Whispers of the Past

The mutterings from these revelations would continue for days as Cedric's words sank in, almost all seventh year students already agreed with him over the NEWT's issue and it really would be interesting to see who the Hogwarts champion would be.

Cedric finally broke away from the group and with Cho on his arm slipped up a side alley for some alone time, unfortunately for the young couple they choose the same alley that Mille had dragged Ron up earlier. Cedric had other things on his mind and was on top of the situation before realizing it, he moved in front of Cho to protect her but his ears were soon ringing from the pretty Ravenclaw's screams.


Wormtail had dogged the Weasley boy's steps all day but the large Slytherin seemed to be attached to him, when they had entered the alley he thought Christmas had come early only to turn the corner and find the large Slytherin was now actually attached to the boy. That sight would haunt Peter Pettigrew for the rest of his life, he hid while waiting on the couple finishing their business and almost offered thanks to Sirius for the fact he no longer slept in the boy's bedroom.

When the horrible noises had died down Peter swung round the corner and fired off two stunners, as both his targets fell to the ground the death eater found himself staring at Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang. He immediately fired a cutting curse, which hit the boy's chest and started his girlfriend screaming like a banshee, Peter panicked and fired off another three curses at the couple but they disappeared before his spells could even reach them. This seemed like the proverbial good idea to the not so bright death eater so he activated his portkey taking the unconscious couple with him as he headed back to his master.


Cho's screams had the whole Institute rushing to see what the commotion was; Cedric's injury had activated his portkey, which had brought both of them back to Italy.

Harry just stood and stared at Cedric as Poppy worked feverishly to prevent the boy bleeding to death, Cho had passed out and the staff were clearing everyone else away from the area. Hermione and Joan had their arms around Harry who couldn't believe this was happening, Cedric was out the tournament and supposed to be safe so what the bloody hell went wrong?

"I think he's going to be ok now but that portkey saved his life, even ten minutes later and I wouldn't have been able to help him," Poppy had managed to close the wound and administer blood replenishing potion to stabilise his condition. Cho was revived and found to be in shock so was given a mild sedative and placed in the bed next to Cedric's.

Harry felt he could breath again, seeing Cedric lying like that had caused a whole load of painful memories to surface but Hermione was helping through the bond and Joan just seemed to instinctively know her dad needed a hug. "When will we be able to ask one of them what happened?" Harry asked the healer.

Poppy considered the question for a moment before giving her answer, "it will probably be Cedric who wakes first, Miss Chang has had quite a scare and will have to be brought back to consciousness slowly, preferably with her boyfriend awake and well beforehand. If it's really urgent I could wake Cedric for a short while in about an hour?"

"Yes please Poppy," answered Harry "I have a really bad feeling about this and need to know quickly."


Ron was revived to find himself staring into the faces of Peter Pettigrew and Bellatrix Lestrange, a quick exclamation of "bloody hell!" and the red haired Gryffindor fainted back into unconsciousness.

"Oh heart of a lion this one, are you sure you got the right boy?" Bella taunted Peter "perhaps we should recommend using the girl, she at least is a Slytherin and has to have more pluck than him."

Peter could only shake his head as his complexion started to turn green, their master wouldn't be very pleased with this but perhaps he could keep the boy unconscious until it was time to perform the ceremony. The more he thought about it he realised the problem would be keeping him awake long enough to perform the ceremony.

Back at the castle Albus had Percy and Penelope run off their feet arranging tonight's ceremony while Horace was otherwise engaged, they didn't count their returning students and were unaware that Hogwarts was currently missing a member of Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw.


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