Millie didn't take Harry's words literally as she had no intention of explaining what she and Ron were doing up that alley but recounted every detail from when she woke up in the graveyard.
The broad smiles when she described the fate of the snake still confused her and the explanation that it was Voldemort's familiar felt like a half-truth. She was amazed by the dynamic of the group though, which consisted of the headmistress, professors, muggle parents, students and a child, with a couple of lords and a lady thrown in for good measure yet there was no posturing for position evident at all. The only brinkmanship on display was good-natured and seemed to switch targets haphazardly, the thought that her betrothed was part of this and threw it away chasing gold he had no right to ignited Millie's anger.
She would give anything to be part of a group like this, not for fame or finance but because friends were worth much more than those trinkets. Neither fame or finance had saved them tonight, these people who her betrothed had betrayed in the worst way possible still risked their lives to come to their rescue and that was worth way more than gold. The fact that Ron didn't understand that meant she was going to have to do some re-educating of her own, perhaps she would hold on to that stick for now.
Millie was sitting in clothes that made her feel more like a girl than at anytime in her life while the conversation around her jumped from subject to subject but always seemed laced with laughter, this must be what it's like to be normal she thought.
She now understood what Cedric was trying to tell them in the Three Broomsticks today, Millie hadn't been here three hours and already had been treated better than in her three years at Hogwarts.
Had Ron actually used that potion against someone she would be kicking his arse out of bed and telling the prat to get lost, even though she loved him dearly that would have been an unforgivable act in her eyes. Millie was about to have a long and serious conversation with Ronald that was going to determine their future together, she excused herself and headed off to the infirmary to confront the love of her life.
Bella came round in great pain with a large squirrel's face filling her vision, as the creature touched her cheek she screamed at the top of her lungs, "get your paws off me you frigging freak!"
The only thing that saved her life was that with her jaw broke and multiple teeth missing she could have been singing 'Rule Britannia' and not a word would have been understood. Between her gurgles and Voldemort's helium vocals they sounded more like a comedy duo than a dark lord and his evil sidekick, 'Riddle the squirrel and the one-armed toothless witch' had a catchy ring to it that should wow the punters on the cabaret circuit.
Bella's ear was beginning to be able to decipher the creatures ramblings, enough to understand that the group she'd met in the Black family home had turned up and 'luckily' defeated the bushy tailed rodent, she could see lumps all over it's body that looked as if multiple stinging hexes had hit.
She was in a lot of pain but couldn't help wondering how Bellatrix Black, the queen of pureblood supremacy, came to be lying spitting teeth in a bone yard with a couple of rodents for company. When she caught sight of Peter she had to change that assessment, Wormtail had met his death at the wand of a squirrel. Bella knew she was loosing it and needed to get away from this thing that was still spouting about purebloods kneeling before him, he had a frigging snout and tail for Merlin's sake.
She noticed he was using Peter's wand to try and repair her jaw meaning he'd been disarmed; she was surprised they hadn't finished the job and was sure next time there would be no escape. The creature laid it's paw on her arm and before her revulsion had a chance to register he aparated them both out of there.
Harry had Sirius in a one-arm hug, "the marauders rode again tonight with their greatest ever prank, Prongs and Regulus got some revenge when you gave Riddle that bushy tail. You have totally destroyed his credibility with the British purebloods forever and Peter died like the rat he was; if our plan has worked Voldemort will be losing his magic in the next few weeks to boot. I think a little visit to uncle Albus is in order tonight, they must have the search parties out by now."
"Do you think they'll have noticed that three students are missing?" Neville asked jokingly.
Harry wasn't joking with his answer, "they better have, Amelia's there tonight and she'll tear Albus a new one if he hasn't."
They decided to go mob handed with even Joan tagging along.
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