Ron regained consciousness to find himself in a graveyard and being held by a stone figure, his vision was suddenly full of an angry Peter Pettigrew's face.
"Listen to me very carefully boy and you might live to see the sunrise," Peter knew there was no way the red head would make it through the night, his master would want to kill someone as soon as he got his new body and as far as the death eater was concerned better the boy than him.
"We are going to hold a ritual here and you will watch it all, to complete the ritual I have to take some of your blood. If you do what you're told I'll make a small cut on your arm, you embarrass me by passing out and I'll gut you like a fish. Do you understand me?"
Ron could only nod as he'd lost the power of speech. The trembling red head watched Peter go and move the largest cauldron he'd ever seen onto a fire, the ugliest baby he'd ever seen was then placed into the water filled cauldron as Ron prayed it couldn't swim. He soon found his voice again though as the ground in front of him started churning up and a coffin emerged, the terrified Gryffindor could only look on in horror as Peter forced the lid open and removed a bone, which he then placed in the cauldron.
When the death eater pulled out the wicked knife Ron was struggling like mad to escape though with Bellatrix Lestrange standing next to him this was not perhaps the brightest thing to do. When Peter used the blade to slice off his own hand, which plopped into the cauldron, Ron totally lost it and began screaming blue murder.
Ron's body eventually reacted as he had to stop screaming to breath, by now a bleeding Peter was standing in front of him holding the blade he'd used to cut off his other hand. As the blade inched towards him Ron was again screaming his lungs out, as the blade cut into his flesh he pissed himself before passing out from either fear or lack of oxygen.
Bella watched as Wormtail dripped the boys blood into the cauldron hoping her master wouldn't inherit the boy's bravery, with the ritual complete there was a flash, lots of mist as the cauldron cracked in half. The pureblood couldn't believe the sight in front of her, now standing upright was the biggest red squirrel in the whole frigging world. When the creature started screeching at Wormtail in a voice so high she wondered if he'd lost his nuts, Bella was seriously freaked out.
She was so freaked out that she just caught a glimpse of the blow heading her way, Bella instinctively threw up her arm to protect her head but chose the wrong arm which left the witch missing teeth as she hit the deck, dead to the world.
Millie awoke in a graveyard and immediately looked for her betrothed, not finding him had the witch panicking and the bonds placed on her were no match for the large Slytherin in this condition. Discovering that her wand was gone she looked around for something that could be used as a weapon, settling on a fallen tree branch that she quickly snapped to a length that gave her a rudimentary club. The hiss behind her had Millie spinning with a speed that bellied her size, the club connected with the snake's head with a hit that would have had them on their feet at Yankee Stadium.
It might not have gained her a home run but one large snake bit the dust though Millie didn't hear the horcrux scream as those coming from her betrothed drowned it out. It was an extremely pissed Millicent Bulstrode who went looking for her betrothed, he belonged to her and anyone damaging her property was going to pay.
When Ron screamed again she knew that she was much closer, then Millie spied the red hair and made her way towards it. A commotion elsewhere had distracted the bitch who was guarding her Ronald and that was going to cost the witch dearly, Millie swung the club again but the bitch had started to move though the solid 'thunk' as it impacted with her jaw meant she wouldn't be moving again for a good while yet.
Using the club as a lever she soon had her wizard free and flung over her shoulder like a sack of spuds before noticing what the bitch had been watching, a six foot squirrel was using a wand to place the cruciatus curse on a man who was covered in blood and beginning to foam at the mouth. Millie had no idea what type of perversion they had found themselves in the middle of and no intention of hanging around to find out, she hefted her burden and headed in the opposite direction from the creature with the wand, which was thankfully downhill.
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