Ministry Matters

After the bullet was removed Molly's wound was soon healed, a pain relief and blood replenishing potion later and she was being led into a holding cell. Unbeknown to the witch her husband was in the adjoining cell.

Arthur was under investigation for departmental irregularities that took place to get his wife released from St. Mungo's but that's not the reason he was currently occupying the eight by six feet cell. Receiving a bride price for your daughter was not illegal, swapping her for the deeds to a house was. The fact that the house belonged to the most hated woman in the magical world didn't exactly help Arthur's case.

This left the ministry with the problem of what to do with the remaining children, three were under seventeen and the adoption of the youngest was going to have to be looked at again. The two eldest were summoned from abroad to the ministry.


The thought of going out for dinner had been rejected for the convenience of another take-away; they had just finished when the doorbell rang. Dan moved to answer it but Harry insisted on going, finding Amelia Bones with her usual two aurors waiting for him.

They walked into the living room and Emma immediately feared the worse until Amelia spoke, "Mrs Granger please relax, you will face no charges for today's disturbance, my aurors gave glowing reports on the conduct of the four of you today."

They all felt better after that as Amelia got to the real reason she was there, "Lord Potter I don't know if you're aware of this but the procedure used for the adoption of Ginny was illegal, Arthur Weasley is currently enjoying the hospitality of a ministry cell for his part in it. I fully understand and even agree with the reasons behind what you did but the law must be the same for everyone. As Molly is also in a cell my only concern here is the wellbeing and welfare of the young witch, I need to know that she accepted this of her own free will, is well, happy and being cared for. In short I really need to speak to her and as soon as possible."

Harry managed to get the 'D' out before his little friend appeared in the room.

"Do you want Madam Pomfrey to come as well Harry?" Dobby asked.

"Let the two of them decide, tell Poppy she's most welcome if she wants to accompany Ginny," Harry knew Poppy would be with her new daughter.

When Dobby left Amelia spoke again, "I want you all to know that this is purely a precautionary measure, I know Poppy and think Ginny's a lucky girl to not only have escaped her fate but ended up with someone who will be a better role model than the two currently in our cells. This is just something that has to be done to complete the investigation."

It was a worried Poppy and Ginny that Dobby brought to the Grangers minutes later, "what's the problem Amelia?" the healer asked.

"There was an incident today when Molly Weasley drew her wand on Mrs Granger."

Amelia was interrupted by Ginny, "stupid bint!" she turned to Emma, "did you shoot her?" Emma's nod drew a smile from the girl

Amelia was watching the byplay with interest but needed answers, "the result of which was that she made an attempt to break Lord Potter's betrothal and will be away for a long time."

Ginny immediately looked to her friends and was comforted when it was Hermione who answered, "don't worry Gin, we know it's nothing to do with you."

Now came the question that Amelia hoped she could live with the answer to, "Ginny can you tell me about your adoption please, take your time and don't miss anything out."

Ginny thought for a moment then began to tell her tale, "I got off the express and was told I had been sold, I was confused when Harry took me to Gringotts but I was then given three different adoption offers. The Grangers, Professor McGonagall and Poppy all offered to adopt me but the choice was mine, I chose Poppy and no offence to the Grangers here but I'm sure I made the right choice and have never been happier. We live at the Potter Institute where mum works and I will be a student there next term"

This was way better than Amelia could have hoped for and she was delighted for both Ginny and Poppy but had to get the professional bit done first.

"It is illegal to sell a minor which is basically what happened and Arthur Weasley is also in a cell for his part in this. He's claiming deception and thought he was signing a betrothal document, but as he's a departmental head in the ministry that excuse won't wash. Only a moron would be stupid enough to sign something that important without reading it and Gringotts documents can't be forged or altered. I would also like to think that any court would very quickly reach the decision that you're far more secure where you are now so by my authority I'm going to declare those documents legal and binding."

Ginny and Poppy were hugging in relief and being congratulated by everyone in the house.


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