The Weasleys' Schemes

Ron appeared with Millicent in her family home, meeting her parents was not something he was looking forward to but then again he didn't seem to have much to look forward to lately. The minute he'd mentioned the destruction of the Burrow she'd dragged his arse to the nearest table and dictated a letter for him to send home, there was to be no escape. As soon as they meet her parents Ron realised two things, where Millicent inherited her looks and that his worries were groundless, she ordered them about the same way she did him.

While the full body shudder was going through the gangly redhead as images of her ordering her parents the same way she did him scarred his mind forever more, she pulled him up the stairs to show him where he'd be staying.

He found himself in a beautiful room dominated by a colossal four poster bed, "this is lovely Millie, where's your room?"

The delicate feminine laugh seemed so strange emanating as it did from such a large body, "you can be so thick sometimes Ronald Weasley!" she picked him up and threw him onto the bed before starting to undress.

Ron would have sworn that he'd never miss de-gnomeing the Burrow but he would gladly do it for the whole summer if he could just get out of here, the excited look in Millie's eyes told him he wouldn't be going anywhere for a while. He could only hope he survived the summer to make it back to Hogwarts in one piece.


Arthur walked up the drive having returned from his trip to the ministry and was relieved to see the house was still standing, though he had yet to break the news to his wife that the adoption was legal and Harry's name wasn't mentioned in any of the adoption papers or house transfer.

Poppy Pomfrey had been a Hogwarts institution to generations of students with an impeachable reputation for professionalism and fairness, known and respected throughout the British wizarding world. There was no way they could claim foul play with his signature clearly on the document and trying to besmirch Poppy would not only be counterproductive but sheer folly as any court in the land would say Ginny was better off where she was, Ginny certainly would.

Someone had clearly repaired the floor but as Arthur was walking across it he was confronted with the message 'time to change your underwear' which clearly identified those responsible for carrying out the repair.

He found Molly sitting in her new kitchen, drinking a cup of tea and looking a lot calmer. "It's all legal and above board?" she asked.

Arthur just nodded and waited on the explosion that never came.

"Those two have fooled more than the Weasleys, - Fudge, Dumbledore, Snape and the death eaters have all felt the wrath of the Potters. The fact that they acted so swiftly and so decisively to save Ginny while giving us this wonderful house means we got off very lightly. I was worried that there would be something in the deeds that could mean we would lose it all but Harry's an honourable boy, unlike that bitch he betrothed. If you hadn't jumped in with both feet I was hoping to arrange for Ginny to be his second wife, we know now why Albus couldn't arrange the betrothal as he couldn't risk anyone looking to closely at the guardian position he claimed."

Arthur thought it was safe to sit down, "I'm sorry love but we didn't have time for that, the destruction of the Burrow not only destroyed our home but everything we owned as well. We had only the clothes we stood up in and I really couldn't see another option, it's actually worked out better than I could ever have dreamed. We finally have the house we deserve, Ginny will have a better life and I don't have to tell Bill and Charlie that their baby sister is married to some old lech."

"At least Harry still likes us, I could have killed Percy when I heard he stopped them leaving Hogwarts, we need to get Ron and the Twins back with him. I probably should write a letter thanking him for looking after Ginny and try claiming temporary madness on your part due to losing our home and me being in hospital. If you had waited we could have said something like 'sorry can't invite you this summer because we're having to live in a tent' and the boy would probably have given us a house for nothing."

Arthur was constantly amazed by just how devious his wife could be, Ginny was lost to them but the main prize was still there – the Potter millions. The only problem reminded him of his father's favourite saying, 'he who fishes without bait gets rusty hook' and he couldn't see what else they had to prise some of that gold out of the Potters grasp and into more deserving hands.

"I understand Ron is staying with his new girlfriend, the poor boy must have been broken hearted when Harry and Hermione got together but perhaps we can get them double dating or something. It shouldn't be awkward since he now has someone as well and at least she's a pureblood. We need a face to face with Harry, preferably without the mudblood then we can begin to repair bridges and get our children around him again."

The admiration Arthur felt for this woman knew no bounds and if he was to have some kind of breakdown then a few days sick leave was just what the healer ordered. "I see the twins repaired the floor."

"Yes and it flashes a different message depending on the circumstances but I think I weirded them out."

Arthur just had to hear this.

"As I walked across the floor it flashed 'curtains and pelmet match,' they ran away screaming and haven't been seen since."


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