Sunset Reflection

Harry and Hermione walked arm in arm along their beach as the sun set over the Mediterranean, the melody of the waves was continually interrupted by the delightful sound of their daughter laughing as she played the strangest game of tag ever seen with Hedwig. The noises coming from the snowy owl's beak could be mistaken for chuckling as she flew around the little girl, both of their familiars adored Joan but Crookshanks didn't love anyone enough to come this close to the sea.

Jillian Green had remarked on how surprised, yet delighted she was with the obvious changes in Joan, before meeting them she was a shy, quiet child who'd somehow mustered up the courage to ask Harry to sign her prize possession. Now she was so demonstrative and outgoing, seemingly intent on grabbing life with both hands to make up for lost time.

Harry was sure he understood the reason for this as Joan, like himself, wasn't sure how long all her good fortune was going to last so was making the best of it before someone shouted 'times up' and she was forced to return to her old life. Harry felt the same way every morning he woke up with Hermione in his arms, he knew the request he was about to make would be a hopeless one but he felt he had to bring it up.

"Are you sure about this love, things have changed since we made our plans."

Hermione shut Harry up by kissing him fiercely, when they came up for air she gave him the answer he was expecting. "Some things will never change, we agreed to be together forever and that's the way it's going to be my Lord Potter. Side by side no matter what comes our way."

He just held onto this wonderful girl who'd been at his side and, despite the repeated dangers refusing to move since he was eleven, he didn't expect she would change now but as his eyes drifted to their daughter Harry had felt he needed to try.


Cedric was beginning to regret choosing the three broomsticks over Madam Puddlefoots as he couldn't get any time to be alone with Cho for students constantly interrupting, demanding details of the Potter Institute, he eventually relented and they found themselves surrounded by about twenty students.

"Ok I didn't want to say anything because you lot have to go back to Hogwarts but the Institute beats the castle in everyway imaginable. Accommodation, climate, professors and courses are all far superior to what Hogwarts provides, their library is building up to be one of the best in Europe and meanwhile I get use of their personal one at Potter Manor."

"But they don't have any Quidditch or even houses," moaned Ron

"There's a group that does intense training every morning and then some of them fly, this morning the three girls, Roger and I challenged them to a friendly pick-up game and got slaughtered. Ginny Pomfrey was Seeker, Harry, Hermione and Luna Lovegood were the Chasers with Neville Longbottom as keeper and they were awesome. Harry and Hermione are the best two fliers I've ever seen and I include Krum in that."

Ron was about to explode at the ludicrous comparison of Granger with his hero when he felt Millie's hand tighten on his arm as she spoke, "we saw the two of them in action at Sirius Black's trial, they saved minister Bones before stunning all those death eaters and finishing off with an auror for good measure. When Harry stuck that thing in the death eater's mouth to blow the back of his head off I'd never seen anything like it." Millie was almost whispering by the time she was finished and the pressure on Ron's arm told him they would be leaving soon, he just hoped they didn't get caught.

"What about the Tri-wizard Tournament? You're going to miss it," Marietta said.

"There's no way I would ever have entered that competition unless someone cast the same spells on me that Woods was under. 'Eternal Glory?' Can anyone here name me a previous winner?" the very loud silence answered his question, "When was the last time the Cannon's won the league?"

Ron's shout of "1892" as Millie dragged him out the door had everyone laughing.

"Now that's eternal glory," joked Cedric before becoming serious again, "a thousand galleons is a lot of money but you have to compare that against the impact being chosen would have on your NEWT's, the Tri-wiz will soon be forgotten but those scores are with you for the rest of your life and let's not forget to mention the 'extremely dangerous' part."

Marietta came back at him, "what about the honour of Hogwarts?"

Cedric just stared at her until she was blushing, "everyone knows you tried everything to get out of Hogwarts but the Institute wouldn't accept you, do I really have to answer the 'honour' bit? I actually hadn't realised just how bad things had become until I set foot in the Institute, the atmosphere there just lifts your spirits and makes you want to do your best."

He could see the confused looks so tried his best to explain by giving an example, "the Institute currently has all the kids from an orphanage staying there while the Potter's prepare a new building for them, yesterday I sat having lunch with two nine-year-old orphans who worship Harry and Hermione and not because of that boy-who-lived bullshit. It isn't even anything to do with the fact that their clothes, meals and even the roof over their heads were all provided by them. It was purely down to the fact that they had spent time with the kids and were even teaching them to fly a broom, I thought at first it was hope that these kids now had before realizing that it was even stronger than that. Harry and Hermione, just by being who they are quite literally install belief that things will get better and every single person in the Institute responds to that. It really is quite difficult to explain other than they are now the leaders Dumbledore only thinks he is."


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