A gentleman may be killed but not humiliated

——A gentleman may be killed but not humiliated. This woman shows no remorse at all!

——Isn't she just relying on her good family background and not treating people as human beings! Let her accept the social backlash!

——Excuse me, am I the only one who finds it slightly erotic when she hooks her toe under her chin...

——Upstairs, I also... the princess's feet are so fair.

——Report, report, system, please punish her quickly!

Countless barrage comments swiftly floated from above Vexia's screen, with most of them condemning Vexia for insulting people too much and demanding punishment from the system.

There's a saying, 'A gentleman may be killed but not humiliated.'

But for Vexia, people like Adrian are just ants under her feet, and it's perfectly fine to insult before killing.

The system instantly received dozens of complaints, urging it to punish the new host.

This kind of thing is common, after all, as it has always existed as a system to reform evildoers.

Therefore, it quickly analyzed Vexia's current behavior. In less than five seconds, it reached a decision and rejected the viewers' requests for punishment.

"According to the system's judgment, the host does not constitute personal injury to the compensation subject.

The punishment suggestion is rejected.

Please watch the live broadcast rationally and exercise the right to complain cautiously, jointly maintaining the fairness and justice of the reform broadcast."

"According to the system's determination, the host does not constitute personal injury to the compensation subject, and the punishment suggestion is rejected.

Please watch the live broadcast rationally and exercise the right to complain cautiously, jointly maintaining the fairness and justice of the reform broadcast."

This passage not only scrolled in large red font on Vexia's screen, but was also read aloud by the system for Vexia to hear.

Even if she wasn't punished, she needed to know that people had complained about her behavior.

In the live broadcast chat, there was another round of intense insults, but this time, the firepower was directed at the system rather than Vexia.

After hearing what the system said, Vexia didn't care about the ill intentions of those from another world who were strangers to her.

Vexia just paused for a moment, waited for a while, and indeed did not receive any punishment. She slowly smiled.

She didn't retract her foot, but instead met Adrian's resentful gaze.

Although her face still bore traces of "remorseful" tears, she said with her mouth, "Captain Black, I really know I was wrong.

You are well-read and naturally have the bearing of a gentleman.

Don't argue with me, a mere girl. Can you forgive me?"

Adrian's eyes were quickly veiled by tears induced by pain, masking the hatred within.

He had no strength to argue with Vexia, simply turning his face away to avoid her toes.

He lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

At this moment, the maid Beth brought in trays of food and drink, a lavish spread filling the entire table.

However, not a single item was suitable for a patient or an injured person; all were hearty dishes of fish, meat, and strong liquor.

Vexia rubbed her nose with her finger, prompting a slight reaction from Beth, who stood by her side.

Having followed Vexia for many years, this gesture was a sign that she had some ulterior motive. Of course, such motives were usually not benevolent.

True to form, Vexia turned to Beth and said, "Why don't you help Captain Black up and serve him the food and drink? We mustn't keep him waiting. This feast is my way of apologizing to Captain Black."

Beth glanced at the maids behind her, and soon, one of them silently pulled the nearly unconscious Adrian up from the ground, causing him to cry out in pain as she tugged on his injuries.


Vexia seemed pleased with this, but quickly added, "Can't you be a bit more gentle in serving him?"

The maid helped Adrian to the table, where a spread of food was laid out. However, there was nowhere for Adrian to lie down; he could only grit his teeth and sit upright against the back of a chair.

His face was pale with a tinge of red, presenting a stark contrast to his usual demeanor of irritatingly lecturing others.

 Vexia scrutinized Adrian's remarkably handsome features with great care.

If there was anything about Adrian that Vexia found appealing, it was his face. Adrian's current plight was also a result of his appearance.

However, he never showed any favor towards Vexia.

 His usual icy and serious demeanor was quite unattractive, but seeing him struggle like this was rather intriguing to her.

"Eat up, don't be shy," Vexia said, then proceeded to pick up her chopsticks and eat slowly and deliberately.

After each bite, she would glance up at Adrian's pained face.

His complexion grew paler by the minute, and the aroma of the food on the table failed to mask the scent of blood emanating from him.

 Unfazed, Vexia continued to eat, seemingly oblivious to his discomfort.

In reality, she was bargaining with the system in her mind.

She couldn't understand how those from another world were judging her.

 However, the system informed the esteemed princess that she needed to exchange for some nonsense language conversion package, which required her to pay points.

Curious about her points balance, the princess asked the system. It promptly informed her, "Your points are negative."

With her points currently in the negative, if she needed to understand the languages of the viewers, she could only request the system to read them out.

The system couldn't possibly read out each insult, let alone translate internet slang. Besides, the barrage of comments scrolled too fast for that, so it bluntly said to Vexia, "They're all insults directed at you."

"Host, this won't do. You need to treat the victims well, personally.

Only then will he forgive you sincerely," the system advised.

"Does that mean if I treat him well, refrain from harming him physically, and not threaten his life, you won't use empathy punishment on me like before?" Vexia asked only this.

Although the system was just a system, it was the most advanced artificial intelligence.

It sensed that Vexia was up to something. However, theoretically speaking, Vexia wasn't wrong.

So the system said, "Yes."

Vexia smiled, a radiant smile this time, as if nurtured in a greenhouse, like the largest and most magnificent flower—a black peony.

She didn't ask anything further, simply placing down her chopsticks and rising to her feet, stepping barefoot across the exceedingly luxurious fox fur rug.

With a wine glass in one hand and a wine jug in the other, she approached Adrian, who had been enduring for so long that he was on the verge of passing out.

"Captain Black, these hands of mine have only ever poured wine for His Majesty in this lifetime," Vexia's voice was gentle and soothing.

"Today, not only am I pouring you wine personally, but I'm also feeding it to you myself.

 It's because I admire you so much, and yet you refuse to accept my affection. That's why I acted impulsively and did something foolish. Can you forgive me, please?"

As she spoke, she poured a full glass of wine, gently placing the wine jug on the table. With a face full of eagerness to please, she truly intended to feed Adrian herself.

But just as her wine glass was about to touch Adrian's lips, the barrage of comments on the screen continued, accusing her of being vile and unrepentant, forcing a severely injured person to drink alcohol and so forth.

As a result, Vexia cleverly stumbled with her foot, exclaiming, "Oh!" in surprise, and the next moment, she and the wine glass were tumbling towards Adrian.

A whole glass of wine emptied into Adrian's neckline, soaking his clothes. With all his wounds bleeding, his attire was nearly soaked through.

If it weren't for the fact that his brocade robe wasn't black, it would have surely turned red by now.

With the strong liquor pouring onto his wounds, even the toughest of men would scream like a slaughtered pig.

This was like pouring cold water into boiling oil,Adrian let out a strained "Ah—", this time not only his face but his eyes were flushed red, as if bloodshot.


However, his attempt to curl up was abruptly stopped by Vexia, who had pounced on him.

She anxiously patted him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, truly sorry. I've never fed anyone before, and now I've spilled all over Captain Black. Beth, quick, fetch some dry cloths!"

Beth's expression remained unchanged, but her eyes showed a hint of pity. Nevertheless, she promptly instructed a maid to fetch dry cloths.

Vexia then used the excuse of wiping Adrian's clothes and securing him to the chair to prevent him from collapsing due to exhaustion.

With pure white cloths, she bound Adrian to the chair.

The cloths were soaked in red, tainted with both alcohol and blood.

Under the pretext of apology, Vexia proceeded to feed Adrian three full glasses of wine, not a drop landing in his mouth.

However, each time she stumbled, it was from a different angle.

Even the system, bombarded with numerous complaints, couldn't detect her intention behind the falls—they appeared too natural.

All of these were tactics Vexia had observed from the palace since childhood, seeing concubines vie for favor.

She never expected to employ them herself one day.



Vexia laughed wildly in her mind.

Her father, the emperor, had said she could do whatever she pleased in this life.

Was there still someone who wanted to reform her?

The system confirmed that Vexia was indeed up to something, but she did it so naturally that although Adrian, bound to the chair, was suffering greatly, she had not violated any of the system's forbidden taboos, and the system had no way to punish her.

Vexia looked at Adrian, his expression distorted, bloodstains on his lips.

She set down her wine glass and lifted a cloth tied to him, wiping the blood from his lips.

"Captain Black, do you see how sincere I am? Have you forgiven me?" Adrian had no strength to curse.

His hands were bound by Vexia's excuses, and he had no chance to suddenly lash out.

Regardless of whether Vexia was a princess, he couldn't afford to provoke her, nor was he someone who would speak ill of a woman.

Vexia was right,he possessed a conservative gentleman's demeanor, so aside from glaring with bloodshot eyes and gritting his teeth at Vexia, he couldn't do anything.

Vexia leaned in closer to him, almost touching noses.

Seeing Adrian's restrained yet infuriated and fatally fragile appearance, she felt a bit more comfortable.

She reached out and gently stroked Adrian's face. "If Captain Black doesn't speak, this princess will take it as your consent."

The barrage of comments in the livestream scrolled rapidly.

Some passionately berated Vexia as inhumane, but mixed in were also expressions of awe at seeing such a daring reformer dancing on the edge of the system's punishment.

Whatever was being said on the screen, whether Vexia understood it or not, she didn't care anymore.

She had ingeniously found a flaw in the system and had plenty of ways to deal with it, and then she would find a way to rid herself of the demon in her mind.

Vexia watched as Adrian's eyes gradually closed, unable to endure any longer.

Her interest waned, and she spoke, "Beth, go see if Mia has summoned the physician back. Why is it taking so long?"

Beth didn't need to go out; she simply glanced towards the door and replied, "Miss, all the physicians from the infirmary are waiting outside."

"Escort them in to attend to Captain Black; he rests within my chamber," commanded Vexia.

Taking a pristine white silk handkerchief, Vexia meticulously wiped away the bloodstains from Adrian's fingers.

She methodically cleaned every finger, every fingertip, until they were spotless.

The handkerchief tinged with a faint red hue was then mercilessly discarded onto the floor.

"Miss, what about the gentleman lodged in the chamber?" Beth inquired softly, bowing.

Vexia rose with a yawn, "I lack the inclination tonight,have him conveyed back to The Majestic Muse."

Then, assisted by her maid, she entered the inner room.

Just as she was about to retire for the night, her voice drifted from the inner chamber, "Administer some potent medicine,make sure Captain Black doesn't die."

She hadn't tired of playing with him yet.

A victim?

She scoffed.

Vexia had planned it well,she left Adrian to be dealt with by the physicians while she went to sleep.

But the screens in the broadcasting chamber erupted again due to her earlier conversation with her maid...

—She's going to bed already? Unacceptable!

—She's just leaving the victim to others and then going to bed?

—Am I the only one who caught what her maid said about the gentleman? And he's being sent back to The Majestic Muse?

—Upstairs is making a fuss over nothing; obviously, he's a male prostitute.

—Goodness, in this world generated by ancient language, I've only seen brothels full of women, never men...

—+1, even a royal princess indulges in such activities, it's too... enjoyable!

—I demand to see the gentleman; let's follow her perspective. If she sleeps, the screen goes dark!


—+Driver's license!


So, just as Vexia finished her ablutions, being attended to by her maid as she lay in bed with only two candles flickering in the darkness, she suddenly jolted upright from her near-death slumber, howling as she leaped from the bed!

"Why do I suddenly have another bout of empathy punishment?"

Vexia cried out, barefoot upon the floor, devoid of any semblance of composure.