When Worlds Collide

The meeting was in a muggle hotel and Amelia had aurors keeping an eye on the area, Remus, Pomona and Minerva were on the door as word had spread about the Potter Institute but entry was by invitation only.

Harry was asked to have a word with Mathew Boot who wasn't taking no for an answer, he took one look at the boy in front of him and thought this would be easy.

"I demand that my son be given the same opportunities as those in that room, what right do you have to decide children's lives?"

Harry raised his eyebrow at the cheek of the man, "Mr Boot, Terry had an opportunity to choose the Potter Institute and didn't. The Institute is owned and funded by my family therefore giving me the right to choose what students to except, there is no board and we're outside British ministerial jurisdiction so please excuse me if I fail to see that you have grounds to demand anything."

"When was he given a choice?" this was news to Mathew and did not bode well for his argument.

"At Hogwarts a group of students chose to reject being taught in the castle under the current administration and placed their faith in me, Terry chose not to. We are limited by space and that year group is accepting no more members so you can demand all you like, it will result in you being escorted off the premises by hotel security."

Mathew was used to brokering deals in the boardroom and was not about to be dismissed by a young boy, "just who the hell do you think you are?"

Harry was starting to get pissed off with this arsehole and let some of his power be visible, "I am Lord Harry James Potter, owner of the best magical school in the world – who the hell are you?"

Mathew actually gulped at the sight before him, this boy was actually shimmering and his green eyes seemed to glow with fire. His sense of self-preservation had him taking an involuntary step backwards, "I'm just a parent trying to do the best for my family."

"Demanding things from me you have no right to is not a wise course of action, goodbye Mr Boot."

Mathew's only choices were leaving under his own steam or being unceremoniously chucked out on his arse, he decided to leave.

Harry spoke to Minerva, "if the Weasleys turn up don't send for me under any circumstances, the best bottle of single malt I can find for dealing with that woman is a poor exchange I know but I will definitely owe you a favour."

Daphne introduced Harry to her parents and sister Astoria who was going to be a second year, Colin was even more hyper than usual as his parents shook Harry's hand and mini-me Creevey AKA Denis was almost bouncing off the walls as the brothers seemed to radiate enthusiasm in perfect synchronisation.

Hermione was casting silencing charms around the hall thinking the meeting was bound to get quite heated, she was also sure foghorn Molly would show with her brood and they didn't need to hear the screaming match that was a cinch to take place when they discovered not only weren't they wanted but specifically banned from attending.

Remus and Minerva closed the doors and leaned against them in relief, showing all the signs of withstanding whirlwind Weasley, this was confirmed by Pomona when she joined them at the top table. Apparently Molly's indignation had known no bounds and swore there must be a mistake somewhere, when told Lord Potter had left specific instructions and that he was to busy to come to the door Pomona said she almost drew her wand. Arthur's job was already shaky, especially if Amelia made minister and having your wife start firing spells in the middle of a muggle hotel was not a good idea.

The top table consisted of Harry, Hermione, Pomona, Dan and Emma, the Grangers had wanted to sit with the other parents but Harry had asked them to relay their experiences to the new parents of witches and wizards.

Hermione stood and explained the discrepancies in fees and quality of education ensuring all present that every student at the Institute was not only charged the same amount but was treated the same as well.

Pomona spoke about the facilities, staff and courses available and then Dan stood.

"There are parents sitting here today that are wrestling with the hardest decision of their lives, I know because three years ago my wife and I were in the exact same position. If at that time I had the information that I do now our daughter would never have set foot in the magical world and we would just have made a monumental mistake. You see my daughter is a witch, it's not an illness or condition to be cured, it's who she is and learning to understand and control magic is a priority."

Dan paused for a drink of water before getting to the hard bit, "As muggle parents of a witch or wizard your rights in the magical world are practically nil, a magical guardian is appointed without your consent or in our case even knowledge. You can't actually remove your child from Hogwarts without their consent, what we're offering here is an alternative and I'll now hand over to Lord Potter."

Harry rose slowly and began speaking, "The magical world is at least a century behind muggles in customs and technology so we intend to use this to our advantage. We can use the tithe system to bring families under the protection of house Potter, for the non-magic amongst you this bestows the same rights as every one else in the magical world as you will basically be a member of my house. The tithe is a minimum of ten galleons, about a hundred pounds a year and in return for this protection I can graze my sheep on your land, don't worry if you haven't any land, as I don't own any sheep."

As they hoped this got a laugh and eased the tension in the room, "Your child's acceptance is in no way effected by your choice and I would like to invite you all to the school for orientation and a chance to see what we have to offer. No decisions are required or expected until after your all expenses paid trip to the Institute. We will now take questions."

Adrian Greengrass was up like a shot, "Lord Potter your offering better facilities, courses, teachers and the protection of your house for at best a modest sum. My question is why?"

"Mr Greengrass I abhor the fact that my betrothed is the smartest and most powerful witch of her generation yet she will be discriminated against her whole life because her wonderful parents are dentists and not magical. I have the will and the means to help like-minded individuals and those being discriminated against get a better education and start on their magical journey. My reward is what everyone in this room wants, the hope that their children can grow up in a better world than we did."

"What about you-know-who?" was shouted from up the back.

"I'm sorry but I fail to see the relevance of that question, if you're worried about him targeting the Institute I can assure you it would be his last mistake."

"Excuse me Lord Potter but doesn't the travel time involved for a trip to Italy make it unviable to go there for the weekend?" Harry understood that this was a valid question if you were a muggle.

Dobby appeared before Harry could even call him and took the gentleman's arm while holding his hand out to the frightened eleven year old girl sitting beside him, the girl looked to Harry for reassurance.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Natalie MacDonald my lord sir."

Harry was trying hard not to laugh at the awe struck little girl, "Natalie, Dobby is a house elf and a very good friend of mine. You can trust him totally and if you take his hand he'll show you some magic!"

She reluctantly took his hand and the three disappeared, much to the shock of Mrs MacDonald, "They'll return in a few moments, we're just giving a little demonstration of magical travel here."

Five minutes later they returned and while her father had to sit down Natalie was making the Creevey boys look lethargic, "oh mum you should see it, it's beautiful! I can't believe that's my new school and I'm going to learn how to be a witch."

Natalie had forgotten she was in a room full of people, most of whom were smiling at the diminutive girl. Aidan Greengrass deliberately caught Harry's eye and nodded, he got it now. It was an eye-opener for many to see something they took for granted being the cause of such wonder.

It was easy street after that with those aware of the magical world being sent timed portkeys while the newbie's would get elvin assistance.

The meeting eventually broke up and Harry pulled Remus aside, "there were no problems with the cup so tomorrow we go after the ring and the locket, we'll see you and Sirius about seven."

Soon only the four staying in Britain that night were left, "lets get some air then maybe a restaurant for dinner, after what I saw this morning Harry can pay!" Dan was joking but Harry would still be paying.

They walked out the back of the hotel to avoid anyone hanging about and unfortunately walked straight into the Weasleys.


Molly was not having a good day, not only was Ronald refusing to come back from his girlfriends he was adamant that he wouldn't go anywhere near Harry or Hermione thus removing her best option. She left Percy at home as Arthur and the twins would have to do.

Then they couldn't find the bloody place, a magical meting in muggle London – absurd!

The fact that they weren't invited and relying on bits of information Arthur had overheard didn't help their cause either. To add insult to injury after finding the place a werewolf wouldn't let them in, with Minerva and Sprout backing him up. Obviously Harry didn't know they were at the door and those three bastards had overstepped their authority, the poor boy would be distraught when he found out.

Finally she caught a break and they saw Harry leaving the building, the mudblood was unfortunately there but she would just have to take what she could get, "Harry Dear!" she shouted while rushing towards him with her arms open.

Her plans were in ruins before she even got started, Molly was met with a torrent of abuse and the red mist of her temper started to descend. She heard one comment about her being a bad mother and that was the final straw, Molly Weasley went for her wand but found herself lying bleeding on the car park tarmac before she could even utter a curse.

Hermione was ready for trouble but nothing could have prepared her for what actually happened, as Molly rushed forward intending to embrace Harry in a hug she was stopped dead in her tracks by a voice so full of hate and anger she barely recognised it as her mother's.

"You lay one finger on my boy and it will be the last thing you ever do, where's that bastard of a son who was going to drug my daughter? Did you sell him too? What kind of a mother are you bitch." A furious Emma watched as the little fat witch went for her wand and her training kicked in, muggle Emma Granger put a bullet in pureblood Molly Weasley before she even got a spell off.


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