They arrived at the Institute to what Millicent would consider chaos, professor Sprout was snogging professor Lupin, Lord Black had a young woman all over him while Ginny and a young girl she didn't know were dashing about hugging and kissing everyone. Madam Pomfrey led her, still carrying Ronald into what was obviously their infirmary and Ginny came in behind them. Ron was still unconscious but Poppy wasn't worried and quickly healed the cut on his arm. A scourgify charm on Ron would have to do for now but she asked Ginny to take Millicent and let her have a shower, Millie followed the girl who would have been her future sister-in-law into their apartment as Ginny pointed to the bathroom while looking out some clothes she could transfigure to fit.
Millie was still carrying the club and left it leaning on the wall outside the shower room where Ginny noticed the blood on the end of it.
The water was running as Ginny asked, "just who did you hit with the stick?"
Millie answered, "I hit that bitch Lestrange right on the mouth, oh and the bloody biggest snake I've ever seen."
The last words were hardly out her mouth when the shower door slid back and an astonished Ginny was standing there, "did you say snake? Do you think you killed it?"
"Oh it was definitely dead, crushed it's skull," answered the unabashed girl who couldn't understand why Ginny was bobbing up and down with excitement, one red head in her life was definitely enough.
"I need to go and get Harry right away, this is just the best news."
"Em Ginny, would you mind if I finished my shower first?" the bright red colour that the girl turned cleared up any misunderstandings.
"Oh I'm so sorry Millicent, I just forgot everything when I heard you hit the snake. I'll make sure you get time to finish your shower but this is great news." She rushed away leaving Millie wondering just what was so special about the beast.
Millie came out the shower and put on the clothes Ginny had transfigured for her, she would have to ask where the girl did her shopping because these were better than anything she owned.
Ginny led her into a room that held the people who rescued her along with a couple of others, her eyes were immediately drawn to the beautiful little girl who seemed to have calmed down some but was clinging to Hermione.
It was a delighted Harry that spoke first, "Millicent, you have done us a great favour tonight and I could kiss you for it but after hearing what you did to Bellatrix Lestrange I'm terrified to attempt it."
The large Slytherin just laughed, "you're most welcome Lord Potter, I'm just so glad you showed up to rescue your friend."
The silence that followed that remark actually unnerved the girl until Harry tried to explain, "Millicent had Ron been there alone tonight I don't know if we would have left this building, the Weasley family had plans for me and Ron was part of it. He was going to use a love potion on my wife here, not because he has any feelings for her but just purely to take her away from me. I was supposed to marry another according to the manipulations of the Weasleys and Dumbledore."
Ginny actually had to help the girl to a seat before she fell down, "my family and the headmaster wanted me with Harry so they could control him and steal even more of his gold. When that plan didn't work they sold me but Harry and Hermione tricked them and I ended up being adopted and am now Ginny Heather Pomfrey."
Hermione walked over with Joan in her arms, "Millicent it was always Harry for me, never at any time did I consider Ron as anything more than a friend. We fought all the time and couldn't agree on anything, I know this must be a shock to you but considering this is the boy you want to spend the rest of your life with then it really is something you need to talk about with him."
Millie took a few deep breaths before speaking, her revulsion there for all to see. "Lord and Lady Potter please believe me when I say how much that I abhor those potions, I have had to put up with people saying that I made use of them to get Ron to be my betrothed. The only excuse I can offer is that he's not the sharpest tool in the box and easily led, he would have done whatever his mother told him to do without question. On behalf of both of us I would like to offer my sincerest apologies."
"You have nothing to apologise for Millicent, we owe you a great debt for tonight and anything we can do for you only requires a request."
"Lord Potter if I could find out where these clothes were bought that would be reward enough."
"The name is Harry and I think we can do better than that, we'll make arrangements for these four young ladies to take you shopping in Naples and I'll pick up the tab."
Millicent was about to protest that she didn't want to inconvenience anyone when Ginny and Luna pounced on Harry with hugs and kisses, the little girl also looked very excited but her words shocked the witch.
"Mum can I really come to?"
Hermione held her daughter tighter, "of course you can sweetie, and you were a very brave girl tonight." She caught the look of confusion on the Slytherin's face, "sorry Millicent, this lovely young lady is our daughter Joan."
Joan, having been introduced to the newcomer was now off and running, "oh I'm so happy you'll get to come shopping with us, aunt Ginny and aunt Luna just love it but you wouldn't believe the time they take to pick some underwear, the only thing that gets them out of that shop is the promise of pizza and coke." The accompanying laughter had the two girls blushing and aiming pretend scowls at the person revealing their secrets.
Millie couldn't help but smile at the delightful child who had managed to say all that in just one breath, "thank you Harry and I would be delighted to go shopping with Joan." The little girl's eyes lit up at the compliment and Millie knew she'd made a friend.
"Ok we'll get some dates sorted soon but could you tell us what happened today, don't miss anything out."
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