Reflecting on Relationships

"Dobby anything you can do to brighten the place up would be great by me, also change any Slytherin paraphernalia to Gryffindor as even the bloody door handles are snakes. I don't know about accessing the Black account at Gringotts yet so do what you can."

Harry interrupted, "anything you need just take it out of the Potter account Dobby."

The ecstatic little elf popped away to continue working.

"What happened with your mother?" Remus asked his friend.

"It would seem when the locket was destroyed her painting reverted back to her last update before she started wearing that cursed thing, her memory stops just after Regulus was murdered and this self didn't know about Voldemort and Harry or me ending up in Azkaban. We had a lot of catching up to do but I see you made yourselves comfortable."

It was a happy Emma Granger who gushed, "Remus asked Dobby to have this room cleaned first and your library is fantastic though one of the books tried to bite me."

"Some of the books in here will be very dark, we'll have to dispose of them and didn't you know the library in Potter manor is about half again as big as this."

Both women immediately rounded on Harry as if he'd been holding out on them, "What? Hermione Jean you know I've never set foot in the place so how the hell would I know about the library." Hermione came over and gave him a kiss that curled his toes.

Only Dan's coughing finally split the pair but nothing could wipe the smile from Harry's face, "I take it we will be visiting Potter manor soon then?" he asked which earned him a similar kiss from Emma and finally convinced Remus to get off his arse and at least speak to Pomona.


Sirius was sitting at dinner in the Institute a few days later contemplating not only recent events but also the people around the table. Amelia Bones had stood unopposed as minister of magic and would be sworn in tomorrow, he had received notification his trial would be next Tuesday as it would be one of the first official responsibilities the new minister was pushing through. Harry, Hermione and Remus had all received notices to attend as witnesses and Sirius was in no way worried, use of pensive memories and Veritaserum would show his innocence.

Discovering the truth about his brother and being able to speak to his mother's pre-madness portrait had a profound effect on his life. Sirius had assumed that resuming being Harry's godfather and helping the teenager grow into an outstanding wizard was going to be his full time job for the next few years at least, the realisation that role had already been most ably filled by the wonderful witch he was about to marry had left the marauder without a purpose in life. His mother had convinced him that he had a lot to offer not only the wizarding world but also any witch he chose to marry; this led directly to his current occupation of studying the people around him.

Poppy Pomfrey he had known since his Hogwarts years, between Quidditch injuries and marauder scrapes he wouldn't be too far behind Harry in visiting their favourite healer. She was absolutely glowing as her new role of being a mother appeared to be everything she had hopped for, Ginny was a great kid who had been raised by bad parents and was now blossoming under Poppy's care and guidance.

Ginny was forming closer links with the four other teens and knew about the horcruxes being destroyed, her description of Ron's betrothed had them all in stitches of laughter. Both mother and daughter seemed to be benefiting greatly from their new relationship and Sirius was very happy for them.

His eyes drifted to the strangest 'relationship' he had ever seen, Augusta Longbottom and Xenophilius Lovegood. Their relationship was based purely on the care of their charges and both were delighted at the positive changes Luna and Neville were having on each other.

Remus had described the former Neville and Luna to Sirius but agreed wholeheartedly this in no way matched the young couple before them now, both their guardians had been heard muttering 'betrothal' and only the fact that the couple were doing so well had held them back as they didn't want to jinx anything. You only had to watch Neville and Luna for any length of time to see this was a serious relationship, they just completed each other.

His eyes skipped over Minerva and Filius, he didn't even know if there was a relationship there it was just the way the little professor followed his former head of house about that didn't seem natural and totally creeped him out.

When Sirius looked at the Grangers he was beginning to understand what his mother's portrait had been trying to tell him, if Sirius Black could swap places with anyone it would be Dan Granger. He had a beautiful wife and the couple appeared to be on a continual honeymoon they were so attentive to each other. They not only had careers but built up a business together as well as raise their daughter who had captured his godson's heart and soul. Dan's slip of calling them 'our kids' had escaped no ones attention and the way he had dealt with Kreacher had impressed the hell out of Sirius.

He was delighted Hermione had gotten the chance with Harry to meet his parents, Sirius knew there would have been instant friendship between James, Lily and the Grangers as they were the same type of people. They had accepted Remus as a werewolf; accepted Sirius Black was innocent yet at the first sign of a threat to their family both exploded into action to protect there loved ones.

The Grangers and Potters would have got along famously as their values and beliefs were very similar. It was with a smile he imagined Lily and Emma sitting chatting about their prospective grandchildren as James and Dan sat sipping malt whiskey and spoke about sports while secretly listening in to the more important conversation their better halves were having.

His heart filled with love when he watched the two most important people in the world to him sit joking with Ginny, if Neville and Luna completed each other then Harry and Hermione were each other. Sirius may have been letting the fact that he owed these two his life, freedom and sanity but he didn't think so, he never thought he would see two people more suited to each other than James and Lily Potter but he was wrong. These two were so compatible it was hard to tell where one person ended and the other began.

Sirius was just going to have to do a Moony, he needed to get up off his arse and go for it. He wondered how his friend was fairing on his first date with Pomona Sprout.

He was terrified of getting back into the dating scene and wished there was an easier way to meet a girl, little did he know that a conversation his godson had with the head of the Institute earlier today would change his life forever.


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