A New Beginning for Sirius

The two marauders were making there way from the beach towards Potter Institute after their morning training, the prospective pupils and parents would be arriving this afternoon and they had decided to curtail working with the dummies for the visit so had a longer session this morning.

The kids were now flying and the Grangers just loved to watch so it was just the two of them climbing the stairs though if Moony didn't stop grinning like the cat that got the cream he may find himself flying without the aid of a broom. He'd been out on another date with Pomona last night and hadn't stopped smiling all morning leading Sirius to threaten throwing him off the cliff.

On reaching the Institute Remus changed their route to pass the terrace so he could give Pomona a morning kiss, Sirius was about to make a smart comment until he spotted the vision that was beside his best mate's girlfriend.

She looked late twenties / early thirties, shoulder length blond hair and was stunningly beautiful, had he been in his Padfoot form his tongue would have been hanging out with a puddle of drool forming on the ground below his chin. As it was he just stood there like a total prat, starring at the girl with his mouth open until an elbow from Remus made contact with his ribs.

He looked at Remus in panic, not having heard a word that had been spoken and it now looked as if he'd been asked a question that he had no clue how to answer.

Remus took pity on his friend but still couldn't resist having a pop at him, "sorry ladies but we had a very hard training session this morning and Sirius here isn't getting any younger, this is Amber, Pomona's niece and the Institute's new professor of astronomy and astrology."

"We were wondering if you could accompany her into Naples to see what the Italians have in the way of telescopes as we're all going to be busy getting ready for this afternoon."

Sirius thought he'd never heard a more apt name for someone as Amber currently had the sun at her back and an almost golden aurora surrounding her, when she started speaking he couldn't help but think even her voice was beautiful.

"If it's too much trouble then I could go next week with Pomona, I just thought it would be a good idea to have something to show the parents."

With his brain finally beginning to function Sirius at last began to speak, "it's no trouble at all to accompany a beautiful young lady shopping, and Remus you know I'll get you back for that age gag. Since I don't actually work here but am in my godson's custody until my trial on Tuesday I would be delighted to help you any way I can. Please excuse me while I take a much needed shower and change into something more suitable, I'll see you shortly."

He almost ran to his room and was showered, changed and heading out his room door when a wand appeared less than six inches from his nose.

Holding that wand was the pissed Pomona Sprout that had faced down Dumbledore and Sirius wondered if Remus knew what he was letting himself in for.

"I want a word with you Lord Black," the voice itself would have pinned him to the door but the wand made sure he stayed there, "Amber has just spent a couple of months trying to get over the arsehole who ditched her in favour of a witch, my niece is a squib and doesn't need another bloody wizard leading her on. If you hurt her there will be a big black dog that's going to be neutered, do we understand each other?"

Sirius was about to be flippant when he decided this woman needed to know the truth, "Pomona, Dan Granger and I are about the same age yet when I look at what he's done with his life I'm ashamed, granted I lost twelve years in Azkaban but even before that I wasn't going anywhere. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and what I really want out of life is to settle down with the right woman and start a family, you'll notice I said woman because witch, squib or muggle makes no difference as long as we love each other."

"I've only just met Amber and all I am looking for is a nice lunch with a beautiful woman who hopefully doesn't find me too much of a bore. I am not interested in casual relationships and would never hurt her, Moony and Harry would probably kill me before you got the chance."

Pomona put her wand away as she apologised, "I'm sorry Sirius but you did have quite the reputation with the ladies and Amber means a lot to me."

He just smiled, "that was the old me, the one who put revenge before my duty as a godparent, I'm trying to change and have some pretty good role models around me now. I promise you I will be a perfect gentleman around Amber, you have nothing to worry about."

She kissed his cheek, "thanks for understanding," and left him standing there thinking Moony had picked himself a keeper.


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