each other quite well and while I'm strict in class, my two employers here will hopefully tell you that I'm not like that out of work hours." Hermione and Harry had smiles on their faces recognising that this was about as close as Minerva got to a joke.

"My husband was killed in the last war and not having children of my own is something that has troubled me more as the years have went bye. I would dearly love someone to continue the McGonagall name for another generation and recognise that with the proper support and encouragement you have the potential to be an outstanding witch. This gives you a second option you can chose."

The next person to speak was a shock to Ginny; Poppy Pomfrey spoke softly but with great sincerity. "I would also love to adopt you Ginny, like Minerva my husband was also killed and I threw myself into my work, healing other peoples children while longing for a child of my own. This is something I've been considering for years but would always delude myself that I was content caring for the children of Hogwarts, I have always wanted a daughter and your situation provides the opportunity for us both to reap some benefit from this horrendous situation you find yourself in. I would also like to add that I no longer work at Hogwarts but with Harry and Hermione, if this arrangement wasn't suitable to you I'm sure I could find employment elsewhere that worked for both of us. This is the third option available to you."

Ginny's head was spinning as Harry spoke, "in an ideal world you would come and live with us for a while taking all the time you needed to reach what is a massive decision but the reality is that if Arthur or Molly reach the ministry before the document is on file they can stop this whole thing dead in the water forcing you back into their clutches. We all understand what you're being put through here but hope you agree it's better than the alternative."

"Considering I tried to kill myself rather than face the alternative then that one's not even up for discussion, the three offers I've got here are more than I ever thought possible and probably deserve." She held up her hand to stop any protest before continuing, "Mr and Mrs Granger I would have loved to be part of your family, one glance at Hermione tells everyone what kind of parents you are. Unfortunately Hermione, Harry and I have a rather strained relationship at the moment and me becoming a Granger could fracture that forever, harming the four of you. This is something that I wont do as I hope that we can be friends at some point in the future."

Dan and Emma glanced at their daughter who was uncommonly quiet for confirmation or denial, Hermione just shrugged, "I'm not going to lie, knowing what I know the prospect of Ginny as a sister does not fill me with joy and happiness. If she were to accept your offer we would try and make the best of the situation but it would severely strain our relationships with you both, as neither Harry nor I trust her completely. If there were no other offers on the table I would have encouraged Ginny to accept as we would never allow her to be sold as a sex slave without every effort on our part to prevent that happening."

Ginny nodded, "thank you for being so honest Hermione and also for your assistance, we all know this would not be happening without your approval."

Hermione felt as if the redhead was having a pop at her before she heard Harry's voice in her head, 'she's just telling the truth Hermione, I am having to learn that I can't save everyone in the world and if the choice was rescuing Ginny or hurting the most important person on the whole planet to me then you should already know my answer. I would pull anyone out from being in front of a speeding truck but this was her family causing this, if they don't give a shit about their daughter I'm not going to fight with the love of my life over it'

Hermione could feel the love flowing through their bond giving the reassurance she needed, the thought of Ginny as a sister made her feel quite ill but her parents blossoming emotions made it a certainty they would make this offer, she would play seeker for Scotland before she encouraged it though.

In all honesty the emotion flowing through the Grangers bangles was that of relief that they were being turned down, felling duty bound to make the offer was one thing but both dreaded the practicalities if Ginny had accepted. Their relationship with their daughter was better than at any time in however many years Hermione had lived and the adoption would have undoubtedly put a strain on that.

Ginny directed her attention to the two remaining women, "as you can understand I haven't slept much this week so have been doing a lot of thinking, people have been helping me since I stepped into Hogwarts, the fact that I shouldn't have needed that help isn't relevant at the moment. I decided that if I got out of this situation I would like to repay that help by trying to do the same for others in the future. Professor McGonagall I really appreciate your offer and it means a lot to me that you would make it but I would like to be a healer in the future and that has tipped the scales in another direction. Madam Pomfrey I would be honoured to accept your offer to become a daughter, apprentice and hopefully best friend to you. As long as neither Harry nor Hermione have any objections I would be very happy to stay with you wherever you are."

Both teens nodded their acceptance, if Ginny wanted to learn how to administer potions she might as well learn from a master, of course the fact that Poppy would literally skin her alive if she even considered slipping one to someone illegally was a great relief to them both. Harry and Hermione knew that the diminutive red head needed not just a firm hand but strong moral guidance in acceptable behaviour and couldn't think of anyone better qualified to administer it than Poppy Pomfrey.

Poppy hugged her new daughter before signing the papers, which were then whisked over to the ministry for registration by the goblins. An anxious wait followed, were they quick enough? - Were they smart enough?

They daren't leave the country with Ginny until officially she was Ginny Heather Pomfrey, she was desperate to lose the name Molly and when Professor McGonagall mentioned that her husband had chosen Heather as the name for the daughter they never had, Ginny added this in honour of her former head of house's very generous offer.

When they got the good news a copy of the document was sent by elf to the Weasleys as the relieved party headed home to Italy.


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