Soaring Above

Hermione had always been embarrassed about her lack of flying prowess, the fact that Harry enjoyed it so much only rubbed salt into the wound but with their bond Harry's skills were at her fingertips. It was almost like Harry was flying both brooms, which in effect he was as they rocketed towards the beach and their parents.

They pulled up right in front of a terrified Dan and Emma, "if I still had my gun I would shoot you both for terrifying the life out of us, I was under the impression you couldn't fly well Hermione, you could have fooled me!" Dan was actually shaking watching that display, his only reference being witches in the movies, which never contained synchronised aerial aerobatics.

"My Harry is the best thing I've ever seen on a broom and a wonderful teacher, Dad how would you like to fly on a broomstick with a witch? I promise no tricks – just flying."

Harry took Emma and the four flew steadily towards an excited Ginny, "that was awesome you two, Hermione you were amazing – shit you could both be Quidditch pro's!"

"Thanks Ginny but any children of Harry's are probably going to fly before they can walk and I didn't want their mother letting them down by not being able to handle a broom."

Harry jumped in, "put your broom through some turns Gin, we'll keep an eye on Neville now. Just don't go outside the wards."

"Thanks Harry, he's doing great! I just told him to follow Luna and he seemed more than happy to do that."

As Ginny shot away Emma turned to her daughter, "was that really necessary Hermione?"

"Yes mum it was, Ginny seems to be getting the message and we hope she can be our friend for real this time but there will be some I'll have to show just how fast this witch can become a bitch. Harry's exceedingly famous, filthy rich and seriously, seriously cute and a lot of witches are going to fancy their chances with my husband. I'm not going to stand for it as our bond means this has to be an exclusive relationship, the thought of my Harry with someone else would kill me. To us our bond is something wonderful that defines who we are but to others it is a challenge to be overcome by whatever means possible."

Harry added his opinion, "I was hoping for ruggedly handsome but suppose that will come as I get older though my Hermione is right as usual, the law states anyone interfering with a bonded couple faces charges of attempted murder. We are bonded for the rest of our lives and couldn't be happier. I wouldn't hesitate to kill any man who laid hands on my wife."

"I'm not picking on Ginny mum," Hermione said "she has had the situation explained to her as clearly as possible, it will just take time for things to settle down."

They eventually caught up with Neville, "looking good Nev, and the best news is we don't have to climb all those stairs back up to the Institute, lead us home Luna."

The blond led the formation, with Neville in the centre and the double loaded brooms either side, as they crossed the sand and headed up the cliff, Ginny joined at the rear and the five brooms touched down beside the pool.

Ginny quickly approached Hermione, "is it ok if I thank you and Harry for yesterday and this morning?"

Hermione smiled, "of course Gin, how did it feel flying without all the hair whipping about you?"

"It was just the best ever and the broom is amazing, I can't thank you enough," she hugged and kissed Hermione on the cheek before doing the same to Harry and practically skipped back to her room, clutching her new broom like it was the crown jewels.

"That is one happy witch!" giggled Hermione.

"And there's another one!" Harry indicated towards Luna who was wrapped round Neville and tasting his tonsils.

"You did wonderful Neville, I'm so proud of you!" exclaimed his girlfriend when she surfaced for air.

"So am I," exclaimed his grandmother.

Augusta Longbottom had arrived by portkey and sat sipping iced tea with Minerva on the terrace watching the training on the beach below.

If the truth be told she had a hard time believing Remus Lupin's claims for her grandson yet she had just watched with her own eyes as he lived up to them, where was the shy, clumsy Neville she knew.

Like just now kissing the blond witch in front of company and not caring a jot, this was not a boy but an assured young wizard.

Even after hearing her speak he calmly turned to face her with an arm still around the blond and gave a genuine smile, "hi gran, when did you get here? This is my girlfriend Luna Lovegood."

Luna wasn't sure what to do or how to act so just said, "Hi!" Neville kissed Luna's cheek before introducing everyone else, "This is Harry Potter, his betrothed Hermione Granger and her parents Dr Dan and Dr Emma Granger, everybody this is my grandmother."

Harry came forward and shook her hand, "welcome to the Potter institute and thank you for allowing Neville to stay. If you would excuse us we're rather in dire need of a shower before breakfast then we can all have a chat."

Augusta Longbottom actually laughed, "you're excused my Lord Potter, a shower is definitely a good idea."

Everyone trooped off for his or her showers as Augusta received a further shock when Neville kissed her cheek saying, "see you soon gran" and left with his arm still round Luna.


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