The Calm Before the Storm

Hannah and Justin were in Diagon Alley and their 'taking the P.I.S.S.' t-shirts were turning heads everywhere they went, having an ice cream in Fortescue's they were approached by Terry Boot and Michael Corner accompanied by Terry's father.

"Did Potter really call his school that?" Terry asked laughingly.

Hannah was having none of it, "don't let the name fool you, the Institute is absolutely brilliant with rooms instead of dorms, a swimming pool, private beach and you know the best Hogwarts professors left along with us with Madam Pomfrey joining later that day. Susan and I were sitting studying on our balcony overlooking the Mediterranean which sure beats the hell out of the Hufflepuff common room."

Justin was enthusiastically nodding, "we just got our letters through and my dad was ecstatic, the fees are apparently less than a tenth of Hogwarts and all books and equipment provided, even our robes are free. We also get Professor Sprout teaching potions and Professor Lupin for history of magic."

While both boys were imagining Lavender and Daphne in swimwear Terry's dad suddenly lost that 'bored out his skull' look at the mention of lower fees and free anything.

"How can you contact this institute?" he asked.

Hannah shrugged, "Harry does everything through Gringotts and our letters all come through there, I would imagine that would be your best bet."

The man dragged both boys in the direction of the bank as similar scenes played out quite a few times over the holidays as the Institute students all wore their t-shirts with pride anytime they were in the alley.

Lavender and the Patil twins nearly caused a riot when they met some of the Ravenclaw girls who had been bullying Luna and were taking great delight in telling them what they were missing. Mandy Brocklehurst even had the nerve to ask how to apply and was not pleased when the three girls laughed in her face. None of them would believe the three girls story that Luna was like a sister to Harry and Hermione so they walked away, still laughing as they wished them luck with their applications.


Dan and Emma walked into their house to find it immaculate, every surface was spotless, the fridge had been emptied of anything that would spoil and their mail was neatly placed on the kitchen table, both turned and gave the teens questioning looks.

"Dobby's been keeping an eye on the place," Harry answered.

"I think he's been doing more than that!" Emma exclaimed as everything in every cupboard had been cleaned and stored more efficiently.

With Gringotts in the morning and the meeting of potential students in the afternoon, a Chinese carry out was ordered as the Grangers enjoyed time in their home.

Harry enjoyed seeing his family in their natural environment especially since he got to fulfil one of his most dreamed about fantasies, He got to spend the night in Hermione Granger's bedroom.

Dan Granger felt he should be immune to shocks regarding his future son-in-law but was rendered totally speechless at the sight of ONE of his vaults. Saying someone was rich was one thing, standing in front of a mountain of gold, now that was something completely different – it even felt like a surreal Monty Python sketch as Harry stabbed a golden challis with a Basilisk fang.

Business was discussed but he'd no idea what was said as his mind tried desperately to equate the quite phenomenal wealth he'd just seen with the unassuming young man he was welcoming into the family. Hermione's words of the week before became more relevant as they left the bank and were almost mobbed by well wishers and people just wanting to see Harry Potter.

How could any young lad have all this and remain sane, far less the levelheaded, feet on the ground unless riding a broom gentleman that was the Harry he knew. Even though they were walking with arms around each other's waists a number of witches spoke to Harry as if Hermione just didn't exist.

They got out of there and into London proper as quickly as they could, glad that they had at least portkeyed into the bank or the crowd waiting on them leaving would probably given Beatle mania a run for it's money. Dan shuddered to think what Hermione's reaction would have been if news of Harry being in the bank had leaked, the first witch to throw a pair of knickers would have required hospital treatment.

They popped into a muggle café as Emma was in need of some tea to try and calm her down, brandy would probably be better but she needed a clear head for the meeting.

"When you said Harry was famous I was expecting the occasional 'can I have your autograph please' not lets rip his clothes off and ravish him now. Some of those girls and even women were throwing themselves at Harry." Emma was sure the brandy was coming out tonight.

"It's got worse since the articles mum and I dread to think what it will be like when we finally finish off Riddle. Also very few of them have any idea just how wealthy Harry actually is, that was just a small portion you saw this morning."

"Hermione I don't know what you were taught at Hogwarts but there's no way what we saw this morning could ever equate to being called small!" Emma was making a mental note to stop at the nearest off-licence just in case she didn't have enough brandy in the house, better safe than sorry.

"How do you cope with it all Harry?" Dan just had to know.

The young wizard just shrugged, "The hardest part is making friends, it's hard to be sure if they like you, some mythical hero they think you are or just money grabbing Weasleys." He held his betrothed's hand, "With Hermione it's always been just Harry, Neville kind of looks up to me but more in a big brother sense and Luna's just special, the kindest person you will ever meet and not an ounce of deception in her body. Just wait till you meet her father, the word eccentric was coined with him in mind."

"And wearing a sun hat with a vulture on it isn't?" Dan's comment had them all laughing, lightening their mood before the meeting.


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