Family Matters

Ginny entered the room at the ministry and found herself swept of her feet by a strong pair of arms, the pony tail and earring were a dead giveaway, "BILL!"

After spinning her around a few times he held his sister at arms length to get a good look at her, the new clothes and hairstyle were beautiful but it was her smile that melted the hardened curse breaker's heart.

"How are you Gin? You're looking great." Smiled Bill.

"I'm feeling great Bill, Poppy's been so good to me," she said.

Bill noticed the former Hogwarts healer for the first time, "Madam Pomfrey I can never thank you enough for what you did for Ginny, please believe me when I say my brother Charlie and I were kept in the dark about a lot of things."

"Bill over the last few weeks it seems as if the whole magical world has turned upside down, adopting Ginny was not a hard decision and has been good for me as well."

"It's also very good of you to bring her here tonight so we could see her."

Ginny noticed Percy lying on the floor, "what the hell happened to Percy?"

"Percy the prat thought the decision to sell you was a good one, Charlie was absolutely livid."

"Charlie knocked out Percy?" Ginny asked.

"No, I did!" said Bill, "that's why Charlie was livid, I hit the prat before he got the chance."

A giggling Ginny asked, "Where is Charlie?"

"He took the twins to get their trunks, they at least had the sense to keep their mouths shut which is something they're going to have to learn. There are some in this family who seem to think the world owes them a living, the twins want to open a joke shop but expect just to be handed the sack of gold needed. Both are going to be working with Charlie for six months then with me for the other half of the year, they want a joke shop they'll bloody earn it and not sell a family member to get it."

"Are you taking them out of Hogwarts?" his former sister asked.

"They're just treading water there so I don't see why Charlie or I should use our hard earned gold so they can pass their time with Quidditch and pranks, and anyway all the best people have left." Bill's smiled to Poppy indicated that he definitely thought she was to be included in the 'best people' comment.

"Fred and George are going to be working with us, we'll let them bank any gold earned and when both come of age it will be their decision what they do with their lives. A couple of years work experience will stand them in better stead than a few pitiful owls from a declining Hogwarts."

"What about Ron?" Ginny asked, thinking their decision with the twins could be the best thing that ever happened to them, given the chance of some real life experiences with Bill or Charlie there so they don't get into too much trouble.

"Ron has asked for permission to become betrothed to his girlfriend, her family are going to take care of him and put both of them through Hogwarts. He seemed happy enough with the outcome when we got his owl earlier."

Ginny was totally puzzled, Ron was chasing Hermione so where the hell did this girlfriend come from, and "Who is the unlucky girl?"

"Millicent Bulstrode, do you know her?"

Ginny had her fist in her mouth, biting her knuckles and trying not to collapse with laughter, Poppy giggling beside her was definitely not helping, she could only manage to nod to Bill. She remembered Ron's only concern on hearing his sister was to be sold was that he wanted a bigger room and thought his punishment was so apt, he'd certainly need a bigger room if Millicent was going to be in it.

"What's she like, do you think they really love each other?"

"Oh Bill, I can't think of any couple who deserve each other more, I couldn't be happier for the ba… boy." Poppy pulled her daughter to her as Ginny buried her face in her adopted mother's chest.

Bill watched as Ginny's shoulders shook, he thought she was crying instead of almost pissing herself laughing, she couldn't wait to tell her friends.


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