The Breaking Point

The silence that followed the boom of Emma's gun seemed to drag on forever but silence and Weasleys can't exist in the same space for long.

Arthur was now on his knees beside his wife trying to stem the flow of blood from the hole in her shoulder without success, it was almost as if something was lodged in the wound.

"You skinny muggle bitch!" screamed Molly, "how dare you attack a pureblood you scum, get them boys!"

The twins were reaching for their wands but Dan was having his Clint Eastwood moment.

"Go on punks, Make my day! At this distance the bullet should go straight through you and still have enough power to take out your twin." Fred and George froze, both with identical expressions of terror on their faces, as one look at this madman was enough to tell anyone he wasn't joking.

The gun in Dan's hand was unwaveringly pointing straight between Fred's eyes. "You can't imagine how much I want to kill a red head and had you been the other bastard I wouldn't be talking but already shooting. I'm sure you were involved though and that's good enough for me, just reach for your wands if you feel lucky."

Harry was covering the situation as Hermione wandlessly cast muggle repelling charms, her parents bracelets meant they were immune, she had just finished when two people dressed as muggles apparated in and very slowly removed their auror badges for inspection.

Bob Jones and David Thomson were experienced aurors and had been allocated this duty because of their backgrounds; both had a muggle born parent.

"Can we be of assistance?" Bob asked before recognising the witch on the ground, "not you again! We already told you to move on three times today, looking for another house to destroy are we?"

A confused look from his fellow auror brought forth an explanation, "we thought she'd been attacked and her house destroyed but it turns out she totalled their home all by herself," he indicated Arthur "husband works at the ministry and must have pulled strings to get her out of St Mungo's psycho ward where she ended up."

Molly's temper knew no bounds, "that muggle bitch attacked a pureblood witch, now the law states that I get to decide her punishment." She may be laying there leaking blood but Molly Weasley was going to have her victory. "Dementors kiss unless her daughter willingly breaks her betrothal." It was too late for a match with Ginny but as long as the mudblood didn't get him she would be content.

The two aurors made no attempt to hide their disgust at the witch lying there with such a look of triumph on her face, Bob thought he was going to vomit on her, David turned to Emma, "I'm sorry ma'am but as unjust as that sounds it actually is the law, I'm afraid we'll have to arrest you. There will be a trial of sorts but they'll all be purebloods and the result is pretty predictable."

Molly was looking exceedingly smug with herself, well as smug as anyone lying in a car park bleeding from a gunshot wound in their shoulder can.

The boy-who-lived had been recognised immediately by both aurors who were looking at him for a way out of this situation, Harry duly obliged.

"Auror I know the law and you are correct, unfortunately you are not aware of all the facts. You see Mr and Mrs Granger are my legal guardians and under the protection of house Potter. The pureblood witch drew her wand in a muggle area and attempted to curse two children and two muggles, my legal guardian protected myself and her daughter, my betrothed from an unprovoked attack."

"Unprovoked!" screamed Molly, watching her revenge fall apart in front of her, "she had the nerve to call me a bad mother."

Hermione cleared her throat to get everyone's attention; "well your oldest two sons fled the country as soon as they were old enough and you've just sold your twelve-year-old daughter, I would say that more than qualifies you as a bad mother."

Both aurors couldn't believe their ears, especially when Harry continued.

"She swapped her daughter for Bellatrix Lestrange's house, actually sleeps in her bed."

David couldn't hide his anger, "I'd sleep in a tent before I'd set foot in that psycho bitch's house, she should have been kissed, Azkaban's too good for that maniac."

Bob spoke to Emma, "lady you did the right thing and protected your family, there's no telling what she would have done – and in a muggle area to."

David nodded his agreement, "Madam Bones asked us to keep an eye on your venue, she must have been anticipating trouble." He glanced down at the wounded witch, "we'll take this one back to St Mungo's and get her patched up, do you have anything to add?"

Harry decided Molly Weasley had made her last attempt to interfere with his life, "normally I wouldn't press charges as I think she should be in St Mungo's until she's no longer a danger to anyone, but her husband got her out once. Everyone heard her attempting to use pureblood law to end the betrothal of the last Scion of a Noble and Ancient House, I think it's only fair that I use those same laws to extract justice."

The shock that Molly Weasley was feeling had nothing to do with the blood she was loosing from her shoulder, she was facing years in Azkaban –at best! "You little ungrateful bastard, I've been like a mother to you and this is how you repay me."

The power that Harry had displayed when confronting Mathew Boot earlier was nothing compared to the output that was terrifying four Weasleys and even the aurors took a few steps so they were no longer between the red heads and this force of nature.

"If you had actually given Hermione that potion you were planning to I would have hunted down and executed every single Weasley. You would have been the last to go, knowing your entire family had been killed because of your greed. I will let the laws you put so much faith in decide your fate."

The two auror's were ecstatic, not only were they getting to arrest the right person but both felt a lot more confident knowing this young man was on their side.

"We'll take her away and I'm sure Madam Bones will be investigating how she got out of St Mungo's in the first place. I understand you can be contacted through Gringotts Lord Potter."

Harry nodded as he watched the two aurors gather up the Weasleys and portkey away. He noticed Emma start to shake as Hermione vanished the blood and pulled down her wards. Dobby again appeared just before Harry was going to call him and took the Grangers home, returning for Harry and Hermione.

By the time they got home Emma was really shaking and Dan was pouring her a brandy, Harry pulled her to him as she started to lose it. "I shot someone, oh my god I actually shot someone."

Harry held her tight as he spoke, "And I am glad you did mum, there's no telling who her targets were as she was beyond reason. Hermione was just about to throw up a shield and I was going to put her down, you saved her limb if not her life as I don't know if I could have controlled my power." He could see his words were beginning to make an impact, "with your shooting lately you could have picked which eye to put the bullet through but you protected your family using acceptable force and we couldn't be prouder of you, I would have you watching my back anytime."

Harry sat with Emma on the sofa and Hermione joined them, both hugging her as Dan sat on the floor at her feet handing his wife a glass of brandy.

Dan waited till Emma had calmed down before asking the question that had been eating away at him, "could that bitch really have got away with her plan to split you both up or have your mother's soul sucked out." Dan couldn't disguise the shivers of dread that ran through him at the consequences of either action.

It was a sombre Harry who answered, "The magical laws would have been on the Weasleys side as purebloods, any trial would have been a joke. The purebloods are terrified of the muggle threat and the idea of mum beating a pureblood witch – she would have been found guilty before having time to take her seat."

This caused more shaking from Emma so Harry and Hermione held her tighter and both kissed her on the cheek. Dan could feel through his bracelet the kids were really helping so he was content to sit on the floor at his wife's feet, ensuring she was surrounded by love as the reality of today's events hit home.

Harry continued, "that's why we want to use the tithe system, it offers muggles the same legal protection that you benefited from today. That and the fact that I think its poetic justice when we use their own pureblood laws against them.

Hermione was sitting with her head resting on her mother's shoulder, "dad I though you were brilliant today but I think mum needs to stop you watching any more Dirty Harry movies." Her face suddenly went bright red, "HARRY! They're not those type of movies."

This, combined with the brandy actually got a giggle out of Emma, as everyone else laughed out loud, their family would be ok.


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