Showers of Blessings

Harry was having a shower and thinking that life just couldn't get much better, he awoke this morning with his beautiful betrothed in his arms, they then joined the rest of their family for the morning training session where everyone was showing major improvements. After breakfast they were going to be spending the day in Naples shopping with the ability to buy anything they wanted, yes it just didn't get any better. His Hermione joined him in the shower and his theory was blown out the water.

Like Harry, Sirius was also taking a shower and counting his blessings, unlike Harry he wasn't kept company by a gorgeous girl. His plan for today was similar to the last few, eat a full healthy breakfast and lie by the pool reading a book. Hopefully Remus would be available to go over some practice duelling later and he may even join the Grangers in their weapons training.

His friend was looking better than he'd ever seen him, Harry and Hermione had given him goals to aim for and while Remus protested the salary he was more than earning it. This was another reason the werewolf was happy, he'd initially assumed it was charity and the fact he was earning every Knut gave him a rare sense of self worth.

Sirius was eager to get fighting fit, as he was desperate to participate in the horcrux retrieval, at the moment all he could do is run away. He needed to get his body into shape before being capable of doing the hours of practice needed for his reflexes to get back to anything like normal. He knew it would be a gradual process hence the reading to recover from this morning, his godson was a bloody slave driver.

Luna was excited and with good reason, she was going on her first ever date with her first ever boyfriend and her first ever friends were coming along as well. She had pounced on Neville when they met for training this morning and now she was ready to do the same again before breakfast and then heading off, the anticipation meant she could hardly stand still.

The only cloud on the horizon was the inclusion of the potions princess, none of them believed her claims of not knowing the Weasley potions plot for Hermione and Harry, Hermione had made her position very clear and Luna was considering doing the same. If the red head made a move for Neville then her bat bogie hex wasn't going to save her arse.

Hermione had asked her at dinner to go with them on their shopping trip tomorrow and she had initially refused, citing both couples would want some time alone.

Harry's laughter caught all their attention, "Ginny we're going shopping in a muggle mall, do you really think we will be leaving Neville and Luna alone? We will be sticking together and the only split would be boy – girl when trying on clothes or to powder noses. I feel responsible since I didn't bring your trunk so the only acceptable answer is yes."

This was technically Harry and Hermione's first date in this timeline but they were more looking forward to just being with their friends and having some fun, Ginny was going to be staying there and this was an excellent opportunity to let the young witch see the benefits of her new life. This was her second chance at life though eight people would be watching her very closely to insure she didn't repeat the mistakes of her last past.

As predicted poor Neville was engulfed by one very excited blond witch the instant he stepped out of his bedroom but the wizard didn't seem to mind in the slightest.

After breakfast the group prepared to portkey while the adults were dispensing last minute words of wisdom, "stay together," "don't get into any trouble," "be back for six!"


They portkeyed into the magical part of Naples and had their senses assaulted by all the strange but wonderful sights, sounds and smells. Harry and Hermione agreed it felt like their first time visiting Diagon Alley and the only word to describe it was magical.

Like the Christmas trip in the other timeline Harry decided the first order of business was weightless and bottomless bags so headed for the luggage store, translation spells were very helpful and soon the five were heading with their new bags to get some robes. Harry spoke to the owner who's eyes almost lit up upon hearing they were opening a new school nearby, he recommended robes of a much lighter material than was used for Hogwarts with Hermione choosing a powder blue colour. He promised to make a few designs and Dobby would pick them up tomorrow meanwhile they all chose a few robes each as their black Hogwarts ones were totally unsuitable for the climate.

A quick trip to the bookstore was a bit of a misnomer when Hermione was involved but they basically just asked the owner for every course book required by the Italian magical school, translated into English of course and Dobby would collect them tomorrow as well. Getting Hermione out the shop in under an hour must have set some kind of record though to be fair she did leave with fourteen books.

A trip to the broom store saw the five leave with new 'Velocity Eleganza' brooms, Neville and Hermione weren't to keen but Harry pointed out that this would be part of their training. He also ordered twenty 'Velocity Costante's' for the Institute after being assured by the owner these were great brooms for learners, the new first years were going to be on brand new brooms and taught to fly by a Lord. There might not be competitive Quidditch at the institute but learning to fly a broom well was something Harry intended to insure all students could do, Neville and Hermione were not the only Hogwarts students to be failed by their teaching system as far as flying went.

They then exited into the muggle shopping area and the three purebloods had to be reminded to breath, even Harry and Hermione couldn't fail to be impressed with the marble floor, vaulted glass ceiling and fountains sprinkling away before even mentioning the stores. The girls shooed Harry and Neville into an electronics store while they perused a whole store that sold nothing but ladies underthings.

Harry had just purchased some laptops and mobile phones when he felt a spike of emotion over their bond that had him dragging Neville out the shop to find his Hermione, they had closed communication down to a minimum as he had no wish to know what underwear Luna and Ginny were purchasing, he was sure Hermione would model hers for him later. The strength of the emotion she was feeling was bad enough but Harry couldn't seem to find a focus for it as a million things appeared to be going through her mind at the same time, he was starting to panic when he spied his love looking in a shop window then suddenly everything became clear.

Hermione was looking at the most beautiful thing she had ever seen but the name above the store meant that you could probably buy a two bedroom house for the same price as the item, there was also what Harry would want to be considered. A familiar pair of arms encircled her from behind as kisses were being applied to her neck.

"You are the woman of my dreams and that is the dress you have dreamed about since you were almost six-years-old, there is no way we are not buying it so let's go in."

They walked into the shop and were immediately greeted by an assistant who had already made her mind up they didn't belong there, "can I help you?" she asked sarcastically.

Harry had already made his mind up as well; he wouldn't have his Hermione's special moment ruined by this bitch. "Yes I would like to speak to the manager and since I'm sure you work on commission I would also say that your attitude just cost you a lot of money."

The manageress was met by a determined young man who politely handed over his plastic and said, "The wedding dress in the window, we'll take it!"

Harry asked Hermione over their bond, "what about a dress for Luna? I suppose we should get something for Ginny as well."

The universal truth that money talks was never more evident in the service the youngsters obtained, Hermione maintained that the dress was a present for her sister and would be altered by their seamstress as explaining why a fourteen-year-old was buying such a dress was not something she wanted to do. This had the happy consequence of Harry buying her another evening gown as 'not to arouse suspicion' that she was leaving the shop with nothing.

They were sitting outside a restaurant people watching while enjoying pizza, pasta and cokes. Ginny was not alone in having the best day of her life but she could tell that conversation was guarded around her and she couldn't blame them. Ginevra Molly Weasley was not a nice person, and don't even mention that family, she could see no other option than to kill her off. "Hermione, can you help me please?"


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