Prepared for Anything

After their laps of the beach and working with their dummies, the Grangers were then shown some spell work as the magical contingent fired curses for fifteen minutes at moving targets conjured by Dobby. Dan and Emma then proceeded to take their turn at target practice using automatic handguns and exploding the myth that muggles were helpless by hitting the most targets of the morning, Dan was good but Emma was amazing. The concentration on her face as she blew targets away and reloaded in such a smooth motion impressed the hell out of all the watchers.

Emma finished and found herself in a hug by her daughter, "mum that was awesome!"

Emma just looked around the group before answering, "I swore to myself that the next time my family needed me I would be prepared."

It was Luna who helped with the emotional moment, "I don't know about prepared Mrs Granger but you nearly scared the life out of me. Any pureblood is going to get the shock of their life if you pull that out and start firing."

Like all good boyfriends Neville was learning the most important rule, agree with anything your girlfriend says, "Luna's right Mrs Granger, while they're busy spouting off about how much better they are than you, just take out your gun and put a hole in them."

"Ok, great shooting there mum and you can watch my back anytime but I have one last surprise for this mornings session." Dobby arrived with their four new brooms as the colour drained from Hermione and Neville.

"We are going to do some flying practice if you four want to hit the showers." Dan and Emma sat on the sand, they'd never seen anyone on a broomstick before and weren't about to miss this.

Harry was trying to push confidence into Hermione as she was starting to shake, "we're going to be flying slow and low over the water, the worse that can happen is you getting wet."

The four took off on their new brooms.

Ginny and Poppy were sitting on their balcony, drinking tea and watching the group train. Ginny wanted to be down there so badly but what really hurt was that if the Weasleys had just befriended Harry without ulterior motives Ron, her and possibly even the twins would have been included in Harry's plans. Being a Weasley had cost her so much.

Poppy could easily see the longing in her daughter's eyes as she watched her friends training for the event most of the magical world knew was coming, Potter verses Riddle. It would appear that Harry was not going to face this alone and Poppy's new maternal instincts were delighted her daughter was sitting here beside her and not on that beach. That all changed as Ginny began softly crying as she watched them get on their new brooms, knowing she had the same broom lying untried and unused in her new bedroom.

Ginny had seen how close the four were as they joked around while running and in-between throwing kicks and then spells at the dummies, Ginny also understood that in a life or death situation you had to be able to trust the people by your side. Her brain knew all this but it didn't make it hurt any less, especially when they took out their brooms.

"I don't have a problem with you joining them to fly and I doubt Harry or Hermione would either, why else would they buy you a new broom," Ginny couldn't believe her new mother but it made sense. She was up like a shot and back with her broom seconds later, flying of the balcony before circling back to kiss Poppy's cheek and a 'thanks mum' could be heard from the blur heading straight down to the beach.

Ginny carefully approached Harry and Hermione, startling the witch and having her fall in the sea was not the ideal way to earn back her trust, "do you mind if I join in?"

"Of course not, could you keep an eye on Neville while Hermione and I see what these brooms can do."

If that surprised Ginny the next couple of minutes were a total shock as the pair gave a demonstration of formation flying that was out of this world.

Unbeknown to Ginny, Harry had been in his betrothed's mind as soon as they'd left the ground, eradicating her fears and giving her the experience she needed; when Ginny flew alongside he could feel the mood of his beloved change.


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