The eight had made their way inside the cemetery gate and were slowly moving upwards when Millicent, with Ron dangling over her shoulder crested the hill, heading straight towards them.
Hermione was just thinking this was too easy when Riddle the squirrel hopped into the picture, he was screaming curses at the pair in a voice that would immediately have gotten him a staring role alongside Chip & Dale. The grotesque sight of a snarling squirrel froze them as much as the fact it was talking and throwing curses at the running figures though it was Emma who reacted first. She knew it was extreme range for her pump action but every pellet that hit would sting like a bitch.
The creature squealed in pain as Emma pumped shot after shot in it's direction while Millie increased her pace now that help was at hand, the pureblood had only heard a sound like that once before and knew that Harry Potter had come to save his friend.
Harry and Hermione held hands before jointly casting Expelliarmus at the squirrel, which blew it twenty feet into the air, lodging it up a tree. Riddle's wand flew out his paw in their direction and Harry's seeker reflexes were once again evident as he plucked it out the air, the other team grabbed a now exhausted Millie and the ten portkeyed back to Italy, mission accomplished.
Albus had drawn out the tension as long as he dared and now approached the goblet for the first name while all eyes were on him and he was revelling from being in the spotlight once more, the parchment was spat out of the flames and glided into the old wizards hand.
He read the parchment before making the announcement, "the champion for Durmstrang is Victor Krum!"
Loud cheering rang through the great hall for the first time this term as Albus waited on the next name.
"The Beauxbatons champion is Fleur Delacour!" More cheers followed though everyone was now waiting on the Hogwarts champion.
When the next piece of parchment came out Albus was livid, how could the selfish bastards put their NEWT scores before HIS honour. Didn't they care this would reflect badly on him? He almost didn't want to read the name but with so many compulsions on the goblet he couldn't do a thing about it. "The Hogwarts champion is Barnabas Bole."
Dumbledore was sure there was laughter mixed in with cheering at the Slytherin beaters name, maybe he could change the rules and allow him to use a beaters bat instead of his wand, he would be a dammed sight better with it. Albus knew the next bit would stop the laughter though he would have to remember to look surprised, especially with that bitch Bones here.
You could have heard a pin drop as the fourth piece of parchment was spat out the goblet, when the headmaster announced "Harry Potter" the resulting noise was cut short by Amelia who was now on her feet.
"How is that possible?" she demanded, "the Institute didn't enter the competition and I know for a fact Lord Potter is in Italy and has been since the goblet was lit."
It took all Dumbledore's experience to keep the smirk off his face, "it doesn't matter minister, his name came out the goblet therefore he must compete or lose his magic."
Amelia glared at the ministry officials in charge of the tournament who just sat with their heads down, confirming her fears.
Smirking was the last thing on Dumbledore's mind as the goblet spat out another name, he didn't have to fake surprise or shock this time. He couldn't believe it as he read the name, how could that happen without him knowing?
"Lady Hermione Jean Potter."
Amelia was incensed, "just what are you trying to pull here Dumbledore?"
For once Albus could answer with total honesty, a very rare occurrence these days. "Madam minister I can assure you I didn't even know they were married." How was he supposed to get the arse to sacrifice himself, never mind his hands on the Potter fortune now?
Everything stopped as another name came out the goblet and Albus realized just how much he'd been played, the old even recognised the handwriting from monitoring the boy's mail. This would even satisfy the terms of the prophecy as it was clearly by his hand but with a horcrux in his head Potter was already dead.
"Tom Marvolo Riddle" brought the house down until the main doors crashing open once more introduced silence to the hall.
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