Remus and Pomona's Perfect Date

Ron Weasley was reading again the three letters that had ended his life; the first was from Bill granting permission for his betrothal to Millie, and the Bulstrodes had wasted no time as he was already wearing the ring. The second came from the twins explaining that the mudbloods parents had somehow put their mother in St Mungo's and that her father had found out what they were up to. The twins actually admitted to being scared shitless and the muggle had swore he was going to kill Ron. The third letter bore the seal of the ministry and ordered his presence at the trial of Sirius Black.

If Hermione's father didn't kill him he would have to endure being dragged around Diagon Alley on the arm of his betrothed since 'they were going to be in London anyway' as Millie put it, he wasn't sure what was worse. The thought of being out in public with Millie filled him with dread, this would be announcing to the world that he, Ronald Bilius Weasley was betrothed an barring a miracle would be marrying Millicent Bulstrode.

In the chaos of the last few days of term their relationship had passed unnoticed but that wouldn't last for long, the teasing that he had endured for being poor was nothing compared to what Millie suffered. The 'troll in a dress' comments were some of the less hurtful ones though having experience of both, and both in girls toilets Ron would definitely have to say that the troll smelled worse than his girlfriend.

The idea of returning there as the only Weasley, only Gryffindor in his year and Millie's betrothed was not a pleasant one but at least it was weeks away yet, the trial was in six days.

His temper started to flare at the thought of his lot compared to what the half-blood Potter got, but before he could work himself up to a proper funk a pair of hands covered his eyes from behind.

"Hello lover bet you were just thinking about me!"

Ron prayed to every deity he'd ever heard of that the voice and hands belonged to Millie, that was bad enough but her mother had been giving him funny looks and he would drown himself in his own bath water before letting anything happen there. Maybe Hermione's dad was his best option; at least it would be quick as his other best choice was to be married to Millie and a member of the Bulstrode family for the rest of his life.


Remus was driving the little MG sports car back to the Institute with a very lovely Pomona in the passenger seat, robes can make a witch look beautiful and elegant but he was sure you needed muggle clothes to make them appear sexy. The skirt and top his date wore were nothing special but combined with the witch inside they had almost taken his breath away. He had taken her dancing and they had a great night with all nerves disappearing after their first dance together, neither was under any illusions that the night was going to end in anything more than a kiss but both were hoping for more dates in the future.

Thanks to last year teaching and now his job working for Harry, Remus was well dressed and hadn't needed to look at a price list all night, safe in the knowledge he could afford anything his date wanted. Dan had recommended the Ferrari but that was a bit too ostentatious for his tastes, the little British made MG was understated elegance and exactly the impression he wanted to make.

Pomona had never been inside a car before today and as they made their way along the winding cliff top road with the radio playing she leaned into Remus and kissed his cheek. "I've had a wonderful time and hope we can do this again," she said and couldn't fail to notice the smile on her dates face.

Remus was unable to take his eyes of the road at the moment but quickly replied, "I was just trying to figure out the best way to ask you when you beat me to it, and I definitely want to see more of you Pemona."

Pomona's throaty laugh sent his blood racing, "let's just take it a bit at a time for now," she answered.

He was definitely up for that.


Dumbledore had been working really hard though it couldn't quite be called school business, he was researching every charm, spell or enchantment he could cast on the goblet that would bond an unbreakable magical contract with the names it would choose.

He realised that he had to find staff for Hogwarts but the master manipulator's plans were well formed; Septima Vector already agreed to take on the head of Hufflepuff role though steadfastly refused to become deputy and deal with all his paperwork. This left him still needing five professors so he planned on having Horace return as potions and Slytherin head.

Arthur Weasley could easily be convinced to give up that ridiculous job at the ministry to teach charms and Head Gryffindor house, the old wizard was chuckling with laughter with the thought that Molly could easily teach potions and head Slytherin but he would ask her to do transfiguration instead. That only left Herbology and their annual defence post vacancy to fill and if necessary he would get some outgoing students to return, he could pay them less as well.

He'd tried floo calling the Burrow a couple of times but as yet no reply, if he hadn't heard anything by the weekend he would just have to go over there. Albus certainly wouldn't be eating or drinking anything though, he knew the real Molly Weasley


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