
Fortunately, the room inside her quarters was also covered with fox fur, so it wasn't cold at all.

Vexia was extremely agitated, shouting into the air in frustration, her hair disheveled, looking like a midnight ghost.

The night servant heard her voice and hurried in to inquire.

Vexia stood by her bed with a dark expression, her face twisted, the fine veins on her forehead pulsating with anger.

The system repeated in her mind — "Over a hundred complaints, host, you cannot rest now, you need to personally accompany the victim for treatment."

Vexia was on the verge of going mad. As the esteemed Princess of Aurania, she was being asked to accompany a lowly guard for treatment and couldn't rest! Absurd!

She was full of rage but didn't dare to pretend not to hear or empathize like before, it hurt too much.

So she had no choice but to say to the maid, "Bring me a cloak, I want to personally oversee Captain Black's treatment."

And she asked the system in her mind, "Why don't you just tell me all your ridiculous rules at once, instead of coming up with new ways to punish me at random!"

As the system began to read the rules to Vexia, her expression became increasingly grim, and when it reached the one hundred and thirtieth rule, she called a halt.

Unable to understand or remember, she decided that until the Great Witch Doctor of Nanguo arrived, she would do whatever this cursed thing wanted her to do to avoid suffering.

In the time it took to don a cloak, Vexia managed to compose herself, but as she walked towards the door, she said to Mia, "Has Tristan left? Whether he has or not, he can't sleep, let him amuse me."

"Princess, Beth has just sent him away."

Vexia's expression was very poor.

The audience who wanted to see what a live male prostitute looked like were also disappointed that they couldn't see it tonight.

The room where Adrian was placed was a place Vexia specially arranged for entertainment.

Since Vexia entered through the side door of the room, she arrived at Adrian's room after a few steps.

The smell of blood in the room was strong, and the doctors were all working hard around the bed.

When they saw Vexia enter, they all stopped and bowed to her.

Vexia waved her hand lightly and said, "Carry on with your work, be careful with my precious, this is my treasure."

Vexia emphasized the word "treasure", gritting her teeth.

The doctors looked at the half-dead, bloodied figure on the bed, speechless.

But the princess insisted, and there was nothing wrong with that.

After all, Adrian was now torn apart by a tiger, with hardly any good flesh left, perfectly matching the image of a black-hearted rogue.

However they felt inside, none of the doctors dared to show it, because Vexia was beloved by many relatives.

These relatives included the current emperor of the country, the future heir Nicholas, and two uncles, Prince Oliver and Prince Julian, who each ruled their own territory named Silken Dreamscape.

Vexia was their common treasure.

In the palace, when concubines fell ill or encountered any issues, the imperial physicians sometimes dared to be careless.

Even when facing the emperor, they might occasionally attribute it to a slight cold.

However, when it came to Vexia, the princess who was adored by everyone and spoiled to no end, they didn't dare to be negligent at all.

As a result, they were more careful and worked faster.

At this point, Adrian had completely exhausted his strength and consciousness, falling into a coma.

Vexia pinched her nose, disgusted by the blood, and didn't even approach.

She just sat down at a table not far away.

The men who had been playing together had left, leaving her bored and pondering the purpose of this entity in her mind.

Meanwhile, as the imperial physicians were quietly discussing what medicine to use to help Adrian recover and the chief physician was about to personally write the prescription, Vexia said, "Mia, go fetch the box of hundred-year-old ginseng my father sent me and stew it for Captain Black to replenish him properly."

At these words, the chief physician's hand trembled, and the half-written medical treatment plan was discarded.

Regardless of the fact that this hundred-year-old ginseng was a tribute from another country, given Adrian's current condition, using ginseng to stew soup wasn't nourishing, it was risking his life.

The physicians all remained silent.

They could see that the man lying on the bed wasn't the princess's treasure; he was probably her mortal enemy.

Putting him in a tiger's cage wasn't enough,they were now trying to kill him with tonics.

But no one dared to disobey Vexia's orders or question her decisions and motives aloud.

As the physicians continued to treat Adrian, it was like preparing burial clothes for the dead.

At first, some people in the live chat praised Vexia for using valuable herbs to treat the sick, which wasn't too bad.

But soon, those who understood medicine began to criticize her, and the comments turned into a torrent of curses, demanding the system to eliminate her.

Unfortunately, Vexia's actions, motivated by "good intentions," were beyond the scope of punishment by the system.

All complaints were rejected, and the live chat began to insult the system, calling it not artificial intelligence but artificial stupidity.

In the end, Adrian was indeed fed soup made from hundred-year-old ginseng.

The chief physician had lived in the princess's residence for many years and was familiar with her temper, like a stubborn donkey that wouldn't budge even when led.

However, while Vexia may have been willful, she had never intentionally killed anyone with her actions over the years, and she wasn't insane to that extent.

So, to avoid bearing responsibility for his life, the chief physician had no choice but to be ruthless in his prescription.

He made the ginseng soup excessively strong, and his prescription leaked out.

As a result, during Adrian's recovery, he experienced bouts of vomiting, nosebleeds, and persistent high fever.

In half a month, the gates of death rattled more than eight hundred times, but miraculously, he began to recover.

During this time, Vexia spent her days either listening to music in various buildings or cruising the lake with a boatload of handsome young men.

They sang and drank, indulging in all kinds of extravagant and stimulating activities, including subtly provocative but exciting intimate interactions and various drinking games.

In this half month, the audience in the live chat experienced the prosperity of the entertainment industry in the country of Aurania and felt the tyranny of imperial power, as well as the peace and prosperity of the nation, in an immersive manner.

At first, there were people in the live chat criticizing her for being heartless and unwilling to undergo reform, but soon the audience themselves were corrupted.

Now, the comments in the live chat every day were speculating on which young man the princess would choose as her "henchman" tonight.

Imagine, no matter how noble and dignified you are, you have to bow down to money and power, crawl under her skirt, and strive to please her wholeheartedly.

Who could resist that?

Everything the princess played with was real, nothing was fake.

What those male protagonists in novels could only do—rape, coerce, and manipulate—she could do as she pleased.

The audience, who initially despised her actions, now found it exhilarating to immerse themselves in them.

This renowned double standard emerged.

When in such a position, able to do as one pleases, who wouldn't want to be reckless and arrogant?

So every day, only the system, this artificial idiot, diligently reminded the host that if Adrian didn't sincerely forgive her within six months, she would be eliminated.

The person Vexia sent to invite the Great Witch Doctor of Nanguo had already sent word back, and the witch doctor had agreed to her request and was preparing to set off for Aurania.

Therefore, she paid no attention to the system's warnings.

In these days, the princess had not been punished, her old wounds healed, and she forgot the pain already.

 So, on this evening, Vexia tossed Adrian out of her mind, and even used the super nutrient solution she received from the live broadcast donations from her recent spree to exchange for language translation points. Now, she could understand the live chat screen.

Just as she was bantering with the "people from another world" in the barrage, the happy princess unfortunately encountered punishment from the system again.

Although this time the punishment of empathy wasn't as painful as before, it was still unbearable for her.

She had to follow the system's instructions and reconcile with Adrian.

It was nearing midnight when Vexia returned in high spirits, having just enjoyed herself.

After drinking some wine, she staggered into Adrian's room.

Adrian, being young and having trained in martial arts since childhood, had a good physical foundation.

Moreover, when he was thrown into the tiger's cage, the tiger had just eaten half a pig and wasn't hungry, so it didn't attack him with full force, not even breaking his bones.

Therefore, after more than ten days, he was already able to walk with a cane.

As soon as Vexia entered the room, she happened to see Adrian walking with his cane.

The two locked eyes, and Vexia smiled. However, Adrian's usually handsome and dignified face froze completely.

"Oh, you're better now. It seems my dozen or so pieces of hundred-year-old ginseng weren't wasted," Vexia said.

Vexia had already had her hairpin removed by a maid.

At this moment, her long hair was half undone, and her outer robe was also removed. She walked lightly, circling around Adrian's stiff face and calmly sat down at a table not far from him.

"When are you letting me go?" Adrian asked disrespectfully.

His voice was very pleasant, like the clear flow of a mountain stream. If it wasn't so pleasant, Vexia might not have listened to his lectures countless times without punishing him, nor would she have developed different thoughts about him.

Unfortunately, he didn't know how to appreciate it, didn't understand the mood, and instead annoyed her, leading to his own misfortune.

Vexia was slightly tipsy.

Listening to Adrian's voice, she closed her eyes and couldn't help but think, if Adrian were to sing to her and find someone to serve her comfortably, it would be so captivating.

So she looked at Adrian and smiled, her smile slightly out of tune, full of seduction.

Leaning on her arms on the table, she stared at Adrian's stern face and slowly spoke, "Captain Black, where do you think I'll let you go? Do you want to leave the princess's residence?"

Adrian naturally didn't dare. He had been sent here by the emperor.

He wasn't stupid. His family situation was very complicated, and his father still hadn't cleared his name.

The emperor's suspicion could kill a man invisibly. Just exiling his father to a remote area and painting him as a prisoner was already a great favor from the emperor.

Given the emperor's level of favoritism towards the princess, his experiences in the princess's residence must have been known to the emperor the first time, and no one had asked about it until now...

Even if he really died in the princess's residence, the emperor probably wouldn't bat an eyelid.

Since ancient times, emperors have been heartless. This phrase isn't just applicable to concubines but also to courtiers and commoners, isn't it?

Here's the translation in a style reminiscent of 19th-century English:

Adrian closed his eyes and let out a sigh, thinking of his family. He suppressed the fullness of his discontent and melancholy, lowering himself to say, "I merely wish to return to my own abode, Your Highness."

Upon hearing this, Vexia raised an eyebrow. Was he no longer addressing her as "my princess"?

She rose from her seat and approached Adrian, tilting her head as she looked at him. "But how can that be? If you return to your own quarters, who will attend to you? How can I rest assured?"

With delicate fingertips, Vexia caressed Adrian's garment. "I still prefer when you address me as 'my princess.' I don't blame you for your lack of reverence, and you shouldn't blame me for my momentary lapse in judgment, should you?"

Adrian furrowed his brow rapidly, his expression almost crumbling under the weight of his disdain for Vexia. He discreetly stepped back, avoiding Vexia's touch.

Vexia was keenly attuned to people's thoughts, and she could see through Adrian's aversion at a glance. If before Adrian merely ignored her advances, now he genuinely despised her.

She tilted her head back, her cheeks flushed with alcohol. In this moment, as she looked at Adrian, there was a hint of infatuation in her gaze.

But that was merely a facade. Her thoughts were far from such matters.

She could easily command Adrian to forgive her with words, but the system demanded genuine repentance and kindness from her, and genuine forgiveness from Adrian.

Genuine... ah.

Vexia chuckled. There wasn't so much genuine sentiment in the world. That was something she couldn't provide, but insincere flattery she was very adept at.

Anyway, the great witch priest would arrive in Aurania in about a month. In this prosperous country where she resided, she could feign sincerity for a while, as per the system's instructions, and it wouldn't be difficult.

As for whether Adrian detested her more or hated her more, what did it matter to her?

As long as she followed the system's instructions and avoided punishment, that was enough.

So she suddenly reached out and grabbed Adrian's garment, pulling him to the table and pressing him into a seat.

Adrian was covered in wounds, with no resistance at the moment and dare not resist, lest his freshly healed wounds tear open again.

His face was full of astonishment as he sat at the table, but before he could recover, Vexia pressed against the table, pouting her lips at him.

"My beloved Adrian, you know my impulsiveness before was all because I care for you too much."

"Come, give me a kiss, and we'll make amends. How about it?"

She knew Adrian dreaded this the most because besides being an unbending gentleman, he also had a childhood sweetheart. That's why he refused to yield to her.

Not yielding was for the best. If they didn't need her "genuine feelings" as compensation, she wouldn't bother with him.

Those watching the livestream had already built up immunity to Vexia's various dazzling antics over the past few days.

Now, seeing her frivolous behavior towards Adrian, there were hardly any complaints as before.

They watched as Adrian turned his head away with disgust, and the barrage was filled with "tsk tsk tsk," along with a sudden change in tone.

"Where's my banner of justice? Justice may be delayed, but it arrives eventually!"

"Adrian is so handsome, much better looking than those noblemen. No wonder the princess couldn't have him and had to destroy him."

"Ah, I must be going mad. I need to pinch myself. Haven't you noticed? The princess never kisses anyone!"

The people in the livestream were going mad.

The system was also going mad, prompting, "Host, the victim's resentment level has reached five stars. Please cease your actions ."

Vexia looked at Adrian's turned head, her breath and the scent of alcohol wafting onto his profile.

She blinked, listening to the system's instructions in her mind, and agreed absentmindedly, but her words went against it.

"Not willing to let me kiss you?" Vexia smirked. "My father told me when I was twelve that in this life, I could have whatever I wanted, and he would make it happen for me."

The veins on Adrian's neck bulged, his face as red as his neck, not from embarrassment, but from humiliation and anger.

Vexia continued to speak softly, even brushing away the strands of hair that had fallen onto his temple.

"What are you thinking? To kill me? You certainly wouldn't dare."

Vexia sneered contemptuously, "Unless you don't want your family to live.

Are you thinking about your demure and graceful Miss Selene?"

Adrian swallowed hard, but didn't say a word, though his eyes were as red as his neck now.

Vexia leaned close to his ear and gave her command, "Kiss me. Otherwise, believe it or not, I won't need to lift a finger. Just a few words from me, and your beloved sweetheart... um."

Adrian suddenly threw away his cane, grabbed Vexia's head, and covered her lips... with his own.

The system crashed.